Symbian OS Library

Developer Knowledgebase


FAQ-1310 Can I extend the capabilities of my midlets using JNI on Symbian OS?
FAQ-1300 What does the following mean: "Program closed, Program: jes-26d-javax.microedition.lcdui1@142125, Reason code: KERN-EXEC, Reason number: 3"?
FAQ-1289 Why does my untrusted MIDlet throw a SecurityException when I try to open a SocketConnection?
FAQ-1278 Incoming UDP Datagrams are truncated at 512 bytes. Why is this?
FAQ-1257 Will my MIDlet carry on executing when it is backgrounded behind another application?
FAQ-1219 Can I install a MIDlet using a SIS file?
FAQ-1206 Can I launch a MIDlet from a native application?
FAQ-1198 Can I access native functionality from a MIDlet?
FAQ-1182 Does pauseApp always get called when a MIDlet gets backgrounded?
FAQ-1162 Can a phone's IMEI number be accessed from MIDP?
FAQ-1161 How can I change the MIDP 2.0 security policy on the UIQ 2.1 Emulator?
FAQ-1141 How can I send an SMS message using the Wireless Messaging API so that it is received by a specific MIDlet?
FAQ-1131 What is pre-verification?
FAQ-1130 "MIDlets run in a sandbox". What does this mean in practice?
FAQ-1088 The setFullScreenMode of GameCanvas has no effect on the P900. Is this a defect?
FAQ-1087 Does Symbian's javax.microedition.lcdui.Canvas implement double buffering?
FAQ-1075 I notice that the Symbian OS v8.0 Java platform includes support for the Unified Emulator Interface (UEI). What is the UEI?
FAQ-1074 What tools are available to support programming the Java Bluetooth APIs (JSR 82)?
FAQ-1048 How do I find out more information on the MIDP 2.0 implementation running on the Nokia 6600?
FAQ-1047 How do I find out more information on the MIDP 2.0 implementation running on the Sony Ericsson P900/P908?
FAQ-1040 Can I access a CEikonEnv handle from JNI code?
FAQ-1039 How do I specify a JNI project which builds a class in a non-default package?
FAQ-1032 Is the trusted protection domain supported on Symbian OS, MIDP 2.0 enabled phones?
FAQ-1031 Do Symbian OS based MIDP 2.0 phones support the platformRequest(String url) method?
FAQ-1010 How do I get started with PersonalJava development on UIQ?
FAQ-1009 How do I launch the UIQ 2.1 emulator and start running a MIDlet from the command line?
FAQ-0978 What are the protected API calls in the Java API for Bluetooth Wireless Technology (JSR 82)?
FAQ-0977 What are the protected API calls in the Mobile Media API (JSR 135)?
FAQ-0965 When my MIDlet writes data to a (Data)OutputStream it fails to arrive at the connection endpoint. Why is this?
FAQ-0964 My MIDlet fails to read from an InputStream. Whats wrong?
FAQ-0955 Does Symbian's implementation of JSR 82 support OBEX?
FAQ-0954 What is the maximum value for ReceiveMTU supported in Symbian's implementation of JSR 82's L2CAP connections?
FAQ-0951 What is CLDC HI?
FAQ-0950 Does Symbian's implementation of the Wireless Messaging API support receiving CBS?
FAQ-0932 What connection protocols are supported in Symbian's MIDP 2.0 implementation?
FAQ-0931 How can I get started with MIDP 2.0 on Symbian OS?
FAQ-0923 What protocols are supported by the Push Registry implementation on Symbian OS v7.0s MIDP 2.0?
FAQ-0914 My PersonalJava application always fails to run exiting with 'Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError'. Why is this?
FAQ-0890 What audio encodings does the Mobile Media API implementation on the Nokia 3650 support ?
FAQ-0888 I need to debug my Java application on the Sony Ericsson P800. How do I receive output from Java's System.out stream?
FAQ-0883 My UIQ PersonalJava application fails with the message "Unable to initialize threads: cannot find class java/lang/Thread". Why is this?
FAQ-0881 How do I install my MIDlet onto the UIQ based Sony Ericsson P800 using the JAD file?
FAQ-0866 What video formats does the Mobile Media API (JSR 135) implementation on the Nokia 3650 support?
FAQ-0865 Why does my MIDlet fail when ported to the Nokia 3650 although it ran successfully on the Nokia 7650?
FAQ-0855 What's the difference between the UIQ SDK and the Sony Ericsson P800 Emulator for J2ME MIDP development for the P800?
FAQ-0854 Is JavaPhone available on UIQ phones?
FAQ-0849 I want my MIDlet to use the full screen of the Nokia 7650. How do I achieve this?
FAQ-0848 How do I build the JNI Infoprint examples on the UIQ SDK?
FAQ-0845 I want to develop a MIDlet for UIQ. How should I go about this?
FAQ-0842 Attempting to install my MIDlet onto a Nokia 7650 by opening the .jad file results in a System Error. Why is this?
FAQ-0831 How can my Java application achieve the Split View UI so commonly used by native applications on the Nokia 9200 series phones?
FAQ-0828 Why does my MIDlet running on the Nokia 7650 fail when it attempts to open a HttpConnection?
FAQ-0827 Does J2ME MIDP on the Nokia Series 60 support client Sockets?
FAQ-0822 Why does my JNI project build OK for the 9200 Series emulator but not the communicator?
FAQ-0821 Why can't the compiler find the system include files it needs?
FAQ-0812 Why does my paint() method not get called?
FAQ-0807 Does Symbian OS impose any limits on the size of a MIDlet that can be downloaded onto a device?
FAQ-0806 How do I install my MIDlet onto a Symbian OS phone?
FAQ-0805 How can I ensure that the CFrame menu bar can always be accessed by the user, via the "Menu" key.
FAQ-0799 Why does an "ETEXT 12" error occur on the "AWT-Server 00" thread?
FAQ-0788 How can I launch CsHelp from within a Java app?
FAQ-0786 How do I remove an EikCommandButtonGroup from my Frame?
FAQ-0785 Why can't I call setText() on an EikCommandButtonGroup before adding it to a Frame?
FAQ-0781 Can a Java app interact with the menu and help keys in the 9200 Communicator series UI?
FAQ-0778 How should my application listen for outgoing calls being connected?
FAQ-0775 JNIExports.exe fails when I build a JNI project
FAQ-0769 Why does closing a Socket not end a dial-up connection?
FAQ-0766 My Java app crashes unexpectedly following garbage collection. What might be causing this?
FAQ-0762 doesn't get my IP address like it should.
FAQ-0761 How do I force a phone to connect to the Internet from Java code?
FAQ-0760 When displaying graphics in an app, there is a long delay the first time the graphic is displayed. Is it possible to pre-load the images?
FAQ-0754 Why does my Choice list take control of the top CBA button?
FAQ-0752 Can I use https in Java applications on Symbian OS?
FAQ-0748 Why does my application have problems receiving Datagrams when ported to the target device?
FAQ-0747 Is implemented on Symbian OS?
FAQ-0741 Why doesn't FilenameFilter doesn't work with FileDialog?
FAQ-0739 Can I use JDK 1.2.2 to develop for Symbian OS?
FAQ-0733 Why do I keep getting a PortInUseException when I try to use javax.comm?
FAQ-0732 Why do ContactTemplates recovered from a ContactDatabase have all field values except the formatted name stripped out?
FAQ-0730 Why do my Lists (Choices) not behave as expected when my application is ported to the Nokia 9210?
FAQ-0729 Why do all the elements in my multiple List get selected when I call the List.setEnabled(false) method?
FAQ-0722 When I repopulate a Choice list in an event handler and select the first index, why does the display not get refreshed?
FAQ-0716 Why do UDP connections to localhost cause a dialup dialog on target hardware?
FAQ-0715 In JTAPI I don't receive the connectionCreated events I am expecting. Why not?
FAQ-0712 Does Symbian OS support the JDK 1.2 enhancements to JNI?
FAQ-0709 My UIQ components appear under the MenuBar. Why?
FAQ-0708 Why does my code using javax.telephony.CallObserver not work?
FAQ-0707 Why do I never see any MetaEvents with Symbian's JavaPhone implementation?
FAQ-0706 My application crashes with a java.lang.ExceptionInInitializerError on the v6.0 Runtime
FAQ-0702 Has Symbian customised its implementation of PersonalJava to achieve a UIQ look and feel?
FAQ-0642 How can I play sound files in my application?
FAQ-0635 When I run my application I don't get a console like on Windows
FAQ-0569 BufferedReader.readLine() method fails on my 5mx, is there a work around?
FAQ-0567 Setting WINDOWMODE COLOR4K in wsini.ini causes a UIQ Java app to crash
FAQ-0566 My app crashes with message "EIKON-LISTBOX 4". What does this mean?
FAQ-0565 Are KeyEvents events consumed by the keyPressed() method?
FAQ-0559 Can I use JDK 1.2 or higher to develop applications for devices running Symbian's PersonalJava?
FAQ-0558 I have an applet that will load on the appletviewer on a v6 SDK but seems to run out of memory when I run on the Web app. Why should this be?
FAQ-0557 Memory allocated for a Java applet in Web on the emulator appears not to get returned to the system even when Web is closed. Is this a memory leak?
FAQ-0553 I can't get the "Quick Start" Hello World example to work on emulator - Quartz 6.0 SDK for Java documentation
FAQ-0552 Why do I not get a Mouse_Exited event when I drag the mouse off a component?
FAQ-0551 Why are mouse drag events not always delivered to the drag initialising component?
FAQ-0550 Why do I get spurious mouse events when dragging from an inner Container into the parent Container?
FAQ-0549 I have a very large application which takes over 20 seconds to load. What can I do to improve the situation?
FAQ-0547 Using ER5 how do you know a pointer has been dragged off the button?
FAQ-0546 False-positive virus detection on V6.0 SDKs for Java
FAQ-0544 Can I execute a system command using the exec() method of the Runtime class?
FAQ-0543 I want to develop and run an Applet using the UIQ 2.0 emulator
FAQ-0542 What does 256 colours in the Symbian PersonalJava Runtime really mean?
FAQ-0540 My app crashes periodically with an Alloc 0 error on the debug emulator. What can I do?
FAQ-0536 NewStringUTF() JNI method crashes under WINS Rel
FAQ-0527 Why does Java seem to display only four grey levels?
FAQ-0503 When I read from a socket it always waits for the specified timeout before returning
FAQ-0498 How do Java thread priorities map to EPOC thread priorities?
FAQ-0496 How do I export overloaded native functions from a dll?
FAQ-0489 Where can I obtain platform-specific information about running Java on Symbian devices?
FAQ-0486 How can I close down rogue "JavaRun" threads/processes?
FAQ-0485 Why do attempts to change the background and foreground colours associated with a checkbox fail?
FAQ-0484 Is Toolkit.getColorModel() not supported?
FAQ-0483 Why does System.getProperty in an applet always cause an AppletSecurityException?
FAQ-0478 How can I mimic out of memory in the Emulator?
FAQ-0462 My app fails with "Class not found" errors when launched from the emulator extras bar
FAQ-0453 Locale.getDefault().getlanguage() always returns "en".
FAQ-0452 Is there an open file limit in Java?
FAQ-0451 Two Java apps run at the same time on an EPOC machine sometimes crash each other
FAQ-0450 Problems with Frame.setIconImage(Image)
FAQ-0448 Can I print from Java on Symbian OS?
FAQ-0440 getDisplayCountry() and getDisplayLanguage() methods of Locale class don't work
FAQ-0439 Localized date formatting doesn't seem to work on MARM
FAQ-0437 KEY_TYPED events get reported for cursor key presses. In Java, they should not.
FAQ-0429 Why does my application panic when I try to use the CleanupStack in JNI code?
FAQ-0428 The fonts in my Java UI components seem too small. Why is this?
FAQ-0319 Why aren't all the core Java classes in
FAQ-0298 How do I convert an 8-bit descriptor to a Java string?
FAQ-0277 How do I convert between Java strings and Unicode descriptors?
FAQ-0276 How do I convert a Java string with special characters to an 8-bit descriptor?
FAQ-0275 How do I convert a Java string to an 8-bit descriptor?
FAQ-0274 ClipBoard.getContents() truncates data. Why?
FAQ-0273 Parsing a string as a float or a double fails.
FAQ-0272 Can I use Swing with the EPOC Runtime for Java?
FAQ-0271 Spy crashes with KERN-EXEC 0 if run while Java is active
FAQ-0270 Isn't it possible to run two Java apps or midlets at the same time in the emulator?
FAQ-0269 How do I launch a native application from Java?
FAQ-0267 Can I make my Java app open a selected document like Word and Web do?
FAQ-0266 How can I get AIFTOOL to work?
FAQ-0265 If I use the -classpath switch on the command line, why do I have to include
FAQ-0264 What are the default class paths?
FAQ-0263 Applet will not run as application
FAQ-0246 Can I specify command-line options for a Java app at run time on a Symbian device?
FAQ-0244 Can I set up a callback from native code to Java code?
FAQ-0242 Why doesn't my app appear on the extras bar on the ER5 emulator?
FAQ-0241 How can I do runtime debugging of my JNI code?
FAQ-0240 Does ER5 Java have the JDK 1.1.6 changes that make RMI work over IIOP?
FAQ-0239 Why is a cast used from jlong to TInt64 in the PowerInfo example?
FAQ-0238 I changed a JNI method to "static" and now I can't get it to link
FAQ-0237 Can I get a JDBC driver for DBMS databases?
FAQ-0236 With the PowerInfo JNI example, some of the command-line options for nmake don't work.
FAQ-0235 PowerInfo.class gives link error when launched from the emulator shell
FAQ-0233 I have trouble using the search utility with the SDK HTMLHelp
FAQ-0232 Keyboard cannot be used with a single select list
FAQ-0231 Select/deselect behaves strangely in multiple select lists
FAQ-0230 Can I view more than one applet in a single session of Web on the ER5 emulator?
FAQ-0229 Can I use alt- and meta-key modifiers with EPOC Java?
FAQ-0226 How do I input special characters into a TextField or TextArea?
FAQ-0225 Can't I resize my app's window? - it works on a Win32 JDK.
FAQ-0224 Why doesn't the clock in j:\demo\clock take account of daylight saving or time zone?
FAQ-0223 When creating an AIF file, in what order should I add the images to the .mbm file?
FAQ-0222 The screen is too small for my application. How can I use it?
FAQ-0221 How do I make my app quit if there is no Exit or Quit menu item?
FAQ-0220 How do I include additional C++ libraries in my project?
FAQ-0219 When I quit my Java application, the WINS emulator quits, too. Why is this?