Symbian OS Library

FAQ-0744 How do I prevent my application from being closed by the start up of the browser

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Classification: C++ Category: Applications
Created: 10/25/2001 Modified: 12/03/2001
Number: FAQ-0744
Platform: Symbian OS v6.0, Symbian OS v6.1

How do I prevent my application from being closed by the start up of the browser

The recommended way to do this is to use the

    iEikonEnv -> SetBusy(ETrue);

    call when you require that your application must remain open (and thats very rarely all the time). When it is permissable that your application may be closed without adverse results then use the

    iEikonEnv -> SetBusy(EFalse);

    call to allow this to happen.

    Note that this is a nested call, so if you call

    iEikonEnv -> SetBusy(ETrue);

    twice through perhaps some mistaken logic in your code then you need to call

    iEikonEnv -> SetBusy(EFalse);

    twice to undo both of the ETrue calls.