Symbian OS Library


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How to use dumpvtables

The dumpvtables tool (dumpvtables.exe) analyses a ROM image and its associated symbol file for vtables.

It outputs all classes discovered and their associated vtable entries to standard output, and thus a vtable dump may be gathered by redirecting output of the tool to a file.

The output is a text file that can be called anything, for example vtdump1.txt, and is located in the same directory from where the tool is run.

The dumpvtables tool should be run on both Symbian OS builds you are comparing, after running depmodel.

Command line syntax

To use the tool, simply type the following from command line on the substituted drive for each build:

> dumpvtables <imagefile> > <outputfile>

This generates a .txt file in the current directory.


The following information must be defined in order to extract vtable information.


This is the path of the image file to be analysed. It is assumed that a symbol file of the same name but with .symbol extension is lcoated in the same directory as the image file.


This is the name of the file in which to dump results of analysis.


Displays help information.


A full example of how to use dumpvtables is shown below:

> dumpvtables m:\Roms\la_001.techview.log > vtdump1.txt


See also