Symbian OS Library

FAQ-0931 How can I get started with MIDP 2.0 on Symbian OS?

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Classification: Java Category: J2ME MIDP 2.0
Created: 10/09/2003 Modified: 03/11/2004
Number: FAQ-0931
Platform: Symbian OS v7.0

I'm interested in developing for MIDP 2.0 on Symbian OS. Does Symbian provide any tools supporting MIDP 2.0 development?

The UIQ 2.1 SDK is available for download and supports MIDP 2.0.

    Developers can install and run MIDlets written for MIDP 2.0 using the emulator that comes as part of the SDK. When installing the UIQ SDK ensure that the"UIQ 2.1 MIDP SDK" package installation option is enabled. The "UIQ 2.1 Java SDK" is not required unless Personal Java development is to be undertaken as well.