CTimerEntry Class Reference

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 ~CTimerEntry ()
TBool AddToQueueL (TInt aInterval)
void ArbitratorL ()
TBool RemoveFromQueue ()
void RunL ()
void DoCancel ()
void IssueRequest ()
void PrintQue ()

Static Public Member Functions

static CTimerEntryNewL (CConsoleBase *aConsole)

Detailed Description

This class has a delta queue of objects of the TTimerEntry class.

It triggers timer events at random intervals. At each such event, either the tick count is added to the queue or an element is removed from the queue based on the number of elements present in the queue.

The tick count is taken as the delta value of the queue and this value is adjusted each time an object of the TTimerEntry class is added to the queue.

It also has methods to:

Definition at line 64 of file timerentry.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

CTimerEntry::~CTimerEntry (  ) 

Destructor. The TTimerEntry objects were allocated memory at runtime. Iterate over the list to delete them.

Definition at line 245 of file timerentry.cpp.

Member Function Documentation

CTimerEntry * CTimerEntry::NewL ( CConsoleBase *  aConsole  )  [static]

Creates an object of the CTimerEntry class.

aConsole The user console.

Definition at line 29 of file timerentry.cpp.

TBool CTimerEntry::AddToQueueL ( TInt  aTicks  ) 

Adds a tick count to the delta queue.

aTicks The tick count.
EFalse if the queue is full, else EFalse.

Definition at line 151 of file timerentry.cpp.

void CTimerEntry::ArbitratorL (  ) 

The arbitrator function. It either adds elements to the list or removes elements from the list based on the iOp variable.

Definition at line 104 of file timerentry.cpp.

TBool CTimerEntry::RemoveFromQueue (  ) 

Removes an element from the delta queue.

EFalse if the queue is empty, else EFalse.

Definition at line 199 of file timerentry.cpp.

void CTimerEntry::RunL (  ) 

Handles the request completion.

Definition at line 71 of file timerentry.cpp.

void CTimerEntry::DoCancel (  ) 

Cancel any outstanding request.

Definition at line 266 of file timerentry.cpp.

void CTimerEntry::IssueRequest (  ) 

Issues a wait request.

Definition at line 85 of file timerentry.cpp.

void CTimerEntry::PrintQue (  ) 

Prints the contents of the delta queue.

Definition at line 174 of file timerentry.cpp.

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