Symbian OS Library

FAQ-1088 The setFullScreenMode of GameCanvas has no effect on the P900. Is this a defect?

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Classification: Java Category: J2ME MIDP 2.0
Created: 07/12/2004 Modified: 07/12/2004
Number: FAQ-1088
Platform: Symbian OS v7.0

The setFullScreenMode of GameCanvas has no effect on the P900. Is this a defect?

No. It is intentional.

    Because of the pointer-based nature of the UIQ user interface, giving the MIDlet control of all the screen real estate can be problematical. For example on UIQ MIDP Commands become menu items. If the full screen real estate was given to the GameCanvas the UIQ menu bar would no longer be accessible, with the consequence that the user would never be able to navigate away from the MIDlet!