MPlayerCapabilitiesObserver Class Reference

class MPlayerCapabilitiesObserver

This class is used to define the capabilities of the current application, and the implementation will generate AVRCP responses to the controller. For the event part of the API, it is recommended to add all events which make sense for the media player. In general, this will be everything except ESystemStatusChanged. The company ID part of the API is only needed if the media player needs to support vendor extensions other than bluetooth SIG. The bluetooth SIG company ID is always included in responses to a COMPANY_ID request.

Member Functions Documentation


IMPORT_C TIntAddCompanyId(TIntaID)

Add a company id to the supported list of company ids. The AVRCP 1.3 specification mandates that the Bluetooth SIG vendor id must be supported; KErrAlreadyExists will be returned if AddCompanyId() is called with this company id. KErrNone if this completes successfully, KErrAlreadyExists if aID is already present, KErrOverflow if the maximum number of company ids are already listed, or any other system wide error code.


TInt aIDthe id to add


IMPORT_C TIntAddEvent(TRegisterNotificationEventaEvent)

Add a notification event to the supported list of events The AVRCP 1.3 specification mandates that PlaybackStatusChanged and TrackChanged events must be supported; KErrAlreadyExists will be returned if AddEvent() is called with either of these events. KErrAlreadyExists if the event is already present. KErrNotSupported if the event isn't supported by the implementation, e.g.. ESystemStatusChanged


TRegisterNotificationEvent aEventthe event to add


IMPORT_C voidClearCompanyIds()

Remove all additional company IDs from the supported list


IMPORT_C voidClearEvents()

Remove all notification events from the supported list


TInt DoAddCompanyId(TIntaID)[private, pure virtual]


TInt aID


TInt DoAddEvent(TRegisterNotificationEventaEvent)[private, pure virtual]


TRegisterNotificationEvent aEvent


voidDoClearCompanyIds()[private, pure virtual]


voidDoClearEvents()[private, pure virtual]


TInt DoRemoveCompanyID(TIntaID)[private, pure virtual]


TInt aID


TInt DoRemoveEvent(TRegisterNotificationEventaEvent)[private, pure virtual]


TRegisterNotificationEvent aEvent


IMPORT_C TIntRemoveCompanyID(TIntaID)

Remove a company id from the list of supported vendor extensions. The Bluetooth SIG id can't be removed, as this must always be supported KErrNone if this completes successfully, KErrNotFound if aID was not in the list, or any other system wide error code.


TInt aIDthe id to remove


IMPORT_C TIntRemoveEvent(TRegisterNotificationEventaEvent)

Remove a notification event from the supported list of events The AVRCP 1.3 specification mandates that PlaybackStatusChanged and TrackChanged events must be supported; KErrNotSupported will be returned if RemoveEvent() is called with either of these events. KErrNone if this completes successfully, KErrNotFound if aID was not in the list, or any other system wide error code.


TRegisterNotificationEvent aEventthe event to remove

Member Data Documentation

const TInt KMaxCompanyID

const TIntKMaxCompanyID[static]

const TInt KMaxNrOfCompanyIDs

const TIntKMaxNrOfCompanyIDs[static]