Symbian OS Library


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Viewing the test logs and results

Viewing the test logs

Logs of tests that have been run using TestDriver are retrieved from the device and stored within a directory on the PC. This path is specified when configuring the TestDriver using -l option. The results can be viewed in two ways.

  1. from the generated .xml and .htm result files (using XSLT)

  2. from the logs generated (testLog.txt) this is used to maintain BC for dab.

In the build phase of the TestDriver (started by running testdriver build command), the results appear in the same folder as ${repositoryroot}/${buildnumber}/${platform}/${build}/build_${buildnumber}.xml and .html.

In the run phase, (started by running testdriver run command) the result files will be placed in ${resultroot}/${buildnumber}/${platform}/${build}/${runnumber}/run_${buildnumber}.xml and .html.

The structure below reflects the test results defined.

Test results hierarchy

Test results hierarchy

At the ResultRoot location all the test logs are stored under a folder with a name constructed by a run number, the platform that was used (arm4/armi/wins/winscw/thumb) and the type of build (udeb/urel) (For example, RunNo007 - arm4 - urel).

Within this folder are several sub-folders structured in a way that reflects the test hierarchy. The specific test logs are contained within the corresponding directory of the test to which they belong, as shown in the above diagram.

Within each run folder a testlog.htm file is created. This file contains a summary of the test run and contains links to the test logs.


Viewing the test results

Reports generated by the TestDriver can be viewed using the Generic Report Viewer. TestDriver provides a support file called plug-in. You need to select the testdriver plug-in while loading the .xml report into the Report Viewer.

To view the .xml report, launch the Generic Report Viewer from the start-up menu. Load the xml report into the Report Viewer and select the report type as testdriver as shown in the figure.

For more details on how to load the report, see Loading the report in Generic Report Viewer.


Results schema

A sample results schema would look like this:

Results schema

Results schema


See also

Storing tests and results