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XML structure


The XML files used to define the test suite hierarchy should be stored and structured in such a way that they reflect a composite tree pattern; tests can be grouped to form suites, and suites can be grouped together to form other suites. Suites can also contain a combination of tests and suites. This means that each test and test suite should have their own defining XML file at the same level as they appear in the test suite hierarchy.

The XML files describe tests and test suites. Tests are defined in either a <RTest>, <testExecuteTest> or <commandLineTest> tag, depending on the test type. Suites are defined using a <testSuite> tag. When using a Test Execute test, the associated servers also need to be defined in a separate XML file within a <testExecuteServer> tag.

NOTE: None of the tags are case sensitive.

The XML elements available for edit in each XML file depends on which DTD is being used, i.e. RTest.dtd, TestSuite.dtd, TestExecuteServer.dtd, TestExecuteTest.dtd or CommandLineTest.dtd.

Any associated dependencies are defined within a <dependencies> tag inside the main tag. Below is an example of how XML files have been organised to reflect the test suite hierarchy described in Defining a test suite hierarchy.

Suite directories and test files

In the XML structure above, we have a number of suites and tests organised into directories. The contents of a directory represent the contents of a suite and the XML files define the suites and tests.

In the diagram above, TestSuite1 is the top most suite. This suite is defined by the TestSuite1.xml file. The path [XMLRoot] is specified when configuring Test Driver. See Installing and configuring Test Driver for more information.

Test Suite 3 is slightly different though, as it contains a TestExecute test that needs associated TestExecute servers:

Test Execute servers

When several TestExecute tests within different suites are using the same TestExecute servers, the servers need to be defined within the top most common suite.

If, for example, the Test Suite 1 folder contained yet another test suite containing TestExecute tests that make use of the same servers as the tests defined in Test Suite 3, the servers should be defined within a TestExeuteServers directory in the Test Suite 1 folder, as shown below:


See also