Symbian OS Library

FAQ-0750 How do I find out whether my phone is on or off from within an application?

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Classification: C++ Category: Telephony (ETel)
Created: 11/13/2001 Modified: 12/03/2001
Number: FAQ-0750
Platform: Not Applicable

How do I find out whether the phone is on or off from within an application?

You can use the GetState(KUidPhonePwr) method of RSystemAgent. The RSystemAgent class is included in sysagt.lib. A value of TInt status equal to 1 indicates the phone is on, whilst a return value of 0 indicates the phone is off. Other values indicate an error. The code fragment shown below shows how this method may be used.


RSystemAgent iSysAgent;
TInt error = iSysAgent.Connect();
TInt status = iSysAgent.GetState(KUidPhonePwr);

The GetState(...) method returns a KErrUnknown (-19) value when used under emulation.
This API is supported from Symbian OS v6.0.