Symbian OS Library


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Finding your way around

The Symbian OS Library is a large documentation set. To help you find what you need, this page provides an introduction to its contents. Not all sections of the documentation are relevant to all types of user of the OS, so this introduction is divided into a few groups as follows:

OS structure and APIs

The core information about the services that Symbian OS offers, and how to use them, is found in three sections:

To make development easier, further sections provide supplementary information:

Symbian OS is a large system, containing hundreds of classes and thousands of member functions. Like most complex systems, it is easiest to approach by dividing it into large areas, and gradually narrowing your focus down to the areas that are most important to your tasks. This Symbian OS guide and Symbian OS reference use large divisions called subsystems. For example, the Application Engines subsystem contains all the APIs that can be used to manipulate data for the standard applications such as Contacts. Subsystems are in turn composed of components which provide libraries and header files that programs can use. One way to explore the OS is to first get familiar with the subsystems, and then drill down into the components.

Alternatively, if you know the name of the API that you are interested in, the easiest way to get to its reference page is to use the Index tab in the HTML Help version of the documentation, which lists all the APIs alphabetically. Alternatively, click on Index in the title bar of any page to go to lists of the APIs divided into categories, such as classes, functions, and constants. See Using the indexes for more information.

The following sections describe the guide, reference, and other sections in more detail.

Symbian OS reference

The reference contains three sections:

The C++ component reference lists the operating system's components, grouped together by subsystem. Within each section, a reference page for each API item is provided, organised alphabetically. The following shows the beginning of a typical reference page, in this case for the class RDir.

As you can see the reference page for RDir is divided into sections:

A reference page then describes each class member in turn. The members are grouped into the following sections:

The reference pages show only the APIs that are intended for use, so, for example, private data members and internal functions not exported by libraries are not shown.

In most cases, APIs are stable and intended for use in released phones. However, if this is not the case, then the documentation provides interface status information. This is one of the following categories:


Interface is experimental. May be used in development kits and tools, and in prototype phones for development and evaluation purposes, but not in phones released to end-users.


Interface is deprecated and is available for backward compatibility reasons only. Interface may in future be withdrawn.


Interface is no longer supported.


Interface is reserved for reference/test components and must not be included in a licensee device.

There is one other type of Symbian OS-specific information that you will see on reference pages, which is platform security capability information. In order to protect devices against malicious programs, some sensitive system functions require the calling program to have permission, expressed as a capability setting, to use them. The documentation for such functions has a Capability section that tells you what is required. For example:

Capability: Drm

indicates that the calling program must have the capability called Drm. For more information, see the Platform security section.

The capabilities for some functions are conditional on the argument values passed to them. If this is case, the capability is described as Dependent, and is usually followed by a description of the condition.

Symbian OS guide

The Symbian OS guide provides introductory documents to the system as a whole, followed by subsystem-by-subsystem guides to the components in the OS.

The documentation for a subsystem contains how-to guides, which have titles of the form "Using component-name". These guides usually provide a brief overview of the classes in the API that the component offers, and show the key ways to use these classes.

Symbian OS Tools And Utilities

Symbian OS software development requires you to be familiar with a number of tools and development practices. The C++ development processes provides a quick walkthrough of the essentials, from defining a software project, to working with the emulator to develop, debug, and test software on a Windows PC, to the final steps of building and deploying on target hardware.

The Symbian OS Tools And Utilities provides the full detail on the Symbian OS tools. For many the most frequently used sections will be the Build tools guide and Build tools reference, which explain the project files required for Symbian OS programming, and how to build for the various native and emulated targets. It also explains the other tools which support your development, including the resource file format and compiler, bitmap files, installation package files, and help files.

FAQ Knowledgebase

The FAQ Knowledgebase contains answers written by Symbian's developer and partner support groups to common questions and problems. The FAQ Knowledgebase is also available on the Symbian Developer Network.

FAQs are listed in date order from most recent to oldest. Note older FAQs may not apply to the current version of the OS. You can see for what version of the OS the FAQ was created from its Platform sub-heading.


The Examples section gives instructions for building and using the large set of C++ examples that accompany the Symbian OS Library. Projects include examples demonstrating the use of fundamental Symbian OS classes, essential techniques and idioms that can be employed in developing Symbian OS applications, and many examples showing how to use particular Symbian OS C++ APIs.

Note that in licensee customised versions of the Symbian OS Library, the generic Symbian OS examples may be replaced by phone specific examples.

Example code is provided for illustrative and demonstration purposes, and should not be assumed to be useable as product code.


Newcomers to Symbian OS

There are some sections aimed at those developing on Symbian OS for the first time.

Application Development Tutorial is a walkthrough of the key knowledge that you'll need to begin development. It uses a full featured example program on the UIQ platform.

In the Symbian OS guide, useful topics are Essential idioms, which describes the distinctive programming idioms and conventions for Symbian OS, and About Symbian OS development, which describes the the Symbian OS development environment and the development lifecycle.


Maintenance and upgrading

The Symbian OS library provides two useful resources for the experienced developer who wants to know what is changing in the OS, in order to maintain or extend existing programs.

The What's new section describes the changes in the documentation set since the last release. The API item reference documentation changes lists the added, deleted, and changed APIs.