Symbian OS Library

FAQ-0854 Is JavaPhone available on UIQ phones?

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Classification: Java Category: JavaPhone
Created: 03/13/2003 Modified: 03/20/2005
Number: FAQ-0854
Platform: Symbian OS v7.0

Is Javaphone available on UIQ phones?

JavaPhone is an optional API giving PersonalJava applications access to PIM and Telephony functionality. Support for the JavaPhone API become available in Symbian OS v6.0.

    JavaPhone is a component available on the Symbian OS UIQ 2.x reference design. However, it is optional as to whether licencees take it or not. To date no UIQ-based phones have included JavaPhone.

    The only device family to support JavaPhone to date is the Symbian OS v6.0 based Nokia 9200 Communicator Series.