Symbian OS Library

FAQ-1138 Why can't I create an email in a self-created POP3 mailbox?

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Classification: C++ Category: Messaging
Created: 09/20/2004 Modified: 10/08/2004
Number: FAQ-1138
Platform: Not Applicable

The following code allows me to create emails in the global Inbox, Outbox, Drafts and Sent. However when I try to do the same in my own mailbox my code is panicked. Why?

//Get my mailbox
CMsvEntry *boxEntry = myCMsvSession->GetEntryL( KMailBoxId );
//Create new mail
boxEntry->CreateL( myTMsvEntry );

This is because the behaviour is not supported. If you want to use existing mailboxes/MTMs, then you use POP3 to get existing mail and SMTP to send mail.

POP3 mailboxes are treated as a view of the contents of the server. So you can't use POP3 to create/edit mails except to read emails on a server, delete them from a server or copy them to a local folder (e.g. in the inbox, outbox, drafts, sent).