Symbian OS Library

FAQ-0951 What is CLDC HI?

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Classification: Java Category: J2ME MIDP 2.0
Created: 11/14/2003 Modified: 11/18/2003
Number: FAQ-0951
Platform: Symbian OS v7.0s

Symbian OS v7.0s provides an implementation of Sun's CLDC 1.0 HI VM. What is CLDC HI?

Sun's CLDC Hotspot Implementation is a high performance implementation of the CLDC Virtual Machine offering a substantial performance improvement over the traditional KVM. Symbian licenses CLDC HI from Sun and includes its implementation, based on the CLDC 1.0 specification, as part of the Symbian OS v7.0s J2ME MIDP 2.0 platform. Licensees of Symbian OS v7.0s may choose to take CLDC HI (subject to a license from Sun) instead of the KVM. The Nokia 6600 uses CLDC HI.