Symbian OS Library


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Execute on Symbian

Three types of tests namely, command-line tests, TEF tests and RTest tests are executed using the TestDriver. <executeOnSymbian> task allows you to execute these tests on the Symbian device (hardware or emulator). Each of these tasks are explained in the following section.



<executeOnSymbian> task contains three sub-tasks:

  1. <cmdSymbian>: This task is used to run a STAT command on the Symbian board. Specify the STAT commands that need to be run using statCommand attribute. While running this task you have the following options:

    • statCommand: This is the STAT command that you need to run.

    • output: The result will be printed to the file specified, otherwise it will be printed to stdout and/or to the log files.

    • sync: To run the command asyncronously to the current thread set this attribute to false. The command will be terminated only when completed, when the timeout occurs or at the end of the current task (whichever is first). By default sync is true and the current thread will wait till the command is completed or the timeout occurs.

  2. <testExecuteScript>: This task is used to run a TEF test on the device. The TEF script file will be transfered, run and the results are retrieved to the TestDriver result folder. It provides the following attributes:

    TEF Scripts accepts only variables in the PCPath and not the wildcards. During the build phase of the TestDriver all scripts are collected into the repository and packaged into an .SIS file.

    In the run phase, if the PlatSec is on, the scripts will be transfered and installed at the beginning of the task, and uninstalled and deleted at the end of the task. If PlatSec is off, the files in the repository will be transfered at the beginning of the task and deleted at the end of the task.

    <testExecuteScript> provides the following attributes:

    • PCPath

    • SymbianPath

    For details on PCPath and SymbianPath, see transferToSymbian task.

  3. <rtest>: RTests provide a way to send information on the debug port and less often used. RTests are "legacy" type of tests.

Example for <executeOnSymbian>

An example xml file to describe an <executeOnSymbian> task is provided below:

    <testExecuteScript PCPath="${epocroot}\epoc32\release\${platform}\${build}\z\plattest\ST_Http_v6Cases.script" SymbianPath="c:\plattest\ST_Http_v6Cases.script"/>
    <rtest ResultFile="c:\result\result.txt" SymbianPath="c:\rtest.exe" />
    <cmd statCommand="getScreenCapture" output="${resultroot}/screencapture.gif" />


See also

Introduction to XML Schema

TestDriverV1 XML format