Symbian OS Library

FAQ-0557 Memory allocated for a Java applet in Web on the emulator appears not to get returned to the system even when Web is closed. Is this a memory leak?

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Classification: Java Category: Emulator
Created: 01/19/2001 Modified: 07/16/2001
Number: FAQ-0557
Platform: ER5, Symbian OS v6.0, Symbian OS v6.1

Memory allocated for a Java applet in Web on the emulator appears not to get returned to the system even when Web is closed. Is this a memory leak? Can I expect similar problems on real hardware?

No this is not a memory leak. The emulator runs as a single process, with applications running in threads. On the emulator when Web is closed the Java Runtime will remain loaded and taking up resources. These are only returned when the enclosing process (i.e. the emulator) is closed.
On the real hardware Web runs in a process and on closing Web resources taken up by the Java Runtime will be returned to the operating system.