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Setting up the Remote Access Service on Windows NT

The following steps set up the Remote Access Service (RAS) on a Windows NT PC.

Install a Null Modem

  1. Open Control Panel >> Modems >> Add.

  2. Check the Don't detect my modem; I will select it from a list check box and click Next.

  3. Select (Standard Modem Types) and Communications cable between two computers, then click Next.

  4. From the On which ports do you want to install it? option choose Selected ports and highlight a COM port of your choice.

  5. Click on Next and then Finish to get back to the Modem Properties dialog box.

  6. Select the modem you just installed and click on Properties. You may have to select Control Panel >> Phone and Modem Settings >> Modem again.

  7. In the General tab, change the Maximum Speed to 115200.

  8. In the Connection tab, ensure that the that Data Bits is 8, Parity is None and Stop Bits is 1.

  9. Click OK several times to close all tabs.

  10. Now configure the port: select Control Panel >> Ports, select the port you defined for the null modem and click on Settings.

  11. Ensure that the that Data Bits is 8, Parity is None, Stop Bits is 1 and Flow Control is None.


Install and Configure RAS

  1. RAS does not work if you change any null modem settings after installing RAS. So, if you have just installed a new modem then you will need to uninstall RAS:

    • Go to Control Panel >> Network and select the Services tab.

    • Select Remote Access Service from the list and select Remove.

  2. Now install RAS: Go to Control Panel >> Network and select the Services tab.

  3. Click on Add, select Remote Access Service from the list and click on OK.

  4. You will be asked for the location of the files. Insert the Windows NT setup disk, enter the path to the disk and click on Continue. The RAS setup will now take place.

    The NT setup disk may be located on your PC’s hard disk (for instance at the path C:\I386) but you should verify this with your System Administrator.

  5. The Add RAS Device box will appear at this point: select the modem you just installed and click onOK.

  6. The Remote Access Setup dialog box will appear. Click on Configure, check Dial out and receive calls and click OK.

  7. You should be back at the remote access setup. Click on Network and the Network Configuration dialog will appear.

  8. Check both TCP/IP boxes and uncheck all four NetBEUI and IPX boxes.

  9. Check Allow any authentication including clear text.

  10. Click Configure and select both Entire Network and Use DCHP.... Ensure that Allow remote clients to request a predetermined IP address in not checked.

  11. Click OK twice and Continue to finish setup. You will need to restart your computer.


Create a RAS user account

  1. Click on Start >> Run.

  2. Enter MUSRMGR and press enter; the User Manager appears.

  3. In the top window, look for RasUser under Username. There should be no spaces in the name and the 'R' and 'U' should be capitals:.

    • If it is present, simply select User >> Exit to leave the user manager.

    • If it is not present then add a new user. You will need to be logged on as an administrator to add a new user:

      1. Select New User from the User drop-down menu .

      2. Enter RasUser in the username box, exactly as shown.

      3. Enter any name you like in the Full Name and Description boxes.

      4. Enter pass in the password box.

      5. Uncheck the User must change password at next login option but check the User cannot change password again and Password never expires options.

      6. Click on Dialin >> Grant dialin permission to user. Select No Call Back from the Callback Option and click OK.

      7. Click on Groups. Group Memberships dialog should now appear.

      8. Select Guests from the Not member of list and click on <-Add. Guests should now appear under the Members of list. This step may be complete already.

      9. Click OK twice, then select User >> Exit to close the User Manager.


Start RAS

Note: Before starting RAS you need to install Service Pack 6a – contact your system administrator for this.

Also, you must ensure none of the COM ports are being used by another application such as Symbian Connect before starting RAS.

  1. Click Start >> Run and enter rasadmin. The Remote Access Admin window will appear.

  2. Select Server >> Select Domain or Server.... Enter the name of your domain in the space provided and click on OK.

  3. Select Server >> Start Remote Access Service. RAS should now be running and listening to COM port selected in Install a Null Modem.

  4. Click Start >> Run and enter rasmon. A new icon should appear in the system tray. This is the Dial-Up Networking Monitor. Double click on it.

  5. Select the Preferences tab and set the Show Status Lights setting to As a window on the desktop.

  6. Check both Display the window’s titlebar & Always on top option.

  7. Click on Lights. The Status Lights dialog should appear.

  8. Uncheck All Devices from Show lights for selection but check Dial-Up Networking Serial Cable between 2 PCs.

  9. Click on OK, Apply and OK to exit.