Symbian OS Library


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AURA commands

AURA provides the following commands:

  1. help

  2. define

  3. apianalyse

  4. version


This is the most basic command and provides the help information about the commands and the available options.

Run the help command as shown below:

aura help [command name]

where, command name is command used to narrow down the help. If you provide a command name along with the help command, than, AURA provides the detailed help on the specified AURA command. For example:

aura help define

This provides the detailed help on the define command.

If no options are provided, the tool will output the general information listing all the available commands and their description.



AURA uses the define command to perform the following actions:

  1. extract and store the Symbian API's information from the API's Classification document

  2. extract and store the APIs information of an application or a component.

Following sections show how this command works in both the cases.

1. The define command can process the Symbian API's Classification document, for more information, see Using AURA. The define command uses -a option to extract the API information from the API classification document to the database:

aura define -a <API file>

where, -a is the complete path to the API classification document. For example:

aura define -a y:\imrep_M04045_Symbian_OS_v9.3.xml

Note: Always run the aura define -a < API file > as the first AURA command.

2. The following define command options are used to extract the API information of a component or an application to the database:

aura define -e <path to the text file containing the EDG report information> -i <path to text file which contains the system include files>


Note: If the input file name contains white spaces, include the file name inside the quotes. For example:

aura define -a "y:\comp name\imrep_M04045_Symbian_OS_v9.3.xml"

For more information, see Using AURA.



Use apianalyse command to compare and analyse the API information that is stored in the database. This command produces the human readable and non-tampered report based on the comparison and analysis results.

aura apianalyse

The apianalyse command provides the following options:

For example:

aura apianalyse -r d:\aura_report.xml -f internalAll

where, –r indicates that the aura_report.xml is the report file that is located in d:. -f indicates that the report needs to be generated for the API items that are classified under internalAll.

The apianalyse command first checks for the existence of the data model at the given location that is specified in the configuration file. If the data model exists and it is in good condition, it sends a query to the data model to get the API usage information from the data model. The resulted data will be the detailed information about the Symbian APIs used in the application. Using this information, AURA will write the APIs used by the application and their classification information to an XML file. Using a stylesheet, AURA will convert the XML file into an HTML file.

If the database is missing or corrupt, then this command stops comparing and sends an appropriate error message back.

The figure shows the flow of the comparison and analysis of the API data:

Camparison and Analysis of API data

Camparison and Analysis of API data



Use this command to get the version number of the tool.

aura –version

The versioning will be in the form <Major>.<minor>.<patch>. e.g. 1.0.1000.

Customising the properties file

You can specify your own properties file to customise the settings to your requirements along with the above commands.

For example:

aura -p M:\epoc32\tools\aura\ define -a M:\epoc32\data\imrep_03821_Symbian_OS_v9.3.xml


See also

Using AURA