Symbian OS Library

FAQ-1031 Do Symbian OS based MIDP 2.0 phones support the platformRequest(String url) method?

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Classification: Java Category: J2ME MIDP 2.0
Created: 04/14/2004 Modified: 04/15/2004
Number: FAQ-1031
Platform: Symbian OS v7.0, Symbian OS v7.0s

Phones such as the Sony Ericsson P900 and Nokia 6600 ship with Symbian's MIDP 2.0 implementation. Does this support the platformRequest(String url) method of the MIDlet class?


    The Sony Ericsson P900/908 supports platformRequest of url type 'tel' and 'http' as do Nokia 6600 phones running firmware version 4.09.1 or later. However, platformRequest is not supported on the Nokia 6600 running the earliest firmware version 3.42.1.