CHelloWorldBasicDocument Class Reference

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

virtual ~CHelloWorldBasicDocument ()
CEikAppUi * CreateAppUiL ()
virtual ~CHelloWorldBasicDocument ()
CEikAppUi * CreateAppUiL ()

Static Public Member Functions

static CHelloWorldBasicDocumentNewL (CEikApplication &aApp)
static CHelloWorldBasicDocumentNewLC (CEikApplication &aApp)
static CHelloWorldBasicDocumentNewL (CEikApplication &aApp)
static CHelloWorldBasicDocumentNewLC (CEikApplication &aApp)

Detailed Description

CHelloWorldBasicDocument application class. An instance of class CHelloWorldBasicDocument is the Document part of the AVKON application framework for the HelloWorldBasic example application.

Definition at line 34 of file helloworldbasicdocument.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

CHelloWorldBasicDocument::~CHelloWorldBasicDocument (  )  [virtual]

~CHelloWorldBasicDocument Virtual Destructor.

Definition at line 77 of file helloworldbasicdocument.cpp.

virtual CHelloWorldBasicDocument::~CHelloWorldBasicDocument (  )  [virtual]

~CHelloWorldBasicDocument Virtual Destructor.

Member Function Documentation

CHelloWorldBasicDocument * CHelloWorldBasicDocument::NewL ( CEikApplication &  aApp  )  [static]

NewL. Two-phased constructor. Construct a CHelloWorldBasicDocument for the AVKON application aApp using two phase construction, and return a pointer to the created object.

aApp Application creating this document.
A pointer to the created instance of CHelloWorldBasicDocument.

Definition at line 27 of file helloworldbasicdocument.cpp.

CHelloWorldBasicDocument * CHelloWorldBasicDocument::NewLC ( CEikApplication &  aApp  )  [static]

NewLC. Two-phased constructor. Construct a CHelloWorldBasicDocument for the AVKON application aApp using two phase construction, and return a pointer to the created object.

aApp Application creating this document.
A pointer to the created instance of CHelloWorldBasicDocument.

Definition at line 40 of file helloworldbasicdocument.cpp.

CEikAppUi * CHelloWorldBasicDocument::CreateAppUiL (  ) 

CreateAppUiL From CEikDocument, CreateAppUiL. Create a CHelloWorldBasicAppUi object and return a pointer to it. The object returned is owned by the Uikon framework.

Pointer to created instance of AppUi.

Definition at line 87 of file helloworldbasicdocument.cpp.

static CHelloWorldBasicDocument* CHelloWorldBasicDocument::NewL ( CEikApplication &  aApp  )  [static]

NewL. Two-phased constructor. Construct a CHelloWorldBasicDocument for the AVKON application aApp using two phase construction, and return a pointer to the created object.

aApp Application creating this document.
A pointer to the created instance of CHelloWorldBasicDocument.
static CHelloWorldBasicDocument* CHelloWorldBasicDocument::NewLC ( CEikApplication &  aApp  )  [static]

NewLC. Two-phased constructor. Construct a CHelloWorldBasicDocument for the AVKON application aApp using two phase construction, and return a pointer to the created object.

aApp Application creating this document.
A pointer to the created instance of CHelloWorldBasicDocument.
CEikAppUi* CHelloWorldBasicDocument::CreateAppUiL (  ) 

CreateAppUiL From CEikDocument, CreateAppUiL. Create a CHelloWorldBasicAppUi object and return a pointer to it. The object returned is owned by the Uikon framework.

Pointer to created instance of AppUi.

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