CCSSyncDocument Class Reference

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

virtual ~CCSSyncDocument ()
void UpdateTime ()
const TTime & Time () const
CEikAppUi * CreateAppUiL ()

Static Public Member Functions

static CCSSyncDocumentNewL (CEikApplication &aApp)
static CCSSyncDocumentNewLC (CEikApplication &aApp)

Detailed Description

CCSSyncDocument An instance of class CCSSyncDocument is the Document part of the AVKON application framework for the CSSync example application

Definition at line 34 of file cssyncdocument.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

CCSSyncDocument::~CCSSyncDocument (  )  [virtual]

~CCSSyncDocument. Destructor. Destroys the object and release all memory objects.

Definition at line 74 of file cssyncdocument.cpp.

Member Function Documentation

CCSSyncDocument * CCSSyncDocument::NewL ( CEikApplication &  aApp  )  [static]

NewL. Two-phased constructor. Constructs a CCSSyncDocument for the AVKON application aApp using two phase construction, and returns a pointer to the created object.

aApp Application creating this document.
A pointer to the created instance of CCSSyncDocument.

Definition at line 28 of file cssyncdocument.cpp.

CCSSyncDocument * CCSSyncDocument::NewLC ( CEikApplication &  aApp  )  [static]

NewLC. Two-phased constructor. Constructs a CCSSyncDocument for the AVKON application aApp using two phase construction, and returns a pointer to the created object.

aApp Application creating this document.
A pointer to the created instance of CCSSyncDocument.

Definition at line 40 of file cssyncdocument.cpp.

</td >< td > The enumerated code for the option selected</td ></tr ></table ></dl >< p > Definition at line< a class="el"href="cssyncappui_8cpp-source.html#l00084"></a > of file< a class="el"href="cssyncappui_8cpp-source.html"> cssyncappui cpp</a >< p > References< a class="el"href="cssyncappui_8h-source.html#l00088">< aclass="el"href="cssyncappui_8cpp-source.html#l00074"> and< a class="el"href="cssyncdocument_8cpp-source.html#l00095"> CCSSyncDocument::UpdateTime (  ) 

UpdateTime. Asks the time server to update this documents locally stored time.

Definition at line 95 of file cssyncdocument.cpp.

const TTime & CCSSyncDocument::Time (  )  const

Time. Returns the currently stored time.

The time.

Definition at line 105 of file cssyncdocument.cpp.

CEikAppUi * CCSSyncDocument::CreateAppUiL (  ) 

From CAknDocument, CreateAppUiL. Creates a CCSSyncAppUi object and returns a pointer to it.

A pointer to the created instance of the AppUi created.

Definition at line 84 of file cssyncdocument.cpp.

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