Lists API Specification

Changes in Lists API documentation

1.0 30.10.2006 Approved

Changes in Lists API

1.0 First release



Lists are a common way to represent a view to data structures consisting of text and graphics in the Symbian platform, and are used extensively in most applications.

Lists are presented according to their type of functionality. Available lists include simple selection and menu lists, markable and multiselection lists, and setting lists. Selection and menu lists allow selection of a single item, whereas markable and multiselection lists can be used to select multiple items simultaneously. The setting listbox contains a list of items whose values can be adjusted.

This example shows a multiselection list...

This example shows a multiselection listbox.



Classification and release information

Lists API is an SDK API and part of S60 3rd Edition.

API description

Listbox architecture follows the Model-View-Controller (MVC) design pattern; a listbox-specific representation of the MVC design pattern is introduced.

The listbox layouts presented here provide a graphical representation of the various listbox outlooks. Listbox items consist of columns into which each item is placed. These column structures define the item format of the listbox items, and therefore the presentation of the listbox. Listbox columns may consist of text strings and graphics (small and large icons).

Listbox resource files define the resource data used to create lists. The resource data consists of listbox layout and listbox item arrays.

Lists can also be created at run time without resource files.

Listbox architecture

The listbox control, is an implementation of the MVC design pattern. CEikListBox is the base class for all lists in the symbian platform. It also acts as the controller. CListBoxView represents the view and MListBoxModel the data.

The model, class MListBoxModel , is an abstract class that specifies the interface to access the data. The model does not contain any information about the appearance of the listbox.

The view, class CListBoxView , handles the appearance of the listbox and displays the items on the listbox that are currently visible.

The controller, class CEikListBox , acts as the controller between the model and the view, connecting them and communicating between them.

MVC representation of a listbox.

MVC representation of a listbox.

Related APIs
  • CEikListBox
  • CListBoxView
  • MListBoxModel

Listbox types

Lists are divided into the following types based on their functionality.

Menu listbox

Menu lists, also known as pop-up lists, provide a simple vertical list view and are used to select one item from a list. The Options command is not available while browsing the menu listbox. Only Select and Cancel actions can be performed on the menu listbox.

Menu listbox

Menu listbox

Selection listbox

A selection listbox is a generic way of displaying and accessing data in an application. While browsing the selection listbox, the Options menu can also be accessed for additional functions.

Selection listbox

Selection listbox

Multiselection listbox

Multiselection lists allow the user to select multiple items and perform an action on those items simultaneously. Selection is done with the selection key and acceptance with the OK softkey. The Options menu is not available while browsing and selecting items on the multiselection listbox, the user can only check and uncheck items, and accept the selections (OK) or cancel (Back).

Multiselection listbox

Multiselection listbox

Markable listbox

A markable listbox is essentially a selection listbox with an added feature that allows list items to be marked. Any number of items can be marked on the list. A command applies to all of the marked items. The Options menu is available for additional functions while browsing and selecting items on the markable listbox.

The marking feature is usually applied to operations that handle a set of data simultaneously, such as deleting or moving items. By marking the items, the user can easily handle sets of data requiring identical actions, instead of performing the action individually on each item.

Markable listbox

Markable listbox

Setting listbox

The setting listbox is a selection listbox containing items whose value can be adjusted. A setting listbox item is displayed as an attribute title text with an attribute value below it, which can be altered. The Options menu is available for additional functions while browsing the setting listbox.

Setting listbox

Setting listbox

Listbox types in listbox resource definition

The listbox types are defined by the flags parameter in the LISTBOX structure. This section presents the values for the flags parameter. These identifiers are defined in the avkon.hrh file.

  • EAknListBoxMenuList

    A menu listbox that provides a simple vertical list view used to select a single item on the list.

  • EAknListBoxSelectionList

    A selection listbox that allows selection of a single item. The Options menu is available for the additional functions to be performed for the selected item.

  • EAknListBoxMultiselectionList

    A multiselection listbox that allows selection of multiple list items and performs an action to them collectively.

  • EAknListBoxMarkableList

    A markable listbox that allows multiple list items to be marked for action. Unlike the multiselection list, the Options menu is available for the additional functions.

The flags that can be combined with any of the previous choices:

  • EAknListBoxViewerFlags

    A flag that may be used to create a specific listbox as a viewer. A viewer listbox allows the listbox contents to be viewed, without a selection possibility. The highlight indicator is not present at the viewer listbox and the listbox is viewed and scrolled in page-at-once manner. See the example below for the usage of this flag.

Related APIs
  • EAknListBoxMarkableList
  • EAknListBoxMenuList
  • EAknListBoxMultiselectionList
  • EAknListBoxSelectionList
  • EAknListBoxViewerFlags
  • flags

Listbox format

The listbox format and layout is defined by using string formatting for the listbox columns. The following section describes the column structures and the listbox layout types that can be used.

Listbox item column structure

Each listbox item is divided into three columns: A, B, and C. The columns can be combined so it is not necessary to have the columns separated. The following column combinations are possible for listbox items: AB, BC, and ABC.

The listbox columns are defined as follows:

  • Column A: Small graphic (icon), item number

  • Column B: Heading (title or attribute of the item)

  • Column AB: Heading (title or attribute of the item), large icon or thumbnail

  • Column C/BC/ABC: Text of the item

An additional icon can be displayed to the right of column C, also referred to as column D.

Listbox item column structure

Listbox item column structure

Listbox item layouts

The listbox item can be represented in the following layouts. The examples shown provide a graphical representation of the listbox layouts.

The listbox item formatting string consists of listbox item columns that are separated by the tab character (\t). Therefore tab character is not allowed in listbox string anywhere else. It has to be removed before passing to listbox.

The listbox item layouts that contain graphics (icons) specify the icon to be used when displaying the listbox item. For layouts containing graphics (icons), the listbox item formatting string contains a number defining the index of the icon to be displayed for the specific listbox item.

The following section shows the possible listbox item layouts, their graphical representation, and the formatting string.

Single-line item

Single-line item

Single-line item

Class name: CAknSingleStyleListBox

Column usage: Main text (columns ABC)

String format: “\tMeeting\t\t”

Related APIs
  • CAknSingleStyleListBox

Single-line item with number

Single-line item with number

Single-line item with number

Class name: CAknSingleNumberStyleListBox

Column usage: Number (column A), main text (columns BC)

String format: “8\tMeeting\t\t”

Related APIs
  • CAknSingleNumberStyleListBox

Single-line item with heading

Single-line item with heading

Single-line item with heading

Class name: CAknSingleHeadingStyleListBox

Column usage: Heading text (column A), main text (columns BC)

String format: “job\tAstronaut\t\t”

Related APIs
  • CAknSingleHeadingStyleListBox

Single-line item with small graphic

Single-line item with small graphic

Single-line item with small graphic

Class name: CAknSingleGraphicStyleListBox

Column usage: Small graphic (column A), main text (columns BC)

String format: “0\tDownload themes\t\t”

Please note that the first column in the item string defines the index of the icon to be displayed for the specific listbox item. See Creating a selection listbox with a large graphic a primary and a secondary text for example code on how to use the icons in the listbox.

Related APIs
  • CAknSingleGraphicStyleListBox

Single-line item with small graphic and heading

Single-line item with small graphic and...

Single-line item with small graphic and heading

Class name: CAknSingleGraphicHeadingStyleListBox

Column usage: Small graphic (column A), heading text (column B), main text (column C)

String format: “1\t21/10\tMeeting\t”

Please note that the first column in the item string defines the index of the icon to be displayed for the specific listbox item. See Creating a selection listbox with a large graphic a primary and a secondary text for example code on how to use the icons in the listbox.

Related APIs
  • CAknSingleGraphicHeadingStyleListBox

Single-line item with large graphic

Single-line item with large graphic

Single-line item with large graphic

Class name: CAknSingleLargeStyleListBox

Column usage: Large graphic (column A), main text (columns BC)

String format: “1\tValid keys\t\t”

Please note that the first column in the item string defines the index of the icon to be displayed for the specific listbox item. See Creating a selection listbox with a large graphic a primary and a secondary text for example code on how to use the icons in the listbox.

Related APIs
  • CAknSingleLargeStyleListBox

Two-line item

Two-line item

Two-line item

Class name: CAknDoubleStyle2ListBox

Column usage: Main text (columns ABC)

String format: “\tCertificate management\t\t”

Related APIs
  • CAknDoubleStyle2ListBox

Double item

Double item

Double item

Class name: CAknDoubleStyleListBox

Column usage: Primary text (columns AB), secondary text (column C)

String format: “\tActivate\tvia Bluetooth\t”

Related APIs
  • CAknDoubleStyleListBox

Double item with number

Double item with number

Double item with number

Class name: CAknDoubleNumberStyleListBox

Column usage: Number (column A), primary text (column B), secondary text (column C)

String format: “1\tActivate\tvia Bluetooth\t”

Please note that the first column in the item string defines the index of the icon to be displayed for the specific listbox item. See Creating a selection listbox with a large graphic a primary and a secondary text for example code on how to use the icons in the listbox.

Related APIs
  • CAknDoubleNumberStyleListBox

Double item with small graphic

Double item with small graphic

Double item with small graphic

Class name: CAknDoubleGraphicStyleListBox

Column usage: Small graphic (column A), primary text (column B), secondary text (column C)

String format: “1\tTemplates\t10 Templates\t”

Please note that the first column in the item string defines the index of the icon to be displayed for the specific listbox item. See Creating a selection listbox with a large graphic a primary and a secondary text for example code on how to use the icons in the listbox.

Related APIs
  • CAknDoubleGraphicStyleListBox

Double item with large graphic

Double item with large graphic

Double item with large graphic

Class name: CAknDoubleLargeStyleListBox

Column usage: Large graphic (column A), primary text (column B), secondary text (column C)

String format: “1\Activate\tvia Bluetooth\t”

Please note that the first column in the item string defines the index of the icon to be displayed for the specific listbox item. See Creating a selection listbox with a large graphic a primary and a secondary text for example code on how to use the icons in the listbox.

Related APIs
  • CAknDoubleLargeStyleListBox

Double item style 2

Double item style 2

Double item style 2

Class name: CAknFormDoubleGraphicStyleListBox

Column usage: Graphic (column A), heading text (column B), main text (column C)

String format: “0\tMobile number\t+358 50 1234 7890\t”

Please note that the first column in the item string defines the index of the icon to be displayed for the specific listbox item. See Creating a selection listbox with a large graphic a primary and a secondary text for example code on how to use the icons in the listbox.

Related APIs
  • CAknFormDoubleGraphicStyleListBox

Setting item

Setting item

Setting item

Class name: CAknSettingStyleListBox

Column usage: Attribute text (columns BC), value text (column D)

String format: “\tInput text language\t\tAutomatic”

Related APIs
  • CAknSettingStyleListBox

Setting item with number

Setting item with number

Setting item with number

Class name: CAknSettingNumberStyleListBox

Column usage: Number (column A), attribute text (columns BC), value text (column D)

String format: “1\tInput text language\t\tAutomatic”

Please note that the first column in the item string defines the index of the icon to be displayed for the specific listbox item. See Creating a selection listbox with a large graphic a primary and a secondary text for example code on how to use the icons in the listbox.

Related APIs
  • CAknSettingNumberStyleListBox

Use cases

The main use cases of Lists API are:

  • Defining a listbox in resource file

  • Creating a selection listbox from resource

  • Creating a selection listbox runtime

  • Creating a selection listbox with a large graphic a primary and a secondary text

  • Getting the selected item of a selection listbox

  • Creating a multiselection listbox

  • Select and deselect an item in a multiselection listbox

  • Creating a markable listbox

  • Mark and unmark an item in a markable listbox

  • Getting the selected items of a markable or multiselection list

  • Creating a settings style listbox

  • Adding an item to listbox

  • Removing an item from listbox

  • Getting the number of items in listbox

  • Offering key events to listbox

  • Handling listbox events

  • Creating animated highlight

API class structure

This diagram shows the general structure of Lists API.

Ggeneral class diagram of Lists API

Ggeneral class diagram of Lists API

General structure of lists

The functionality in lists has been divided into four parts: Model, Item Drawer and View, and then Listbox that connects them together. The list items are stored in an array inside of Model. Item Drawer asks for the items to draw individual items. View asks Item Drawer to draw items, and manages drawing of many items and browsing between the items. Finally, Listbox chooses concrete instances of Model, Item Drawer and View, and handles creation of them and the communication with clients. (However, often applications need to use interfaces in classes derived from Model or ItemDrawer() , for example to set the icon array).

Diagram of listbox functionality

Diagram of listbox functionality

Related APIs
  • ItemDrawer()

Using Lists API

Defining a listbox in resource file

Listbox resources are described with the LISTBOX structure, as defined in the eikon.rh file.

              STRUCT LISTBOX
    BYTE version;    // version number
    WORD flags;      // listbox flags
    WORD height;     // in items
    WORD width;      // in chars
    LLINK array_id;  // points to items in ARRAY structure
              STRUCT ARRAY
    STRUCT items[];      // list items

The listbox resource definition describes the application’s listbox properties. The resource contains also information about the type of the listbox.

The listbox items are defined as an array. The array r_listbox_items below defines the listbox item strings for the listbox resource r_listbox above.

The listbox resource is defined in the application resource file (RSS file). The following code describes a selection listbox resource called r_listbox .

              RESOURCE LISTBOX r_listbox
    flags = EAknListBoxSelectionList;
    array_id = r_listbox_items;

RESOURCE ARRAY r_listbox_items
    items =
        LBUF { txt = "\tItem1\t\t"; },
        LBUF { txt = "\tItem2\t\t"; },
        LBUF { txt = "\titem3\t\t"; }

The listbox can also be created in a view-only mode, as a viewer listbox, without the highlight indicator. In order to create a viewer listbox, a flag called EAknListBoxViewerFlags must be used in conjunction with the listbox type when defining the flags parameter for the listbox resource. The example listbox resource r_listbox_viewer below demonstrates how to create a selection list in a viewer mode.

              RESOURCE LISTBOX r_listbox_viewer
    flags = EAknListBoxSelectionList | EAknListBoxViewerFlags;
    array_id = r_listbox_items;

Once the resources have been defined and a resource file created, the listbox resource can be loaded and used in the application.

Related APIs
  • EAknListBoxViewerFlags
  • r_listbox
  • r_listbox_items
  • r_listbox_viewer

Creating a selection listbox from resource

This Section describes how to create lists from resource files and at run time. If lists are created from a resource, a resource file defining the listbox resource must exist and contain a valid listbox resource definition of the listbox structure and listbox items. If the listbox is created at run time, the listbox item array is constructed and initialized in the code.

When creating a listbox, choose a listbox layout that best suits your needs. The chosen layout specifies the class to be used when creating a listbox and the listbox item string format to be used when creating the listbox items.

Lists can be easily created and used from a resource file defining them. The resource file should define the listbox resource and the listbox resource items array. Create a listbox from a resource by following these steps:

  • Create a new listbox instance. Depending on which type of listbox you wish to create, you must select and instantiate an appropriate class.

  • Set the listbox’s container window. Since the listbox is a non window-owning control, its parent control is passed as a parameter, providing a window for the listbox to draw to.

  • Initialize a resource reader that is used to load the resource file describing the listbox resource. The listbox resource ID (name) is passed to the resource reader as a parameter.

  • Load the listbox resource using the resource reader.

First, an instance of the listbox is created and its container control is set. Next, the resource reader is created to prepare the loading of the resource file. Here, the resource reader and listbox resource identifier are passed as parameters. The listbox resource is referred to, using the name given to identify it when defining the resource in the resource file.

Finally, the listbox resource file is loaded by calling the ConstructFromResourceL() method with the resource reader as a parameter. If the resource loading is successful, the listbox is ready for use.

The following example code creates a selection listbox with a single-line item layout loaded from a resource file. This code expects the resource file to define the resource R_LISTBOX .

In this example a listbox is created, and activated. Note that in the example listbox is component of a compound control and it is needed to implement method ComponentControl() and CountComponentControls() .

              class CMyContainer : public CCoeControl
     CEikTextListBox* iListBox;

void CMyContainer::ConstructL()
     // Create listbox 
     iListBox = new ( ELeave ) CAknSingleStyleListBox(); // markable
     iListBox->SetContainerWindowL( *this );    

     // Initialize resource reader, passing resource id as parameter
     TResourceReader rr;
     iEikonEnv->CreateResourceReaderLC( rr, R_LISTBOX );
     // Load and construct listbox 
     iListBox->ConstructFromResourceL( rr );
     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy();  // rr       
     // Activate listbox
     iListBox->SetRect( Rect() ); 
Related APIs
  • ComponentControl()
  • ConstructFromResourceL()
  • CountComponentControls()

Creating a selection listbox runtime

Creating lists without resource file definitions is fairly simple. In this approach, the listbox format and contents are set manually at run time as the resources are not used. To create a listbox at run time, follow these steps:

  • Create a new listbox instance. Depending on which type of listbox you wish to create, you must select and instantiate an appropriate class. This example uses the CAknSingleNumberStyleListBox class.

  • Use flag EAknListBoxSelectionList to create a selection list.

  • Set the listbox’s container window. Since the listbox is a non window-owning control, its parent control is passed as a parameter, providing a window for the listbox to draw to.

  • Create a scrollbar frame to the listbox and set active.

  • Construct the list item array. The listbox item string format must obey the string format specified for the listbox type used. Append the formatted item strings to the listbox item array.

  • Set the listbox item array to list and set the item array ownership to list.

The following example code shows how to create a numbered selection listbox with three items at run time, without using a resource file. Note that the example listbox is a component of a compound control and it is needed to implement method ComponentControl() and CountComponentControls() .

              class CMyContainer : public CCoeControl
     CEikTextListBox* iListBox;
     CDesCArrayFlat* iListBoxItems;

void CMyContainer::ConstructL()
     CreateWindowL(); // This is a window owning control
     // Create a single numbered style listbox
     iListBox = new (ELeave) CAknSingleNumberStyleListBox(); // markable
     // Construct listbox   
     iListBox->ConstructL( this, EAknListBoxSelectionList | EAknListBoxLoopScrolling );    
     iListBox->SetContainerWindowL( *this );
     // Set scrollbars
     iListBox->CreateScrollBarFrameL( ETrue );
     iListBox->ScrollBarFrame()->SetScrollBarVisibilityL( CEikScrollBarFrame::EOn, CEikScrollBarFrame::EAuto );    
     // Create listbox item array
     iListBoxItems = new (ELeave) CDesCArrayFlat(4);
     // Create listbox items
     iListBoxItems->AppendL( _L("1\tItem") );
     iListBoxItems->AppendL( _L("2\tItem") );
     iListBoxItems->AppendL( _L("3\tItem") );
     // Add items to listbox
     iListBox->Model()->SetItemTextArray( iListBoxItems );
     // Listbox deletes the item array
     iListBox->Model()->SetOwnershipType( ELbmOwnsItemArray );
     iListBox->HandleItemAdditionL( );
     // Activate Listbox
     iListBox->SetRect( Rect() );

Note, that listbox must be informed about size changed events, to display properly.

              void CSumoTestContainer::SizeChanged()
    iListBox->SetRect( Rect() );
Related APIs
  • CAknSingleNumberStyleListBox
  • ComponentControl()
  • CountComponentControls()
  • EAknListBoxSelectionList

Creating a selection listbox with a large graphic a primary and a secondary text

The previous code example demonstrated how to create a listbox at run time, without a resource file. The next code example demonstrates how to use a large graphic a primary and secondary text in the listbox. To create a listbox from code, follow these steps:

  • Create a new listbox instance. You must choose an appropriate class to instantiate depending on which type of listbox you wish to create. This example uses the CAknDoubleLargeStyleListBox class.

  • Use flag EAknListBoxSelectionList to create a selection list.

  • Set the listbox’s container window. Since the listbox is a non window-owning control, its parent control is passed as a parameter, providing a window for the listbox to draw to.

  • Create a scrollbar frame to the listbox and set active.

  • Construct a listbox item array. The listbox item string format must obey the string format specified for the listbox type used. Append the formatted item strings to the listbox item array.

  • Set the listbox item array to the listbox and set the item array ownership to the listbox.

  • Construct the listbox icon array. The listbox items are loaded from a AVKON's bitmap file and appended to the icon array. Set the icon array to the listbox.

Note that the order of the icons in the icon array defines their indexes. In this example, the first icon added to the icon list is ndexed as zero ( 0 ), and the next item, as one ( 1 ). The first column in the listbox item string defines the index of the icon to be displayed for the specific listbox item.

The following example code shows how to create a listbox with a large graphic, a primary and a secondary text at run time. Note that the example listbox is component of a compound control and it is needed to implement method ComponentControl() and CountComponentControls() .

              class CMyContainer : public CCoeControl
     CEikFormattedCellListBox* iListBox;
     CDesCArrayFlat* iListBoxItems;

void CMyContainer::ConstructL()
     CreateWindowL(); // This is a window owning control
     // Create listbox
     iListBox = new (ELeave) CAknDoubleLargeStyleListBox();
     // Construct listbox 
     iListBox->ConstructL( this, EAknListBoxSelectionList | EAknListBoxLoopScrolling );
     iListBox->SetContainerWindowL( *this );
     // Set scrollbars
     iListBox->CreateScrollBarFrameL( ETrue );
     iListBox->ScrollBarFrame()->SetScrollBarVisibilityL( CEikScrollBarFrame::EOn, CEikScrollBarFrame::EAuto );    
     // Create listbox item array
     iListBoxItems = new (ELeave) CDesCArrayFlat(4);
     // Create listbox items
     iListBoxItems->AppendL( _L("0\tHeading1\tItem1\t") );
     iListBoxItems->AppendL( _L("1\tHeading2\tItem2\t") );
     iListBoxItems->AppendL( _L("2\tHeading3\tItem3\t") );
     // Add items to listbox
     iListBox->Model()->SetItemTextArray( iListBoxItems );
     // Listbox deletes the item array
     iListBox->Model()->SetOwnershipType( ELbmOwnsItemArray );
     iListBox->HandleItemAdditionL( );
     // Add icons to listbox
     // Activate Listbox
     iListBox->SetRect( Rect() );

// This method adds the icons to iListbox
void CMyContainer::AddListboxIconsL()
    CArrayPtr<CGulIcon>* iconArray = new( ELeave ) CAknIconArray( 1 );
    CleanupStack::PushL( iconArray );
    CFbsBitmap* addressIcon = NULL;
    CFbsBitmap* addressIconMask = NULL;
    CFbsBitmap* emailIcon = NULL;
    CFbsBitmap* emailIconMask = NULL;
    CFbsBitmap* faxIcon = NULL;
    CFbsBitmap* faxIconMask = NULL;
    AknIconUtils::CreateIconLC( addressIcon,
                               EMbmAvkonQgn_prop_nrtyp_address_mask );
    CGulIcon* addressListIcon = CGulIcon::NewL( addressIcon, addressIconMask );
    CleanupStack::Pop( 2 ); // addressIcon, addressIconMask
    CleanupStack::PushL( addressListIcon );
    iconArray->AppendL( addressListIcon );             
    AknIconUtils::CreateIconLC( emailIcon, 
                               EMbmAvkonQgn_prop_nrtyp_email_mask );
    CGulIcon* emailListIcon = CGulIcon::NewL( emailIcon, emailIconMask );
    CleanupStack::Pop( 2 ); // emailIcon, emailIconMask
    CleanupStack::PushL( emailListIcon );
    iconArray->AppendL( emailListIcon );
    AknIconUtils::CreateIconLC( faxIcon, 
                               EMbmAvkonQgn_prop_nrtyp_fax_mask );    
    CGulIcon* faxListIcon = CGulIcon::NewL( faxIcon, faxIconMask );
    CleanupStack::Pop( 2 ); // faxIcon, faxIconMask   
    CleanupStack::PushL( faxListIcon );
    iconArray->AppendL( faxListIcon );

    iListBox->ItemDrawer()->ColumnData()->SetIconArray( iconArray );
    // faxListIcon, emailListIcon, addressListIcon, iconArray    
    CleanupStack::Pop( 4 );
Related APIs
  • 0
  • 1
  • CAknDoubleLargeStyleListBox
  • ComponentControl()
  • CountComponentControls()
  • EAknListBoxSelectionList

Getting the selected item of a selection listbox

The menu and selection lists allow selection of one item on the list. The listbox instance contains the index of its currently selected item. The index of the currently selected item on the menu and selection lists can be retrieved by the following code:

              TInt currentIndex = iListBox->CurrentItemIndex();

Creating a multiselection listbox

In a multiselection list, different list items can be selected at the same time, to perform some operation on them. A listbox consists of a checkbox icon, and a text. Because of the type of the listbox items, the CAknSingleGraphicStyleListBox class is used, so a checkbox can be used on the left side on the list item. To create a listbox from code, follow these steps:

  • Create a new listbox instance. You must choose an appropriate class to instantiate depending on which type of listbox you wish to create This example uses the CAknSingleGraphicStyleListBox class.

  • Use flag EAknListBoxMultiselectionList to create a multiselection list.

  • Set the listbox’s container window. Since the listbox is a non window-owning control, its parent control is passed as a parameter, providing a window for the listbox to draw to.

  • Create a scrollbar frame to the listbox and set active.

  • Construct a listbox item array. The listbox item string format must obey the string format specified for the listbox type used. Append the formatted item strings to the listbox item array.

  • Set the listbox item array to the listbox and set the item array ownership to the listbox.

  • Construct the list icon array, that contains the checkbox icons The checkbox icons are loaded from a AVKON's bitmap file and appended to the icon array. Set the icon array to the listbox. In the example the checkbox icons are gotten from the current active skin, so if the skin changes, the checkbox icons change as well, according to the new skin.

Note that the order of the icons in the icon array defines their indexes. In this example, the first icon is indexed as zero (0), and the next is indexed as one (1). The first column in the listbox item string defines the index of the icon to be displayed for the specific listbox item.

The example listbox is a component of a compound control and it is needed to implement the method ComponentControl() and CountComponentControls() .

              class CMyContainer : public CCoeControl
     CAknColumnListBox* iListBox;
     CDesCArrayFlat* iListBoxItems;

void CMyContainer::ConstructL()
     CreateWindowL(); // This is a window owning control
     // Create listbox
     iListBox = new (ELeave) CAknSingleGraphicStyleListBox(); // markable
     // Construct listbox   
     iListBox->ConstructL( this, EAknListBoxMultiselectionList| EAknListBoxLoopScrolling );    
     iListBox->SetContainerWindowL( *this );
     // Set scrollbars
     iListBox->CreateScrollBarFrameL( ETrue );
     iListBox->ScrollBarFrame()->SetScrollBarVisibilityL( CEikScrollBarFrame::EOn, CEikScrollBarFrame::EAuto );    
     // Create listbox item array
     iListBoxItems = new (ELeave) CDesCArrayFlat(4);
     // Create listbox items
    iListBoxItems->AppendL( _L("1\tItem1") );
    iListBoxItems->AppendL( _L("1\tItem2") );
    iListBoxItems->AppendL( _L("1\tItem3") );
     // Add items to listbox
     iListBox->Model()->SetItemTextArray( iListBoxItems );
     // Listbox deletes the item array
     iListBox->Model()->SetOwnershipType( ELbmOwnsItemArray );
     iListBox->HandleItemAdditionL( );
     // Add icons to listbox
     // Activate Listbox
     iListBox->SetRect( Rect() );

void CMyContainer::AddCheckboxIconsL()
    CAknIconArray* iconArray = new( ELeave ) CAknIconArray( 1 );
    CleanupStack::PushL( iconArray );
    CFbsBitmap* checkboxOnBitmap = NULL;
    CFbsBitmap* checkboxOnBitmapMask = NULL;
    CFbsBitmap* checkboxOffBitmap = NULL;
    CFbsBitmap* checkboxOffBitmapMask = NULL;
    //CListItemDrawer is using this logical color as default for its marked icons
    TRgb defaultColor;
    defaultColor = CEikonEnv::Static()->Color( EColorControlText );

    AknsUtils::CreateColorIconLC( AknsUtils::SkinInstance(),
    CGulIcon* checkboxOnIcon = CGulIcon::NewL( checkboxOnBitmap, checkboxOnBitmapMask );
    CleanupStack::Pop( 2 ); // checkboxOnBitmap, checkboxOnBitmapMask
    CleanupStack::PushL( checkboxOnIcon );
    iconArray->AppendL( checkboxOnIcon );

    AknsUtils::CreateColorIconLC( AknsUtils::SkinInstance(),
    CGulIcon* checkboxOffIcon = CGulIcon::NewL( checkboxOffBitmap, checkboxOffBitmapMask );
    CleanupStack::Pop( 2 ); // checkboxOffBitmap, checkboxOffBitmapMask    
    CleanupStack::PushL( checkboxOffIcon );
    iconArray->AppendL( checkboxOffIcon );
    iListBox->ItemDrawer()->ColumnData()->SetIconArray( iconArray );
    // checkboxOffIcon, checkboxOnIcon, iconArray
    CleanupStack::Pop( 3 );
Related APIs
  • CAknSingleGraphicStyleListBox
  • ComponentControl()
  • CountComponentControls()
  • EAknListBoxMultiselectionList

Select and deselect an item in a multiselection listbox

This example shows how to change the checkbox states of a multiselection list item.

              // Checks the second item in the list
iListBox->View()->SelectItemL( 1 ); 
// Unchecks the first item in the list
iListBox->View()->DeselectItem( 0 );

Creating a markable listbox

A markable listbox is essentially a selection listbox with an added feature that allows list items to be marked. Any number of items can be marked on the list. A command can be applied to all of the marked items. A listbox consists of a mark icon, if the item is marked and a text. Because of the type of the listbox items, the CAknSingleGraphicStyleListBox class is used, so a mark icon can be used on the right side on the list item. To create a listbox from code, follow these steps:

  • Create a new listbox instance. You must choose an appropriate class to instantiate depending on which type of listbox you wish to create This example uses the CAknSingleGraphicStyleListBox class.

  • Use flag EAknListBoxMarkableList to create a markable list.

  • Set the listbox’s container window. Since the listbox is a non window-owning control, its parent control is passed as a parameter, providing a window for the listbox to draw to.

  • Create a scrollbar frame to the listbox and set active.

  • Construct a listbox item array. The listbox item string format must obey the string format specified for the listbox type used. Append the formatted item strings to the listbox item array.

  • Set the listbox item array to the listbox and set the item array ownership to the listbox.

  • Construct the list icon array, that contains the mark icons The mark icons are loaded from a AVKON's bitmap file and appended to the icon array. Set the icon array to the listbox. In the example the mark icons are gotten from the current active skin, so if the skin changes, the mark icons change as well, according to the new skin.

Note that the order of the icons in the icon array defines their indexes. In this example, the first icon is indexed as zero ( 0 ), and the next is indexed as one ( 1 ). The first column in the listbox item string defines the index of the icon to be displayed for the specific listbox item.

The example listbox is a component of a compound control and it is needed to implement the method ComponentControl() and CountComponentControls() .

              class CMyContainer : public CCoeControl
     CAknColumnListBox* iListBox;
     CDesCArrayFlat* iListBoxItems;

void CMyContainer::ConstructL()
     CreateWindowL(); // This is a window owning control
     // Create a single numbered style listbox
     iListBox = new (ELeave) CAknSingleGraphicStyleListBox(); // markable
     // Construct listbox   
     iListBox->ConstructL( this, EAknListBoxMarkableList | EAknListBoxLoopScrolling );    
     iListBox->SetContainerWindowL( *this );
     // Set scrollbars
     iListBox->CreateScrollBarFrameL( ETrue );
     iListBox->ScrollBarFrame()->SetScrollBarVisibilityL( CEikScrollBarFrame::EOn, CEikScrollBarFrame::EAuto );    
     // Create listbox item array
     iListBoxItems = new (ELeave) CDesCArrayFlat(4);
     // Create listbox items
     iListBoxItems->AppendL( _L("\tItem1\t\t") );
     iListBoxItems->AppendL( _L("\tItem2\t\t") );
     iListBoxItems->AppendL( _L("\tItem3\t\t") );
     // Add items to listbox
     iListBox->Model()->SetItemTextArray( iListBoxItems );
     // Listbox deletes the item array
     iListBox->Model()->SetOwnershipType( ELbmOwnsItemArray );
     iListBox->HandleItemAdditionL( );
     // Add icons to listbox
     // Activate Listbox
     iListBox->SetRect( Rect() );

void CMyContainer::AddMarkIconsL()
    CAknIconArray* iconArray = new(ELeave) CAknIconArray(1);
    CFbsBitmap* markBitmap = NULL;
    CFbsBitmap* markBitmapMask = NULL;
    //CListItemDrawer is using this logical color as default for its marked icons
    TRgb defaultColor;
    defaultColor = CEikonEnv::Static()->Color(EColorControlText);

    CGulIcon* markIcon = CGulIcon::NewL( markBitmap,markBitmapMask );
    CleanupStack::Pop( 2 ); // markBitmap, markBitmapMask
    CleanupStack::PushL( markIcon );      
    iconArray->AppendL( markIcon );

    iListBox->ItemDrawer()->ColumnData()->SetIconArray( iconArray );
    // markIcon, iconArray
    CleanupStack::Pop( 2 );
Related APIs
  • 0
  • 1
  • CAknSingleGraphicStyleListBox
  • ComponentControl()
  • CountComponentControls()
  • EAknListBoxMarkableList

Mark and unmark an item in a markable listbox

This example shows how to change the mark states of a markable list item.

              // Marks the second item in the list
iListBox->View()->SelectItemL( 1 ); 
// Unmarks the first item in the list
iListBox->View()->DeselectItem( 0 );

Getting the selected items of a markable or multiselection list

Markable and multiselection lists allow multiple items to be selected, as well as one item or none at all. An array of the indexes of the selected items can be requested from these lists. The indexes are returned by the listbox as an array of type CSelectionIndexArray , which is essentially just a typedef of CArrayFix . The following code example demonstrates how to retrieve the array of selected items from markable and multiselection lists:

              // Get the selected item indexes an array
const CArrayFix<TInt> *selectedIndexes = iListBox ->SelectionIndexes();

// Make sure the array is not null (no items)
if ( selectedIndexes != NULL ) 
    // Loop through the selected item indexes
    for ( TInt index=0; index < selectedIndexes->Count(); index++ )
        // Get the index of the selected item
        TInt selectedItemIndex = (*aIndexArray)[index];
        // now do something with the index…
Related APIs
  • CArrayFix
  • CSelectionIndexArray

Creating a settings style listbox

A setting style listbox is essentially a selection listbox with an added feature that allows to change the items according to a setting. A listbox consists of a name and a value. Because of the type of the listbox items, the CAknSettingStyleListBox class is used. It is also possible to create a settings lists using class CAknSettingItemList . For details please see Setting Lists API documentation .

To create a listbox from code, follow these steps:

  • Create a new listbox instance. You must choose an appropriate class to instantiate depending on which type of listbox you wish to create This example uses the CAknSettingStyleListBox class.

  • Use flag EAknListBoxSelectionList to create a markable list.

  • Set the listbox’s container window. Since the listbox is a non window-owning control, its parent control is passed as a parameter, providing a window for the listbox to draw to.

  • Create a scrollbar frame to the listbox and set active.

  • Construct a listbox item array. The listbox item string format must obey the string format specified for the listbox type used. Append the formatted item strings to the listbox item array.

  • Set the listbox item array to the listbox and set the item array ownership to the listbox.

The example listbox is a component of a compound control and it is needed to implement the method ComponentControl() and CountComponentControls() .

              class CMyContainer : public CCoeControl
     CAknSettingStyleListBox * iListBox;
     CDesCArrayFlat* iListBoxItems;

void CMyContainer::ConstructL()
     CreateWindowL(); // This is a window owning control
     // Create listbox
     iListBox = new (ELeave) CAknSettingStyleListBox(); // markable
     // Construct listbox   
     iListBox->ConstructL( this, EAknListBoxSelectionList | EAknListBoxLoopScrolling );    
     iListBox->SetContainerWindowL( *this );
     // Set scrollbars
     iListBox->CreateScrollBarFrameL( ETrue );
     iListBox->ScrollBarFrame()->SetScrollBarVisibilityL( CEikScrollBarFrame::EOn, CEikScrollBarFrame::EAuto );    
     // Create listbox item array
     iListBoxItems = new (ELeave) CDesCArrayFlat(4);
     // Create listbox items
    iListBoxItems->AppendL( _L("\tUpdates\t\tOff") );
    iListBoxItems->AppendL( _L("\tLanguage\t\tEnglish") );
    iListBoxItems->AppendL( _L("\tSounds\t\tOn") );
     // Add items to listbox
     iListBox->Model()->SetItemTextArray( iListBoxItems );
     // Listbox deletes the item array
     iListBox->Model()->SetOwnershipType( ELbmOwnsItemArray );
     iListBox->HandleItemAdditionL( );
     // Activate Listbox
     iListBox->SetRect( Rect() );
Related APIs
  • CAknSettingItemList
  • CAknSettingStyleListBox
  • ComponentControl()
  • CountComponentControls()
  • EAknListBoxSelectionList

Adding an item to listbox

New items are added to the listbox by appending a new entry to the listbox item array. First, the listbox item array is retrieved from the listbox. A new listbox item is then appended to the existing listbox item array and the listbox is requested to handle the addition of a new item. The HandleItemAdditionL() method handles the listbox redrawing and repositions the selection in a sensible state.

The following example code adds a new entry to a selection listbox:

              // Get listbox item array
MDesC16Array* textArray = iListBox->Model()->ItemTextArray();
// Add new item to item array
static_cast<CDesC16Array*>( textArray )->AppendL( _L( "\tNewItem\t\t" ) );
// Update listbox
Related APIs
  • HandleItemAdditionL()

Removing an item from listbox

To remove items from the listbox, you must first get the listbox item array from the listbox. Items are deleted from the item list array by specifying the index of the item to be deleted and the number of items to be deleted. The listbox is requested to handle the item deletion and redraw itself to show the changes.

The following example code removes the second item from a listbox:

              // Get listbox item array
MDesCArray* textArray = iListBox->Model()->ItemTextArray();
// Delete second item from item array
static_cast<CDesCArray*>( textArray )->Delete( 1 );
// Handle deletion

Multiple contiguous items can also be deleted by specifying the count of the contiguous items to be deleted as the second parameter of the Delete() method. In the example above, only the selected item is deleted by specifying the count as one ( 1 ).

Related APIs
  • 1
  • Delete()

Getting the number of items in listbox

This example shows how to get the number of listbox items.

              TInt listboxItems = iListBox->Model()->NumberOfItems();

Offering key events to listbox

If the listbox is a component of a compound control, it is needed to inform the listbox about key events. It is simply forwarding the event to the listbox from the components OfferKeyEventL() method.

              TKeyResponse CMyContainer::OfferKeyEventL(const TKeyEvent& aKeyEvent, TEventCode aType)
    return iListBox->OfferKeyEventL( aKeyEvent, aType );
Related APIs
  • OfferKeyEventL()

Handling listbox events

To observe events if a listbox item is selected, a listbox observer is needed. The observer class must be inherited from class MEikListBoxObserver and must implement the method HandleListBoxEventL() .

Listbox can set an observer to which it can send other events, usually from a component to its container control. The control observer interface is MCoeControlObserver . For example the EEventStateChanged event can be used by a control to report that some piece of internal data has changed, and hence that any observer should be notified accordingly.

If a custom listbox is created or it is needed to handle situations where the theme is changed and listbox needs to display different icons, HandleResourceChange() must be implemented.

In this example, the class CMyContainer observes if a listbox item is selected, by pressing the Enter key.

              class CMyContainer : public CCoeControl, MEikListBoxObserver
    * From MEikListBoxObserver
    void HandleListBoxEventL( CEikListBox* aListBox, TListBoxEvent aEventType ); 
    CAknColumnListBox* iListBox;

void CMyContainer::HandleListBoxEventL( CEikListBox* /*aListBox*/, TListBoxEvent aEventType )
    if ( aEventType == EEventEnterKeyPressed )
         switch ( iListBox->CurrentItemIndex() )
                    case 1: 
                         // Handle keypress event here…

                         // Do default handling here…
Related APIs
  • CMyContainer
  • EEventStateChanged
  • HandleListBoxEventL()
  • HandleResourceChange()
  • MCoeControlObserver
  • MEikListBoxObserver

Creating animated highlight

If the current skin supports animated highlight, it is only visible on the list if the focus is set to list. This example shows how to set the focus on the list. iListBox can be a pointer to any type of AVKON list. For example: CAknSingleGraphicStyleListBox .

              void MyContainer::FocusChanged( TDrawNow aDrawNow )
    CCoeControl::FocusChanged( aDrawNow );
        if( iListBox )
        iListBox->SetFocus( IsFocused(), aDrawNow );
Related APIs
  • CAknSingleGraphicStyleListBox
  • iListBox

Common problems in the listbox usage

This section describes what are the common problems when using a listbox.

  • Listbox crashes if no icon array has been set.

  • Listbox crashes if list items have non-numeric indexes or indexes outside of the icon array.

  • Layout is not correct, listbox flags has not been set in ConstructL() or in resource file.

  • Listbox size and position are not correct, the height in the LISTBOX resource inside of the dialogs needs to be correct.

  • Listbox item layout not correct, payload strings may contain extra tab characters.

Related APIs
  • ConstructL()

Error handling

Listbox uses standard Symbian platform error reporting mechanism. Possible panic circumstances and panic codes are indicated in class or method descriptions.

Leaves and system wide error codes as function return values are used if the error is recoverable. A client application can handle these errors similarly as a normal Symbian platform application.

Exception handling is not needed, except when setting up a layout in the SizeChanged() method, which needs to allocate memory.

Related APIs
  • SizeChanged()

Memory overhead

The amount of reserved memory for listbox depend on the application, but despite the application the amount of reserved memory is relatively small.

Limitations of the API




Lists API abbreviations

API Application Programming Interface


Extensions and modifications to Uikon and other parts of the Symbian platform application framework.


Model-View-Controller (design pattern)