Symbian OS Library


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How to use depmodel

The depmodel tool is a tool which discovers information about a Symbian OS build. It discovers the dependencies between executables and dlls. It also generates executable-to-component and component-to-subsystem mappings, and discovers the header files which are exported by each component.

When running the tool, all the source components and dependencies that contribute to the construction of a specific ROM for a Symbian OS build are identified. This is done by checking the ROM log file produced by the ROM build tool and the source root directory of a Symbian OS build.

A data set is then generated in a \pld directory of the substituted drive on which the tool is being run.

The data (.pld) files produced by this tool is used as input to the compare tool when performing the Binary Compatibility check.

In order to run the tool, you first need to create substituted drives for both the builds you are comparing, using the subst command.

NOTE: If you want to be able to use depmodel from any location, you can add the location of the BC Comparator tools to your PATH as described in Introduction to BC Comparator.

Command line syntax

Once you have set up the substituted drive (X:), type the following from command line at that drive:

X:> depmodel -b  -s<n> [options] [source-path cfg-path rom-log [nucleus-list]]     

Compulsory arguments

In order for depmodel to work correctly you need to specify that data should be generated in BC Comparator mode, as well as specify the locations of the subsystem, Symbian OS source, the configuration file (gt.txt or techview.txt) and the ROM log file.


Specifies that data is generated for use by the BC Comparator tool.


The source location and name of the subsystem, where <n> is the offset from the main source directory, where the subsystem name can be found. For example, the location of the subsystem in the following path would be -s3:



The path of the source tree, with no trailing backslash. If omitted, the source is taken to be in \main\generic.


Either the path of the directory containing the configuration file gt.txt (and optionally techview.txt which is used for the analysis if present) or the full path of all configuration files to use separated by commas and no spaces (e.g. p:\ConfigDir\SymbianOS_7.0s_GT.txt,p:\ConfigDir\SymbianOS_7.0s_TV.txt,... ).


The full path name of the ROM log that was generated when building the ROM which is to be analysed.

Optional arguments

The following arguments are optional, but may be useful if you require additional information on nucleus components and available command line options.


Optionally specifies the full path name of a file listing nucleus components and/or executables. If omitted, defaults to core.txt. If no nucleus file exists, no nucleus definition is assumed and the output does not include size or dependency information based on the nucleus.


Displays all command line options available for use.


See also