
Grids are used extensively to represent a compact view of the data structure using graphics and/or text. This document introduces readers to grid use.

Items from the data structure are represented by cells in the grid view. A cell can be further divided into sub-cells, which contain graphics or text. Depending on the screen size, cell size, and number of items in the data structure, all or some of the cells are visible concurrently. Grid controls provide users with a mechanism to navigate between the cells. Grids are also scrollable, thus enabling access to all items in the data structure.

This example shows a markable grid

This example shows a markable grid



Classification and release information

Grids API is an SDK API.

API description

Like other user interface components, grids follow the Model-View-Controller (MVC) design pattern.

Using listboxes is another common way to represent a set of items on the symbian platform. While grids share a great deal of functionality with listboxes, the fundamental difference is that a grid may contain more than one item per line, thus providing a more compact view over the data. This compactness comes at a cost: the amount of information per item in a grid is more limited than in a listbox. Therefore grids are more suitable for displaying easily distinguishable items, such as applications or available commands in one application, or items that are naturally represented as a grid, such as a monthly calendar view.

There are many different types of grids available on the symbian platform. These types are designed to fulfill the requirements of different kinds of data structures and use cases related to representing a set of items in a compact way.

This document covers the menu grid, the selection grid, and the markable grid. The menu grid provides users with a collection of available actions and allows them to proceed with one. The selection grid provides a view where users can navigate between items and then select one or more. The markable grid allows users to navigate and select items, and then execute a command to each of them. Code samples throughout this document demonstrate how to create the different types of grids.

In addition to having different types of grids, the grid layout itself can be altered. The number of visible rows and columns can be altered, along with the presentation and composition of cells. These options are explained thoroughly with code samples.

Grid architecture

Grid controls and listboxes have a great deal in common, thus it is natural that the base class for the grid controls ( CAknGrid ) inherits the base class for listboxes CEikListBox . For details in listboxes, please see the Lists API documentation . Because grid controls follow the MVC design pattern, the grid control architecture is divided into three classes: class CAknGrid implements the controller, class CAknGridView implements the view, and class CAknGridM implements the model component of the grid control.

The model class CAknGridM is an abstract class specifying the interface to the data. The model does not contain any information about the visual presentation of the data in grid control. It should be noted that the model class is a C-type class, so, for example, multiple inheritance of the grid control model is more limited than in the case of listboxes.

The view class CAknGridView is responsible for the visual appearance of the grid control. It handles rendering of cells and the cursor. It also performs the mapping of data items to their grid cells.

The controller class CAknGrid acts as the actual user interface component, communicating with both the model and the view components.

Related APIs
  • CAknGrid
  • CAknGridM
  • CAknGridView
  • CEikListBox

Grid types

Grids are divided into the following types based on their functionality.

Menu grid

The menu grid is a grid control embedded in a pop-up dialog. It can be used to provide users with a list of alternatives for performing a desired operation. Only one item can be selected, and after selection the grid control is destroyed along with the dialog.

Control of the grid is delegated to the pop-up dialog, and its use is similar to other dialogs on the symbian platform.

Menu grid

Menu grid

Selection grid

The selection grid allows users to select one of the available items. It is typically used as a navigational component of the user interface, thus serving a purpose similar to that of selection lists.

Selection grid

Selection grid

Markable grid

The markable grid allows users to select multiple items in the grid. Typically it is used to perform one operation to each one of the selected items (for example, to delete messages from a folder in a messaging application).

The grid control for the markable grid automatically handles setting and resetting the marker field in the data structure.

Markable grid

Markable grid

Color selection grid

Color selection grid can be used when an application offers to user the possibility to choose a color in a dialog. There is also a possibility to select nothing.

Color selection grid

Color selection grid

GMS style grid

This type of grid can be used to create a photoalbum-like picture grid. This is a markable grid with two columns displaying a bitmap. The grid is implemented by the class CAknGMSStyleGrid .

Related APIs
  • CAknGMSStyleGrid

Grid format and layout

The grid format is defined much the same way as for listboxes. There are, however, additional formatting options due to cell composition. The following section describes the options available for grid layout and cell formatting.

Grid layout

Grids are laid out as a two-dimensional matrix composed of horizontal rows and vertical columns. The number of rows and columns in a grid control can be freely specified to suit the needs of different applications. The size of a cell in a grid can also be freely specified (considering the limitations of the device’s screen resolution) and is the same for all of the cells. Horizontal and vertical gaps between cells of the grid can also be specified.

As there is no one obvious way to order the cells in a grid, this can be customized as well. The ordering of cells can be done by selecting either a horizontal or vertical axis as the primary axis. This axis then determines the orientation of the grid. The order can be further specified by defining the ordering (left-right, top-down) in both axes. This combination then defines the exact ordering of data items in the grid.

The scrolling behavior of the grid can also be altered. There are three types for scrolling behavior at the edge of a grid:

  • Stop. The cursor cannot be moved beyond the edge of grid and thus is stopped at the edge.

  • Loop. The cursor is moved to the opposite side of the grid. When trying to move beyond the rightmost item, the cursor is moved to the leftmost item in the same row.

  • Snake. The behavior is similar to loop, but the cursor is moved to the next/previous row (or column), if applicable. The snaking scrolling order is shown in Figure 6.

Snaking scrolling order

Snaking scrolling order

Cell structure

As mentioned before, cells are composed of one or more sub-cells. These sub-cells may contain either text or graphics, and can be positioned independently within the cell. All cells in same grid share the same cell structure. There are typically one to three sub-cells in one cell.

Cell structure

Cell structure

Figure 7 shows the typical components of a grid cell:

  • Sub-cell A contains graphics.

  • Sub-cell B contains text.

  • Sub-cell C contains a marker indicating whether the cell is selected or not.

The format strings used in conjunction with cell formatting are similar to those used with listboxes. The strings in the data structure are composed of tab-delimited fields. These fields are then used to render the sub-cell, either by using the numeric value of the field as an index to the icon array to select the graphical icon to be drawn, or by using the Unicode string itself as the content of the text sub-cell.

The format string for item data for the cell in Figure 6 is “ 2\tItem\t0 ”: the first field contains an index to the icon array, the second field contains the text to be displayed, and the third field is a placeholder for the marker information.

Sub-cells can be located freely within the cell. For different views, some of the fields present in data can be omitted as well, for example to provide a text-only view of the grid. The cell structure can be changed dynamically at run time without the need to modify the model data or to construct the grid control from scratch.

Related APIs
  • 2\tItem\t0

Use cases

The main use cases of Grids API are:

  • Defining a grid in resource file

  • Setting up the grid cell structure

  • Setting up sub-cell that contains graphics

  • Setting up sub-cell that contains text

  • Creating a selection grid from resource

  • Creating a selection grid with icons runtime

  • Getting the selected cell of a selection grid

  • Selecting a cell in a grid

  • Creating a menu grid

  • Creating a markable grid with icons runtime

  • Mark and unmark an item in a markable grid

  • Getting the marked items of a markable grid

  • Creating a color selection grid

  • Adding a cell to grid

  • Removing a cell from grid

  • Getting the number of cells of grid

  • Offering key events to grid

  • Handling resource events

  • Creating animated highlight

API class structure

This diagram shows the general structure of Grids API.

The general class diagram of Grids API

The general class diagram of Grids API

Using Grids API

Defining a grid in resource file

Grid resources are described with the GRID structure, as defined in the avkon.rh file:

              STRUCT GRID
     BYTE version = 0;
     WORD flags = 0;
     WORD height = 5;  // in items
     WORD width = 10;  // in chars
     LLINK array_id = 0;
     LTEXT emptytext = "";
     LLINK style = 0; 

Important members of this structure are:

  • flags , which describes the type of the grid control to be created.

  • style , which is a reference to the GRID_STYLE structure described later.

  • array_id , which is a reference to an ARRAY of strings describing the data items.

  • emptytext , which contains the text to be shown when there are no items in the grid.

The grid type is specified in GRID structure member flags , which may contain one of the following predefined values:

  • EAknListBoxMenuGrid , for menu grid type

  • EAknListBoxSelectionGrid , for selection grid type

  • EAknListBoxMarkableGrid , for multiple selection/markable grid type

The grid style is described with the GRID_STYLE structure, defined in avkon.rh :

              STRUCT GRID_STYLE
     WORD layoutflags = 0;
     WORD primaryscroll = 0;
     WORD secondaryscroll = 0;
     WORD itemsinprimaryorient = 0;
     WORD itemsinsecondaryorient = 0;
     WORD height = 0;
     WORD width = 0;
     WORD gapwidth = 0;
     WORD gapheight = 0;

Members in the GRID_STYLE structure can be used as described below.

  • layoutflags : A set of flags describing the orientation of the grid and the ordering of cells within the axis. Possible values for orientation are EAknGridHorizontalOrientation or EAknGridVerticalOrientation . The ordering of cells in the vertical axis is defined by either EAknGridTopToBottom or EAknGridBottomToTop and in the horizontal axis by either EAknGridLeftToRight or EAknGridRightToLeft . The symbain platform also provides flag EAknGridLanguageSpecificHorizontalDirection to provide horizontal ordering based on the language's writing direction.

  • primaryscroll and secondaryscroll : Scrolling behavior within the primary and secondary axes of the grid. The following values are defined for use with these fields:


Snakes. Stops when scrolling beyond the first or last cell.


Snakes. Loops to the first cell when scrolling beyond the last cell and vice versa.





  • itemsinprimaryorient and itemsinsecondaryorient : Number of cells in primary and secondary axes.

  • width and height : Size of cell in pixels.

  • gapwidth and gapheight : Size of gap between cells in pixels.

Note, that resource based definition of grid style is not recommended as S60 on symbian platform supports multiple resolutions.

Items contained in the grid can also be specified in the resource file. The array_id member of the GRID structure is a reference to an ARRAY that contains items of type LBUF .

The following resource definition defines a selection grid and its contents. The resulting grid will be similar to the one shown in Figure 3.

              RESOURCE GRID r_selectiongrid
    array_id = r_selectiongrid_items;
    flags = EAknListBoxSelectionGrid;
    style = r_selectiongrid_style;

RESOURCE GRID_STYLE r_selectiongrid_style
    layoutflags = EAknGridHorizontalOrientation | 
                  EAknGridLeftToRight | 
    primaryscroll = EAknGridFollowsItemsAndLoops;
    secondaryscroll = EAknGridFollowsItemsAndLoops;
    itemsinprimaryorient = 3;
    itemsinsecondaryorient = 3;
    gapwidth = 5;
    gapheight = 5;
    width = 60;
    height = 60;

RESOURCE ARRAY r_selectiongrid_items
    items = 
        LBUF { txt = "Item0"; },
        LBUF { txt = "Item1"; },
        LBUF { txt = "Item2"; },
        LBUF { txt = "Item3"; },
        LBUF { txt = "Item4"; }
Related APIs
  • EAknGridBottomToTop
  • EAknGridHorizontalOrientation
  • EAknGridLanguageSpecificHorizontalDirection
  • EAknGridLeftToRight
  • EAknGridRightToLeft
  • EAknGridTopToBottom
  • EAknGridVerticalOrientation
  • EAknListBoxMarkableGrid
  • EAknListBoxMenuGrid
  • EAknListBoxSelectionGrid
  • EScrollFollowsGrid
  • EScrollFollowsItemsAndLoops
  • EScrollFollowsItemsAndStops
  • EScrollStops
  • GRID
  • LBUF
  • array_id
  • emptytext
  • flags
  • gapheight
  • gapwidth
  • height
  • itemsinprimaryorient
  • itemsinsecondaryorient
  • layoutflags
  • primaryscroll
  • secondaryscroll
  • style
  • width

Setting up the grid cell structure

As mentioned before, the cells of a grid are composed of one or more sub-cells. This sub-cell structure must be set up before the grid control can be used. As per the MVC design pattern, the view component of the grid control is responsible for providing the visual presentation of the cells. Therefore the low-level manipulation of cell structure can be made with the item drawer class. However, the symbian platform also provides utility class AknListBoxLayouts to simplify the setup of the cell structure for grid controls. Class AknListBoxLayouts provides a few static methods for grids.

AknListBoxLayouts::SetupStandardGrid() sets up the background and foreground color settings to their default values.

Setting up sub-cell that contains graphics

AknListBoxLayouts::SetupFormGfxCell() is used to set up the sub-cell that contains graphics.

               AknListBoxLayouts::SetupFormGfxCell(*iGrid, // Reference to grid control
                                    iGrid->ItemDrawer(),  // Pointer to the item drawer
                                    0, // Column index
                                    0, // Left position
                                    0, // Top position
                                    0, // Right – unused
                                    0, // Bottom – unused
                                    50, // Width
                                    32, // Height
                                    TPoint(0,0), // Start position
                                    TPoint(32, 32));  // End position

The following parameters must be provided when setting up a graphics sub-cell:

  • Reference to the grid itself and pointer to the grid's item drawer.

  • Column index – The field number in a tab-delimited data string to be used to get the index to graphics.

  • Left and top positions – The number of pixels relative to the left-hand and top sides of the cell.

  • The width and height of the graphic in pixels.

  • Start and end positions – The coordinates describing the area of the bitmap to be drawn.

Related APIs
  • AknListBoxLayouts::SetupFormGfxCell()

Setting up sub-cell that contains text

AknListBoxLayouts::SetupFormTextCell() is used to set up the sub-cell that contains text.

               AknListBoxLayouts::SetupFormTextCell(*iGrid, // Reference to grid
                                     iGrid->ItemDrawer(),// Pointer to the item drawer
                                        1, // Column index
                                        LatinBold12(), // Font
                                        215, // Color (215 = black)
                                        0, // Left margin
                                        0, // Right margin – unused
                                        50 - 3, // Baseline
                                        50, // Text width
                                        CGraphicsContext::ECenter, // Text alignment
                                        TPoint(0, 32), // Start position
                                        TPoint(50, 50)); // End position

The following parameters must be provided when setting up a text sub-cell:

  • Reference to the grid itself and a pointer to the grid's item drawer.

  • Column index. The field number in a tab-delimited data string to be used to get the index to graphics.

  • Font used to render the text.

  • Color of the text. Index to an 8-bit palette used for the user interface (entries 0-215 are known as Web-safe colors.

  • Left margin position. Position in pixels relative to the left-hand side of the cell.

  • Baseline position.

  • Width of the text.

  • Alignment of the text.

  • Start and end position. The coordinates describing the text area.

Related APIs
  • AknListBoxLayouts::SetupFormTextCell()
Related APIs
  • AknListBoxLayouts
  • AknListBoxLayouts::SetupStandardGrid()

Creating a selection grid from resource

Grid controls can be easily created from resource definitions. The resource file used to create the grid should have both the resource definition for the grid and the definition of the grid item array. In this example a simple grid is created which cells have only text items. The grid is created from resource defined in Defining a grid in resource file . Note, that AknListBoxLayouts::SetupFormTextCell() must be called to define the layout of the text in the cell. For details on cell layout please see Setting up the grid cell structure .

To create a selection grid with text from code, follow these steps:

  • Create a grid instance.

  • Set the grid's container window. Since the grid is a non window-owning control, its parent control is passed as a parameter, providing a window for the listbox to draw to.

  • Construct the selection grid using its resource identifier.

  • Set the text layout of grid sub-cell using AknListBoxLayouts::SetupFormTextCell() method.

  • Activate the grid.

              class MyContainer : public CCoeControl
     CAknGrid* iGrid;

void MyContainer::ConstructL()
     // Create grid
     iGrid = new( ELeave ) CAknGrid;    
     iGrid->SetContainerWindowL( *this );  
     TResourceReader rr;  
     // initialize resource reader, passing resource id as parameter
     iEikonEnv->CreateResourceReaderLC( rr, R_SELECTIONGRID );
     // Construct grid from resource
     iGrid->ConstructFromResourceL( rr );    
     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy();  // rr       

     // Setup the layout of the text in the cell.
     AknListBoxLayouts::SetupFormTextCell( *iGrid, iGrid->ItemDrawer(),
                                          0, LatinBold16(), 0, 0, 0, 30, 
                                          0, CGraphicsContext::ECenter, 
                                          TPoint(0,0), TPoint(0,0) ); 
     // Activate grid
     iGrid->SetRect( Rect() );    
Related APIs
  • AknListBoxLayouts::SetupFormTextCell()

Creating a selection grid with icons runtime

Creating grids without a resource file is not much more complicated than creating them with a resource file. Most of the steps used to create grid control are same in both cases. In this example a 3x3 grid is created each grid contains an icon and a text.

To create a selection grid with icons and text from code, follow these steps:

  • Create a grid instance an a grid model instance. Set the grid's model with the created model.

  • Use flag EAknListBoxSelectionGrid to construct a selection grid.

  • Set the grid's container window. Since the grid is a non window-owning control, its parent control is passed as a parameter, providing a window for the listbox to draw to.

  • Set the grid layout using CAknGrid::SetLayoutL() .

  • Add cell item strings and icons to grid. Cell item string must be formatted to contain the indexes of the icons in the icon array.

  • Set the layout of text and icon in the grid sub-cell using AknListBoxLayouts::SetupFormGfxCell() and AknListBoxLayouts::SetupFormTextCell() methods.

  • Activate the grid.

Note that the order of the icons in the icon array (local variable iconArray of the method AddGridIconsL() ) defines their indexes in the cell item string ( 0\tItem1 ). In this example, the first icon added to the icon list will be indexed as zero ( 0 ), and the next item, as one ( 1 ). The first column in the cell item string defines the index of the icon to be displayed for the specific cell item, the second column defines the text of the cell.

The cell icons are loaded from a AVKON's bitmap file and appended to the icon array and added to grid.

              class MyContainer : public CCoeControl
    CAknGrid*  iGrid;
    CAknGridM* iGridModel;

void MyContainer::ConstructL()
    // Create grid
    iGrid = new( ELeave ) CAknGrid;
    // Create grid model
    iGridModel = new( ELeave ) CAknGridM;
    // Construct grid
    iGrid->SetContainerWindowL( *this );      
    iGrid->SetModel( iGridModel );
    iGrid->ConstructL( this, EAknListBoxSelectionGrid );

    // Set grid layout, and scrolling
    iGrid->SetLayoutL( EFalse, ETrue, ETrue, 3/*rows*/ , 3/*columns*/, TSize( 70, 70 )/*cellsize*/, 10/*wspace*/, 10/*hspace*/ );
    iGrid->SetPrimaryScrollingType( CAknGridView::EScrollIncrementLineAndLoops );
    iGrid->SetSecondaryScrollingType( CAknGridView::EScrollIncrementLineAndLoops );
    AknListBoxLayouts::SetupStandardGrid( *iGrid );
    // Accesses grid model`s item array    
    CDesCArray *gridItemArray = static_cast<CDesCArray*>( iGridModel->ItemTextArray() );    
    // Adds formatted cell item strings to grid including the indexes of icons in icon array.
    gridItemArray->AppendL( _L("0\tItem1") );
    gridItemArray->AppendL( _L("1\tItem2") );
    gridItemArray->AppendL( _L("2\tItem3") );
    gridItemArray->AppendL( _L("0\tItem4") );
    gridItemArray->AppendL( _L("1\tItem5") );
    gridItemArray->AppendL( _L("2\tItem6") );
    gridItemArray->AppendL( _L("0\tItem7") );
    gridItemArray->AppendL( _L("1\tItem8") );
    gridItemArray->AppendL( _L("2\tItem9") );
    gridItemArray->AppendL( _L("0\tItem10") );            
    // Adds ICONS from AVKON`s bitmap file
    // Set the  layout of icon in grid cell
    AknListBoxLayouts::SetupFormGfxCell( *iGrid, iGrid->ItemDrawer(), 0 /*Column index*/,
                                         10 /*Left pos*/, 10 /*Top pos*/, 
                                         0 /*unused*/, 0 /*unused*/, 
                                         40 /*Icon width*/, 40 /*Icon height*/,
                                         TPoint(0,0) /*Start pos*/, 
                                         TPoint(0,0) /*End pos*/ );
    // Set the  layout of text in grid cell
    AknListBoxLayouts::SetupFormTextCell( *iGrid, iGrid->ItemDrawer(), 1 /*Column index*/,
                                          LatinBold16() /*Font type*/, 
                                          0 /*color*/, 
                                          0 /*Left margin*/, 0 /*unused*/, 
                                          65 /*Baseline*/, 0 /*Text width*/, 
                                          CGraphicsContext::ECenter /*Text alignment*/, 
                                          TPoint(0,0) /*Start pos*/, 
                                          TPoint(0,0) /*End pos*/);
    // Activate grid                                    
    iGrid->SetRect( Rect() );  

void MyContainer::AddGridIconsL()
    CArrayPtr<CGulIcon*> iconArray = new( ELeave ) CAknIconArray( 1 );
    CleanupStack::PushL( iconArray );
    CFbsBitmap* addressIcon = NULL;
    CFbsBitmap* addressIconMask = NULL;
    CFbsBitmap* emailIcon = NULL;
    CFbsBitmap* emailIconMask = NULL;
    CFbsBitmap* faxIcon = NULL;
    CFbsBitmap* faxIconMask = NULL;
    AknIconUtils::CreateIconLC( addressIcon,
                               EMbmAvkonQgn_prop_nrtyp_address_mask );
    CGulIcon* addressListIcon = CGulIcon::NewL( addressIcon, addressIconMask );
    CleanupStack::Pop( 2 ); // addressIcon, addressIconMask    
    CleanupStack::PushL( addressListIcon );
    iconArray->AppendL( addressListIcon );
    AknIconUtils::CreateIconLC( emailIcon, 
                               EMbmAvkonQgn_prop_nrtyp_email_mask );
    CGulIcon* emailListIcon = CGulIcon::NewL( emailIcon, emailIconMask );
    CleanupStack::Pop( 2 ); // emailIcon, emailIconMask        
    CleanupStack::PushL( emailListIcon );
    iconArray->AppendL( emailListIcon );
    AknIconUtils::CreateIconLC( faxIcon, 
                               EMbmAvkonQgn_prop_nrtyp_fax_mask );    
    CGulIcon* faxListIcon = CGulIcon::NewL( faxIcon, faxIconMask );
    CleanupStack::Pop( 2 ); // emailIcon, emailIconMask    
    CleanupStack::PushL( faxListIcon );
    iconArray->AppendL( faxListIcon );

    iGrid->ItemDrawer()->ColumnData()->SetIconArray( iconArray );
    // faxListIcon, emailListIcon, addressListIcon, iconArray
    CleanupStack::Pop( 4 );    
Related APIs
  • 0
  • 0\tItem1
  • 1
  • AddGridIconsL()
  • AknListBoxLayouts::SetupFormGfxCell()
  • AknListBoxLayouts::SetupFormTextCell()
  • CAknGrid::SetLayoutL()
  • EAknListBoxSelectionGrid
  • iconArray

Getting the selected cell of a selection grid

The menu and selection grids allow selection of one cell on the grid. The grid instance contains the index of its currently selected cell. The index of the currently selected cell on the menu and selection grids can be retrieved by the following code:

              TInt currentIndex = iGrid->CurrentDataIndex();

Selecting a cell in a grid

Grid cells can be also selected, so the selected grid is highlighted. In this example, the second item is selected, and highlighted in the grid.

iGrid->SetCurrentItemIndex( 1 );

Creating a menu grid

The menu grid is a grid control that is embedded in a pop-up dialog. This adds a few more steps to the process of creating and using the menu grid control.

Before calling the ConstructL() method of the grid control, the pop-up dialog must be instantiated. In this example a grid with small icon is put into the popup dialog.

To create a menu grid with small icon, follow these steps:

  • Create a grid instance an a grid model instance. Set the grid's model with the created model.

  • Create a CAknPopupList dialog instance, passing the created grid instance as a parameter.

  • Construct the grid, passing the dialog instance as a parent control.

  • Set the grid layout using CAknGrid::SetLayoutL() .

  • Add cell icons to grid. Cell item string must be formatted to contain the indexes of the icons in the icon array.

  • Set the layout of icon in the grid sub-cell using AknListBoxLayouts::SetupFormGfxCell() methods.

  • Execute the dialog.

Note that the order of the icons in the icon array (local variable iconArray of method AddGridIconsL() ) will define their indexes in the cell item string ( 0\t ). In this example, the first icon added to the icon list will be indexed as zero ( 0 ), and the next item, as one ( 1 ). The first column in the cell item string defines the index of the icon to be displayed for the specific cell item.

The cell icons are loaded from a AVKON's bitmap file and appended to the icon array and added to grid.

              class MyContainer : public CCoeControl
    CAknGrid*  iGrid;
    CAknGridM* iGridModel;

void MyContainer::ConstructL()
    // Create grid
    iGrid = new( ELeave ) CAknGrid;
    // Create grid model
    iGridModel = new( ELeave ) CAknGridM;    
        // Create popup dialog
    CAknPopupList* popupList = CAknPopupList::NewL( iGrid, R_AVKON_SOFTKEYS_SELECT_BACK );
    CleanupStack::PushL( popupList );
    // Set title of dialog
    popupList->SetTitleL( _L("Menu grid") );
    // Construct grid
    iGrid->SetModel( iGridModel );
    iGrid->ConstructL( popupList, EAknListBoxMenuGrid );
    // Set grid layout, and scrolling
    iGrid->SetLayoutL( EFalse, ETrue, ETrue, 5/*rows*/ , 3/*columns*/, TSize( 30, 30 )/*cellsize*/, 10/*wspace*/, 10/*hspace*/ );
    iGrid->SetPrimaryScrollingType( CAknGridView::EScrollIncrementLineAndLoops );
    iGrid->SetSecondaryScrollingType( CAknGridView::EScrollIncrementLineAndLoops );    
    // Accesses grid model`s item array    
    CDesCArray *gridItemArray = static_cast<CDesCArray*>( iGridModel->ItemTextArray() );    
    // Adds formatted items to grid.
    gridItemArray->AppendL( _L("0\t") );
    gridItemArray->AppendL( _L("1\t") );
    gridItemArray->AppendL( _L("2\t") );
    gridItemArray->AppendL( _L("0\t") );
    gridItemArray->AppendL( _L("1\t") );
    gridItemArray->AppendL( _L("2\t") );
    gridItemArray->AppendL( _L("0\t") );
    gridItemArray->AppendL( _L("1\t") );
    gridItemArray->AppendL( _L("2\t") );
    gridItemArray->AppendL( _L("0\t") ); 
    // Adds icons from AVKON`s image file
    // Set the  layout of icon in grid cell
    AknListBoxLayouts::SetupFormGfxCell( *iGrid, iGrid->ItemDrawer(), 0 /*Column index*/,
                                         2 /*Left pos*/, 5 /*Top pos*/, 
                                         0 /*unused*/, 0 /*unused*/, 
                                         20 /*Icon width*/, 20 /*Icon height*/,
                                         TPoint(0,0) /*Start pos*/, 
                                         TPoint(0,0) /*End pos*/ );
    // Execute dialog                                           
    TInt popupOk = popupList->ExecuteLD();
    CleanupStack::Pop(); // popupList

void MyContainer::AddGridIconsL()
    CArrayPtr<CGulIcon*> iconArray = new( ELeave ) CAknIconArray( 1 );
    CleanupStack::PushL( iconArray );
    CFbsBitmap* addressIcon = NULL;
    CFbsBitmap* addressIconMask = NULL;
    CFbsBitmap* emailIcon = NULL;
    CFbsBitmap* emailIconMask = NULL;
    CFbsBitmap* faxIcon = NULL;
    CFbsBitmap* faxIconMask = NULL;
    AknIconUtils::CreateIconLC( addressIcon,
                               EMbmAvkonQgn_prop_nrtyp_address_mask );
    CGulIcon* addressListIcon = CGulIcon::NewL( addressIcon, addressIconMask );
    CleanupStack::Pop( 2 ); // addressIcon, addressIconMask    
    CleanupStack::PushL( addressListIcon );
    iconArray->AppendL( addressListIcon );
    AknIconUtils::CreateIconLC( emailIcon, 
                               EMbmAvkonQgn_prop_nrtyp_email_mask );
    CGulIcon* emailListIcon = CGulIcon::NewL( emailIcon, emailIconMask );
    CleanupStack::Pop( 2 ); // emailIcon, emailIconMask        
    CleanupStack::PushL( emailListIcon );
    iconArray->AppendL( emailListIcon );
    AknIconUtils::CreateIconLC( faxIcon, 
                               EMbmAvkonQgn_prop_nrtyp_fax_mask );    
    CGulIcon* faxListIcon = CGulIcon::NewL( faxIcon, faxIconMask );
    CleanupStack::Pop( 2 ); // emailIcon, emailIconMask    
    CleanupStack::PushL( faxListIcon );
    iconArray->AppendL( faxListIcon );

    iGrid->ItemDrawer()->ColumnData()->SetIconArray( iconArray );
    // faxListIcon, emailListIcon, addressListIcon, iconArray
    CleanupStack::Pop( 4 );
Related APIs
  • 0
  • 0\t
  • 1
  • AddGridIconsL()
  • AknListBoxLayouts::SetupFormGfxCell()
  • CAknGrid::SetLayoutL()
  • CAknPopupList
  • ConstructL()
  • iconArray

Creating a markable grid with icons runtime

Creating grids without a resource file is not much more complicated than creating them with a resource file. Most of the steps used to create grid control are same in both cases. In this example a 3x3 grid is created each grid contains an icon and a text, and selected grid cells can be marked.

To create a markable grid with icons and text from code, follow these steps:

  • Create a grid instance and a grid model instance. Set the grid`s model with the created model.

  • Use flag EAknListBoxMarkableGrid to construct a selection grid.

  • Set the grids's container window. Since the grid is a non window-owning control, its parent control is passed as a parameter, providing a window for the listbox to draw to.

  • Set the grid layout using CAknGrid::SetLayoutL() .

  • Add cell item strings and icons to grid. Cell item string must be formatted to contain the indexes of the cell icons, mark icon in the icon array.

  • Set the layout of icon subcell, mark icon subcell and text subcell using AknListBoxLayouts::SetupFormGfxCell() and AknListBoxLayouts::SetupFormTextCell() methods.

  • Activate the grid.

Note that the order of the icons in the icon array (local variable iconArray of method AddGridIconsL() ) defines their indexes in the cell item string (‘ 0\t\tItem1 ’).

In this example, the first icon added to the icon list is indexed as zero ( 0 ), and the next item, as one ( 1 ). The first icon in the iconarray is the mark icon for the cell, the other icons are cell icons.

The first column in the cell item string defines the index of the icon to be displayed in the cell, the second column defines the index of the mark icon and the third column defines the text of the cell.

The mark icon index in the cell item string is initially empty (‘ 1\t\tItem1 ’), because that column is changed from code to mark a cell, using the mark icon index of icon array. The method SetItemMarkPosition() sets which column defines the mark icon index in cell item string, and the method SetItemMarkReplacement() sets what index to replace in that column.

In this example the second column defines the mark icon index, and the mark icon is the first icon in the icon array. So to mark a cell the following is needed.

              // Set the second column of cell as markable icon index

// Set the item mark replacement string
iGrid->ItemDrawer()->SetItemMarkReplacement( _L("0") );

// Don't display all items as marked initially
iGrid->ItemDrawer()->SetItemMarkReverse( ETrue );

After defining which column defines the mark icon index in cell item string, if a cell is marked, its cell item string looks like this: ‘ 1\t0\tItem1 ’.

The mark icons and cell icons are loaded from a AVKON's bitmap file and appended to the icon array and added to grid.

              class MyContainer : public CCoeControl
    CAknGrid*  iGrid;
    CAknGridM* iGridModel;

void MyContainer::ConstructL()
    // Create grid
    iGrid = new( ELeave ) CAknGrid;
    // Create grid model
    iGridModel = new( ELeave ) CAknGridM;
    // Construct grid
    iGrid->SetContainerWindowL( *this );      
    iGrid->SetModel( iGridModel );
    iGrid->ConstructL( this, EAknListBoxMarkableGrid );

    // Set grid layout, and scrolling
    iGrid->SetLayoutL( EFalse, ETrue, ETrue, 3/*rows*/ , 3/*columns*/, TSize( 70, 70 )/*cellsize*/, 10/*wspace*/, 10/*hspace*/ );
    iGrid->SetPrimaryScrollingType( CAknGridView::EScrollIncrementLineAndLoops );
    iGrid->SetSecondaryScrollingType( CAknGridView::EScrollIncrementLineAndLoops );
    AknListBoxLayouts::SetupStandardGrid( *iGrid );
    // Accesses grid model`s item array    
    CDesCArray *gridItemArray = static_cast<CDesCArray*>( iGridModel->ItemTextArray() );    
    // Adds formatted cell item strings to grid.
    gridItemArray->AppendL( _L("1\t\tItem1") );
    gridItemArray->AppendL( _L("2\t\tItem2") );
    gridItemArray->AppendL( _L("3\t\tItem3") );
    gridItemArray->AppendL( _L("1\t\tItem4") );
    gridItemArray->AppendL( _L("2\t\tItem5") );
    gridItemArray->AppendL( _L("3\t\tItem6") );
    gridItemArray->AppendL( _L("1\t\tItem7") );
    gridItemArray->AppendL( _L("2\t\tItem8") );
    gridItemArray->AppendL( _L("3\t\tItem9") );
    gridItemArray->AppendL( _L("1\t\tItem10") );            
    // Adds ICONS from AVKON`s image file
    // Set the  layout of icon in grid cell
    AknListBoxLayouts::SetupFormGfxCell( *iGrid, iGrid->ItemDrawer(), 0 /*Column index*/,
                                         10 /*Left pos*/, 10 /*Top pos*/, 
                                         0 /*unused*/, 0 /*unused*/, 
                                         40 /*Icon width*/, 40 /*Icon height*/,
                                         TPoint(0,0) /*Start pos*/, 
                                         TPoint(0,0) /*End pos*/ );
    // Set the layout of mark icon in grid cell                                         
    AknListBoxLayouts::SetupFormGfxCell( *iGrid, iGrid->ItemDrawer(), 1 /*Column index*/,
                                         50 /*Left pos*/, 0 /*Top pos*/, 
                                         0 /*unused*/, 0 /*unused*/, 
                                         20 /*Icon width*/, 20 /*Icon height*/,
                                         TPoint(0,0) /*Start pos*/, 
                                         TPoint(0,0) /*End pos*/ );                                         
    // Set the  layout of text in grid cell
    AknListBoxLayouts::SetupFormTextCell( *iGrid, iGrid->ItemDrawer(), 2 /*Column index*/,
                                          LatinBold16() /*Font type*/, 
                                          0 /*color*/, 
                                          0 /*Left margin*/, 0 /*unused*/, 
                                          65 /*Baseline*/, 0 /*Text width*/, 
                                          CGraphicsContext::ECenter /*Text alignment*/, 
                                          TPoint(0,0) /*Start pos*/, 
                                          TPoint(0,0) /*End pos*/);
    // Set index of the placeholder field

    // Set the item mark replacement string
    iGrid->ItemDrawer()->SetItemMarkReplacement( _L("0") );

    // Don't display all items as marked initially
    iGrid->ItemDrawer()->SetItemMarkReverse( ETrue );
    // Mark the second item in the grid
    iGrid->View()->SelectItemL( 1 );
    // Activate grid                                    
    iGrid->SetRect( Rect() );  

void MyContainer::AddGridIconsL()
    CArrayPtr<CGulIcon*> iconArray = new( ELeave ) CAknIconArray( 1 );
    CleanupStack::PushL( iconArray );
    CFbsBitmap* gridMarkIcon = NULL;
    CFbsBitmap* gridMarkIconMask = NULL;     
    CFbsBitmap* addressIcon = NULL;
    CFbsBitmap* addressIconMask = NULL;
    CFbsBitmap* emailIcon = NULL;
    CFbsBitmap* emailIconMask = NULL;
    CFbsBitmap* faxIcon = NULL;
    CFbsBitmap* faxIconMask = NULL;
    AknIconUtils::CreateIconLC( gridMarkIcon,
                               EMbmAvkonQgn_indi_marked_grid_add_mask );
    CGulIcon* markIcon = CGulIcon::NewL( gridMarkIcon, gridMarkIconMask );
    CleanupStack::Pop( 2 ); // gridMarkIcon, gridMarkIconMask
    CleanupStack::PushL( markIcon );
    iconArray->AppendL( markIcon );
    AknIconUtils::CreateIconLC( addressIcon,
                               EMbmAvkonQgn_prop_nrtyp_address_mask );
    CGulIcon* addressListIcon = CGulIcon::NewL( addressIcon, addressIconMask );
    CleanupStack::Pop( 2 ); // addressIcon, addressIconMask    
    CleanupStack::PushL( addressListIcon );
    iconArray->AppendL( addressListIcon );
    AknIconUtils::CreateIconLC( emailIcon, 
                               EMbmAvkonQgn_prop_nrtyp_email_mask );
    CGulIcon* emailListIcon = CGulIcon::NewL( emailIcon, emailIconMask );
    CleanupStack::Pop( 2 ); // emailIcon, emailIconMask        
    CleanupStack::PushL( emailListIcon );
    iconArray->AppendL( emailListIcon );
    AknIconUtils::CreateIconLC( faxIcon, 
                               EMbmAvkonQgn_prop_nrtyp_fax_mask );    
    CGulIcon* faxListIcon = CGulIcon::NewL( faxIcon, faxIconMask );
    CleanupStack::Pop( 2 ); // emailIcon, emailIconMask    
    CleanupStack::PushL( faxListIcon );
    iconArray->AppendL( faxListIcon );

    iGrid->ItemDrawer()->ColumnData()->SetIconArray( iconArray );
    // faxListIcon, emailListIcon, addressListIcon, markIcon, iconArray
    CleanupStack::Pop( 5 );    
Related APIs
  • 0
  • 0\t\tItem1
  • 1
  • 1\t0\tItem1
  • 1\t\tItem1
  • AddGridIconsL()
  • AknListBoxLayouts::SetupFormGfxCell()
  • AknListBoxLayouts::SetupFormTextCell()
  • CAknGrid::SetLayoutL()
  • EAknListBoxMarkableGrid
  • SetItemMarkPosition()
  • SetItemMarkReplacement()
  • iconArray

Mark and unmark an item in a markable grid

This example shows how to change the mark states of a markable grid cell.

              // Marks the second cell of the grid
// Unmarks the first cell of the grid

Getting the marked items of a markable grid

Markable grids allow multiple cells to be selected, as well as one cell or none at all. An array of the indexes of the selected cells can be requested from these grids. The indexes are returned by the grid as an array of type CSelectionIndexArray , which is essentially just a typedef of CArrayFix . The following code example demonstrates how to retrieve the array of selected items from a markable grid:

              // Get the selected item indexes an array
const CArrayFix<TInt> *selectedIndexes = iGrid->SelectionIndexes();

// Make sure the array is not null (no items)
if ( selectedIndexes != NULL ) 
    // Loop through the selected cell indexes
    for ( TInt index=0; index < selectedIndexes->Count(); index++ )
        // Get the index of the selected cell
        TInt selectedItemIndex = (*selectedIndexes)[index];
        // now do something with the index
Related APIs
  • CArrayFix
  • CSelectionIndexArray

Creating a color selection grid

In this example, a color selection grid is created, with four colors, and the green color is selected initially.

TBool noneExist = ETrue;
TBool noneChosen = EFalse;
TRgb colour = KRgbGreen; // Select green color initially
CArrayFixFlat<TRgb*> colours = new( ELeave ) CArrayFixFlat<TRgb*> ( 6 );

// Adds colors to grid
colours->AppendL( KRgbBlack );
colours->AppendL( KRgbDarkGray );
colours->AppendL( KRgbGreen );
colours->AppendL( KRgbYellow );        
// Create the color selection dialog
CAknColourSelectionGrid* dialog = CAknColourSelectionGrid::NewL( 
                                                            colour );
// Cleanup
delete colours;

Adding a cell to grid

New cells are added to the grid by appending a new cell item string to the grid`s cell item array. First, the grid cell item array is retrieved from the grid. A new cell item string is then appended to the existing grid cell item array and the grid is requested to handle the addition of a new cell item. The HandleItemAdditionL() method handles the grid redrawing and repositions the selection in a sensible state.

The following example code adds a new cell item string to a grid:

              // Get grid cell item array
MDesCArray* textArray = iGrid->Model()->ItemTextArray();
CDesCArray* cellItemStringArray = static_cast<CDesCArray>( textArray );
cellItemStringArray->AppendL(( _L("1\t\tItem11") ) );
// Update grid
Related APIs
  • HandleItemAdditionL()

Removing a cell from grid

To remove cells from the grid, first the listbox item array must be get from the grid. Cells are deleted from the cell list array by specifying the index of the cell to be deleted and the number of cells to be deleted. The grid is requested to handle the cell deletion and redraw itself to show the changes.

The following example code removes the fifth cell from a grid:

              // Get grid cell item array
MDesCArray* textArray = iGrid->Model()->ItemTextArray();
CDesCArray* cellItemStringArray = static_cast<CDesCArray*>( textArray );
// Delete fifth cell
cellItemStringArray->Delete( 5, 1 );
// Handle item deletion and reposition grid highlight
AknListBoxUtils::HandleItemRemovalAndPositionHighlightL( iGrid, 5, ETrue );
// Redraw grid

Multiple contiguous items can also be deleted by specifying the count of the contiguous items to be deleted as the second parameter of the Delete() method. In the example above, only the fifth item is deleted by specifying the count as one ( 1 ).

Related APIs
  • 1
  • Delete()

Getting the number of cells of grid

This example shows how to get the number of listbox items.

              TInt gridItems = iGrid->Model()->NumberOfItems();

Offering key events to grid

If the grid is a component of a compound control, it is needed to inform the grid about key events. It is simply forwarding the event to the grid from the component's OfferKeyEventL() method.

              TKeyResponse MyContainer::OfferKeyEventL(const TKeyEvent& aKeyEvent, TEventCode aType)
    return iGrid->OfferKeyEventL( aKeyEvent, aType );
Related APIs
  • OfferKeyEventL()

Handling resource events

If a custom grid is created or it is needed to handle situations where the theme is changed and grid needs to display different icons, HandleResourceChange() must be implemented.

              void MyContainer::HandleResourceChange( TInt aType )
    // Call base class first
    CAknSingleGraphicStyleListBox::HandleResourceChange( aType );
    if ( aType == KAknsMessageSkinChange )
        // Handle skin change here...
Related APIs
  • HandleResourceChange()

Creating animated highlight

If the current skin supports animated highlight, it is only visible on grid if the focus is set to grid. This example shows how to set the focus on grid. iGrid is a pointer to CAknGrid .

              void MyContainer::FocusChanged( TDrawNow aDrawNow )
    CCoeControl::FocusChanged( aDrawNow );
        if( iGrid )
        iGrid->SetFocus( IsFocused(), aDrawNow );
Related APIs
  • CAknGrid
  • iGrid

Error handling

Grids uses standard Symbian platform error reporting mechanism. Possible panic circumstances and panic codes are indicated in class or method descriptions.

Leaves and system wide error codes as function return values are used if the error is recoverable. A client application can handle these errors similarly as a normal Symbian platform application.

Exception handling is not needed, except when setting up a layout in the SizeChanged() method, which needs to allocate memory.

Related APIs
  • SizeChanged()

Memory overhead

The amount of reserved memory for grid depend on the application, but despite the application the amount of reserved memory is relatively small.

Limitations of the API




Grids API abbreviations

API Application Programming Interface


Symbian extensions and modifications to Uikon and other parts of the Symbian platform application framework.


Model-View-Controller (design pattern)