CObexHeaderList Class Reference

class CObexHeaderList : public CBase

Encapsulates and owns a list of CObexHeader objects. Public users of this class can add CObexHeader objects

Inherits from

Constructor & Destructor Documentation



Constructor function used in 2 phase construction in NewLC()



Destructor which frees all allocated memory with the list.

Destructor which frees all allocated memory with the list

Member Functions Documentation

AddHeader(const CObexHeader *)

IMPORT_C TIntAddHeader(const CObexHeader *aHeader)

Add a CObexHeader object to the list. The CObexHeader object added should have its attribute, header ID and header value set before it is added to the list. CObexHeaderlist will not change these values of its contained CObexHeader objects KErrNone, if the operation is successful, otherwise one of the system wide error codes

Add a CObexHeader object to the list. The CObexHeader object added should have its attribute, header ID and header value set before it is added to the list. CObexHeaderlist will not change these values of its contained CObexHeader objects KErrNone, if the operation is successful, otherwise one of the system wide error codes


const CObexHeader * aHeaderis a pointer to a constant CObexHeader object

AddHeadersToBaseObjectL(CObexBaseObject &)

IMPORT_C voidAddHeadersToBaseObjectL(CObexBaseObject &aObexBaseObj)[protected]

Add all the CObexHeader objects contained in a list to a CObexBaseObject.


Error System wide error code

Add all the CObexHeader objects contained in a list to a CObexBaseObject


it may leave with one of the system wide error code


CObexBaseObject & aObexBaseObjis a reference to a CObexBaseObject



Leaving constructor function used in 2 phase construction in NewLC()


IMPORT_C TIntCount()const [protected]

Return the number of CObexHeader object pointers contained in the list.

The number of CObexHeader object pointers in the list

Return the number of CObexHeader object pointers contained in the list

return the number of CObexHeader object pointers in the list

ExportToAttachmentL(CMsvAttachment &)

IMPORT_C voidExportToAttachmentL(CMsvAttachment &aAttachment)const

Exports the Obex header list to the attachment. The header list is then stored with the attachment. leave

System-wide error codes.


CMsvAttachment & aAttachmentThe attachment to store the header list for.

ExternalizeL(RWriteStream &)

IMPORT_C voidExternalizeL(RWriteStream &aWriteStream)const

Externalise the contents of the CObexHeaderList class to a stream in CMsvStore


it may leave with one of the system wide error code


RWriteStream & aWriteStreamis a reference to a RMsvWriteStream

ImportFromAttachmentL(CMsvAttachment &)

IMPORT_C voidImportFromAttachmentL(CMsvAttachment &aAttachment)

Imports the Obex header list from the attachment. The header list is retrieved and stored in this object. Any existing header data is over-written with the headers from the attachment. If the headers have not been set, this obex list will still be over written and result in zero headers. leave

System-wide error codes.


CMsvAttachment & aAttachmentThe attachment to retieve the header list from.

InternalizeL(RReadStream &)

IMPORT_C voidInternalizeL(RReadStream &aReadStream)

Internalise the contents of the CObexHeaderList class from a stream in CMsvStore


it may leave with one of the system wide error code


RReadStream & aReadStreamis a reference to a RMsvReadStream


IMPORT_C CObexHeaderList *NewL()[static]

Factory function to return a new CObexHeaderList. New CObexHeaderList object

Factory function to return a CObexHeaderList*


IMPORT_C CObexHeaderList *NewLC()[static]

Factory function to return a new CObexHeaderList and leave it on the cleanup stack. New CObexHeaderList object

Factory function to return a CObexHeaderList* and leave it on the CleanupStack


IMPORT_C CObexHeader *&ObexHeaderL(TIntaPos)[protected]

Get a non constant reference to the CObexHeader object pointer at position aPos into the list.


KErrArgument aPos is out of range


KErrNotFound The list is empty

A non constant reference to the CObexHeader object pointer

Get a non constant reference to the CObexHeader object pointer at position aPos into the list.


leave if aPos is out of range(KErrArgument) or the list is empty (KErrNotFound)

return a non constant reference to the CObexHeader object pointer


TInt aPosis a list index specifying the CObexHeader object pointer to be returned

Member Data Documentation

RPointerArray< CObexHeader > * iObexHeaders

RPointerArray< CObexHeader > *iObexHeaders[private]