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Migration Guide for Symbian OS v9.1 Group Scheduling Interim APIs

The purpose of this document is to introduce users of the Agenda Model delivered in Symbian OS versions 8.1 and earlier to the new API which is delivered in Symbian OS v9.1. The document is aimed at Agenda application developers who will be required to migrate their old applications to make use of the new Calendar API (CalInterimAPI).

Overview and Background

The release of Symbian OS v9.1 brings many new features and also includes a change in compiler. This compiler change results in a binary incompatibility with previous versions and will require all users to rebuild their products.

The Agenda Model has been present in all releases of Symbian OS and over the years the needs of mobile calendar users have evolved. The break in compatibility for version 9.1 is the perfect opportunity to make preparations for changes in upcoming releases.

Detailed analysis shows that very few applications use a large proportion of the agenda model's API set. There are also features which are no longer required in mobile devices. In order to simplify the implementation behind the API and to allow for future improvements, the Agenda Model API has been replaced with the CalInterimAPI.

Collaborative calendaring (also known as Group Scheduling) today relies on the use of a number of RFC standards commonly referred to as iCalendar. In addition to a rationalisation of the API, some new functionality has been added to enable agenda applications to implement group scheduling.

The API presented by the CalInterimAPI has the following features:

The changes above have introduced a break to both source and binary compatibility. Hence, API users will have to make modifications to their code.


CCalSession - Connecting to the Calendar Server

Connecting to the Agenda Model could be done in a number of ways. Its APIs still support the notion of single client operation even though changes have long since been made to make it a multi-client server.

Connection to the calendar server has been simplified and is now handled by a single class called CCalSession.

Class description

The class CCalSession is the interface to the Calendar file. The instantiation of CCalSession will result in a connection to the Calendar server.

The CCalSession API is also used to perform all calendar file operations (creation, listing, opening, etc.).

When the file is opened, the application must use the session as a handle to create other calendar class instances such as

Although it is possible to create multiple instances of the CCalSession class per application, this practice is not recommended. The CCalSession class is used to manage the connection to not only the calendar server but also other services such as time conversion which are required to make use of the additional features implemented for iCalendar support. Creating more than one session will result in unnecessary resources being created for the application.

Applications should also endeavour to create the CCalSession at start-up and destroy it only when the application terminates.

API list

IMPORT_C static CCalSession* NewL();
IMPORT_C ~CCalSession();

//File Access
IMPORT_C void CreateCalFileL(const TDesC&aFileName) const;
IMPORT_C void OpenL(const TDesC& aFileName) const;
IMPORT_C const TDesC&DefaultFileNameL() const;
IMPORT_C void DeleteCalFileL(const TDesC& aFileName) const;
IMPORT_C CDesCArray* ListCalFilesL() const;

//Observation Queries
IMPORT_C void StartChangeNotification(MCalChangeCallBack* aCallBack, CalChangeCallBack::TChangeEntryType aChangeEntryType, TBool aIncludeUndatedTodos, TCalTime aFilterStartTime, TCalTime aFilterEndTime);
IMPORT_C void StartChangeNotification(MCalChangeCallBack2& aCallBack, const CCalChangeNotificationFilter& aFilter);
IMPORT_C void StopChangeNotification();
IMPORT_C void DisableChangeBroadcast();
IMPORT_C void EnableChangeBroadcast();

IMPORT_C void FileIdL(TCalFileId& aCalFileId) const;
IMPORT_C void GetFileNameL(TCalPubSubData aPubSubData, TDes& aFileName) const;
IMPORT_C TBool IsFileNameL(TCalPubSubData aPubSubData, const TDesC& aFileName) const;
IMPORT_C TBool IsOpenedFileL(TCalPubSubData aPubSubData) const;

The client should pay attention to the follow points:

  1. Before using any of the classes exported by the Calendar API clients must create a session object. Some of the classes (particularly those that handle calendar time) rely on the presence of this session to manage resources. Using classes without the presence of a session object in the application could result in functions leaving unexpectedly.

  2. As mentioned earlier, the session object is required as a handle when creating other calendar objects. Therefore, the session object must not be destroyed until all the objects which where created by referencing it have been destroyed.

  3. When CCalSession::OpenL() is called again with a new file name, the current file will be closed. Consequentially, all objects which have a handle to should be deleted since the session no longer holds the same file.

  4. The application can choose to start/stop observer notifications. It is also possible to choose the type (interested entry type) and the scope (interested time range) to observe. Observers are covered in more detail in the CallBack Interface section.


Entry and Instance Views

Accessing calendar entries and all their associated data using the Agenda Model API could be done using a number of classes. The choice was based to a certain extent on the type/amount of data required as well as on the legacy design of the API.

The CalInterimAPI provides the view classes which are the only means of retrieving calendar entries. The most significant change is the removal of entry identifiers. Whilst referring to entries with an identifier that was unique to the file was possible in the past, this is no longer the case. The only means of identifying entries is now using the iCalendar properties of UID and RECURRENCE-ID.

The term 'view' is used to describe how the user perceives the calendar store. The CalInterimAPI has two different view types. The first, the Entry View, allows the user to use the calendar entries directly. The second, the Instance View, allows the user a higher-level view of the calendar store and works with individual instances of an entry within specified date ranges.

Entries & instances – an overview

The concept of entries and instances remains fundamentally the same between the Agenda Model and the CalInterimAPI.

An Entry defines a Calendar event of some sort, such as a simple “once-only” to-do reminder, an anniversary (that occurs once each year), or a more complex series of occurrences that have a repeating nature. An entry that defines repeat occurrences does so by containing a Repeat Rule. Apart from some internal structural changes, the basic implementation of the repeat rule in the CalInterimAPI is the same as it was in the Agenda Model (see the Calendar Entry and Instance section for details).

The repeat rule of an entry gives rise to one or more occurrences of the event (also described as a “schedule” in this document). An individual occurrence is known as an Instance.

The entry view (CCalEntryView) is used to access and manipulate Agenda Model entries. The instance view (CCalInstanceView) is used to access and delete individual instance(s) generated from an Entry.

An event can result in one or more instances. Instances for an event can actually originate from more than one entry but these entries will all have the same UID. The union of the repeat rules and exception dates for all the event entries gives the set of event instances.

Changes to Entry Relationships

At this point it is important to describe some differences between the Agenda Model and the new CalInterimAPI in terms of Entry relationships. In the old model, none of the entries were associated to each other. In the new model, associations may exist between entries as explained below.


An exception refers to an occurrence in the original schedule that has been removed and may be replaced with a different occurrence.

In the old model, the replacing occurrence was implemented as a new and separate entry to the original. The new entry defined a single occurrence that replaced one from the original entry’s schedule, however the new entry was not programmatically associated with the original entry.

In the new model, the replacing entry can and should be created as an iCal entry using the CCalEntryView::StoreL() function (see the Storing CCalEntry Objects section and the Using the CCalEntryView API for storing iCalendar Entries section). Using this function requires the creation of a CCalEntry object that will define the replacement date (the date specified by the recurrence-id), and which contains the same UID as the original entry. It results in the replacing entry (known as the Modifying entry in this document as explained in the Using the CCalEntryView API for storing iCalendar Entries section) being explicitly associated with the original entry via its UID.

Note: If the requirement is to merely cancel an individual occurrence or set of individual occurrences on the original schedule without replacing them, the CCalEntry::SetExceptionDatesL() function on the CCalEntry class can be used.

Recurrence Dates (RDATES)

They can be used to add one-off occurrences to an entry’s already established repeat rule. They can also be used independently of a repeat rule to define a completely random series of dates for an entry. The Agenda Model did not support individual recurrence dates. The CalInterimAPI provides an API on the CCalEntry class (CCalEntry::SetRDatesL(), see the Calendar Entry and Instance section) to add RDates. This does not result in the creation of a new entry.

Repeat Rule

As explained in detail in the Using the CCalEntryView API for storing iCalendar Entries section, the new CalInterimAPI enables iCal type entries to be stored. The entries can contain properties including repeat rules (RRules). To make changes to an established RRule the client should use the CCalEntryView::StoreL() function to add a modifying entry to an originating entry (see the Using the CCalEntryView API for storing iCalendar Entries section). These entries then become explicitly associated with each other.

The classes

To access the entries in a calendar file, clients should use classes CCalEntryView or CCalInstanceView to process the entry data. As mentioned earlier, both view classes require the handle to the file which is represented by class CCalSession.

The entry view can be used for adding, deleting, updating and searching entries; the instance view can only be used for searching and deleting instances of entries.

Note that if all instances with the same UID are deleted, the originating entries will automatically get deleted.

Class CCalEntryView

The CCalEntryView class offers APIs to store, fetch and delete CCalEntry objects. These APIs should be used instead of the previous ones offered by the CAgnEntryModel class.

API list

The APIs are listed below:

static CCalEntryView* NewL(CCalSession& aSession, MCalProgressCallBack& aProgressCallBack);

void FetchL(const TDesC8& aUid, RPointerArray<CCalEntry>& aCalEntryArray) const;
CCalEntry* FetchL(TCalLocalUid aId) const;

void GetIdsModifiedSinceDateL(const TCalTime& aTime, RArray<TCalLocalUid>& aIds) const;

void StoreL(const RPointerArray<CCalEntry>& aCalEntryList, TInt& aNumSuccessfulEntry);
void UpdateL(const RPointerArray<CCalEntry>& aCalEntryList, TInt& aNumSuccessfulEntry);

void DeleteL(const CDesC8Array& aUidList);
void DeleteL(const CCalEntry& aCalEntry);
void DeleteL(const CalCommon::TCalTimeRange& aCalTimeRange, CalCommon::TCalViewFilter aFilter, MCalProgressCallBack& aProgressCallBack); 
void DeleteL(const RArray<TCalLocalUid>& aIds, TInt& aNumSuccessfulDeleted);

For comparison purposes the table below lists the new APIs against the old ones. Note however that in almost all cases the behaviour has changed.

CAgnEntryModel API CCalEntryView API

CCalEntryView* NewL(CCalSession& aSession, MCalProgressCallBack& aProgressCallBack);


CAgnEntry* FetchEntryL(TAgnUniqueId aId) const

CCalEntry* FetchL(TCalLocalUid aId) const;

CAgnEntry* FetchEntryL(TAgnEntryId aId) const

CAgnEntry* FetchEntryL(TAgnGlobalId aId) const

void FetchL(const TDesC8& aUid, RPointerArray<CCalEntry>& aCalEntryArray) const;

void GetEntryUidsSinceDateL(CArrayFix<TAgnUniqueId>& aUids, const TAgnConnectivityFilter& aFilter, const TFileName& aFilterLibrary=KAgnDefaultFilter());

void GetIdsModifiedSinceDateL(const TCalTime& aTime, RArray<TCalLocalUid>& aIds) const;

TAgnEntryId AddEntryL(CAgnEntry* aEntry,TAgnEntryId aTodoPositionReferenceId);

void StoreL(const RPointerArray<CCalEntry>& aCalEntryList, TInt& aNumSuccessfulEntry);

void UpdateEntryL(CAgnEntry* aEntry,TAgnEntryId aTodoPositionReferenceId);

void UpdateL(const RPointerArray<CCalEntry>& aCalEntryList, TInt& aNumSuccessfulEntry);

void DeleteEntryL(CAgnEntry* aEntry);

void DeleteEntryL(TAgnEntryId aEntryId);

void DeleteEntryL(CAgnEntry* aEntry,TCommit aCommit);

void DeleteEntryL(CAgnEntry* aEntry, TCommit aCommit, TBool aCascadeDelete);

void DeleteL(const CDesC8Array& aUidList);

void DeleteL(const CCalEntry& aCalEntry);

void DeleteL(const CalCommon::TCalTimeRange& aCalTimeRange, CalCommon::TCalViewFilter aFilter, MCalProgressCallBack& aProgressCallBack);

void DeleteL(const RArray<TCalLocalUid>& aIds, TInt& aNumSuccessfulDeleted);

Creation of an Entry View Object

The CCalEntryView::NewL() function is used to create an entry view object.

CCalEntryView* CCalEntryView::NewL(CCalSession& aSession, MCalProgressCallBack& aProgressCallBack);

Note that in addition to the session object, aProgressCallBack must be provided to the function (see the Importing and Exporting section).

If this is the first time a view is being created from a CCalSession instance, the call will take longer than any subsequent calls. This is due to processing that must be done on the server to prepare entry indexes.

The application should not call any other functions before the callback function MCalProgressCallBack::Completed() is completed.

Storing CCalEntry Objects

The CCalEntryView::StoreL() function is used to store one or many CCalEntry objects (for details on the CCalEntry class refer to the Calendar Entry and Instance section).

void StoreL(const RPointerArray<CCalEntry>& aCalEntryList, TInt& aNumSuccessfulEntry);

where aCalEntryList references one or more CCalEntry objects and aNumSuccessfulEntry will indicate the number of entries successfully stored on return.

Updating CCalEntry Objects

The CCalEntryView::UpdateL() function is used to update parameters of entries that already exist in the store (i.e. ones that have been stored previously).

void UpdateL(const RPointerArray<CCalEntry>&    aCalEntryList, TInt& aNumSuccessfulEntry);

where aCalEntryList references one or more CCalEntry objects that contain the updated data. The CCalEntryView::FetchL() function can be used to retrieve those entries required to be updated. The instances may then be updated and re-stored using UpdateL().

It is important to review the Using the CCalEntryView API for storing iCalendar Entries section to understand how to successfully use the UpdateL() function in the Group Scheduling context.

Note that:

  1. The UpdateL() function can only be used to update an originating CCalEntry entry (i.e. the initial entry that first defined the event). If the entry is a modifying entry (one that modifies the schedule of an originating entry, see the Modifying Entry section), a Leave will occur.

  2. The UpdateL() function should only be used to update non scheduling properties such as Attendee list, Owner, Alarm, and Status. Properties that do relate to scheduling dates/times such as an entry’s RRule, RDate, Exception date or TZRule should NOT be updated using UpdateL(). See the Using CCalEntryView::UpdateL() section for more information.

Retrieving CCalEntry Objects

There are two overloaded CCalEntryView::FetchL() functions which are used to fetch CCalEntry objects.

There is also another function for retrieving entries from the calendar store.

Deleting CCalEntry Objects

There are four overloaded CCalEntryView::DeleteL() functions which are used to delete existing entries from the store.

Class CCalInstanceView

Creation of an Instance View Object

The situation is similar to creating an entry view object, i.e. the server will build its indexes when an instance view is instantiated if they have not been built already. It is essential to make sure that the callback completion function has been called before using the CCalInstanceView APIs.

API list

An instance could be a single calendar entry or a repeated instance of a calendar entry. The instance view can be used to get or delete instances. The APIs are listed as below:

IMPORT_C static CCalInstanceView* NewL(CCalSession& aSession, MCalProgressCallBack& aProgressCallBack);
IMPORT_C ~CCalInstanceView();
IMPORT_C void DeleteL(CCalInstance* aInstance, CalCommon::TRecurrenceRange aWhichInstances);
IMPORT_C void FindInstanceL   (RPointerArray<CCalInstance>& aInstanceList, CalCommon::TCalViewFilter aCalViewFilter, const CalCommon::TCalTimeRange& aTimeRange) const;
IMPORT_C void FindInstanceL(RPointerArray<CCalInstance>&    aMatchedInstanceList, CalCommon::TCalViewFilter aCalViewFilter, const CalCommon::TCalTimeRange& aTimeRange, const TCalSearchParams& aSearchParams) const;
IMPORT_C TCalTime NextInstanceL(CalCommon::TCalViewFilter aCalViewFilter, const TCalTime& aStartDate) const;              
IMPORT_C TCalTime PreviousInstanceL(CalCommon::TCalViewFilter aCalViewFilter, const TCalTime& aStartDate) const;

Note that:

  1. TAgnInstanceId was used to identify a particular occurrence of an entry in the Agenda Model. This id has been hidden from the client now. Instead, the user uses a data time range to specify the instances of interest.

  2. CCalInstanceView::DeleteL function deletes one or more instances of an entry from the model. It is equivalent to the old API CAgnModel::DeleteInstanceL().

  3. CCalInstanceView::FindInstanceL() function (the first one) gets all instances found in the specified date range, filtered as required. It replaces the old API in the Agenda Model:

    • CAgnModel::PopulateDayInstanceListL()

    • CAgnModel::PopulateDayDateTimeInstanceListL()

    • CAgnModel::PopulateMonthInstanceListL()

  4. CCalInstanceView::FindInstanceL() function (the second one) gets all instances found in the specified date range, filtered as required, with the specified text. It replaces two old APIs:

    • CAgnModel::FindNextInstanceL()

    • CAgnModel::FindPreviousInstanceL()

  5. The last two APIs are equivalent to the old APIs

    • CAgnModel::NextDayWithInstance()

    • CAgnModel::PreviousDayWithInstance()

  6. For the four search APIs, the time property of the instance on which the search is based is the start time for non-Todo entries and the end time for Todo entries.


Calendar Entry and Instance

Changes in General

The CAgnEntry is replaced with CCalEntry which contains Group Scheduling properties. The class hierarchy to present different types of entries has been removed. The class CCalEntry entry still has 5 different types:

  1. Appointment

  2. All day event (doesn’t has a specific start/end time)

  3. Todo entry

  4. Reminder (has a start time but not end time)

  5. Anniversary

The client can set and get the type. An entry might or might not have a repeating rule. A new class CCalInstance has been introduced to represent an occurrence of a repeating entry. All entry attributes are stored in CCalEntry while CCalInstance has a pointer to the entry data and have a date/time attribute which indicates the date when the instance occurs.

The client can get and set the local unique id (TCalLocalUid) of an entry, but there are a few limitations. The local unique id of an entry is created by the agenda server when that entry is first added to the agenda file and will remain unchanged for the lifetime of that entry. The client should only set the local unique id on an entry if it is setting it to be the same as an entry which it is going to replace.

The APIs can be found in the header file calentry.h and calInstance.h. Comparing with the CAgnEntry, the CCalEntry has the following features:

  1. There is no hierarchy in the entry class – CCalEntry is the only class which presents a Calendar entry object.

  2. Regardless of whether an iCalender Group Scheduling entry is to be created, the new API requires that a UID be specified.

  3. CCalUser class is introduced to cater for the new ORGANIZER property that is introduced in iCalender. Furthermore, this is derived into a CCalAttendee class which encapsulates the ATTENDEE property. The user can get/set organizer, phone owner and attendees.

  4. A new class CCalInstance has been introduced to play a similar role of TAgnInstanceId. The APIs are:

    IMPORT_C ~CCalInstance();
    IMPORT_C CCalEntry& Entry() const;
    IMPORT_C TCalTime Time() const;
    IMPORT_C TCalTime StartTimeL() const;
    IMPORT_C TCalTime EndTimeL() const;

Application programmers should be aware that although it is possible to get instances, the only way instances can be created is to create or modify an entry. With the instance object retrieved the application can find the instance start time and end time using CCalInstance::StartTimeL() and CCalInstance::EndTimeL(). The CCalInstance::Time()function will return the start time if it is an instance that relates to an event entry, but will return the end time if it is the instance of a to-do entry. Other attributes can be found from the entry which the instance belongs to.

API Comparison

Many of the functions on CCalEntry map onto functions in the Agenda Model API. There are also new functions to implement Group Scheduling properties. The APIs which are specifically for Todo entries are not included in this section.

Agenda Model function CCalEntry function

void CAgnEntry::SetLastChangedDate();

void SetLastModifiedDateL();

TTime TAgnReplicationData::LastChangedDate() const

TCalTime LastModifiedDateL() const;

CAgnEntry::SetRptDefL(const CAgnRptDef *aRptDef);

void CCalEntry::SetRRuleL(const TCalRRule& aRule);

inline const CAgnBasicEntry::CAgnRptDef *RptDef() const;

TBool CCalEntry::GetRRuleL(TCalRRule& aRule) const;

void CAgnBasicEntry::AddExceptionL(const TAgnException &aException);

void CCalEntry::SetExceptionDatesL(const RArray<TCalTime>& aExDateList);

const CAgnBasicEntry::CAgnExceptionList *Exceptions() const;

void CCalEntry::GetExceptionDatesL(RArray<TCalTime>& aExDateList) const;


void SetRDatesL(const RArray<TCalTime>& aRDateList);


void GetRDatesL(RArray<TCalTime>& aRDateList) const;


void CCalEntry::ClearRepeatingPropertiesL();

void CAgnBasicEntry::SetAlarm(TTimeIntervalDays aDaysWarning, TTimeIntervalMinutes aTime);

void CCalEntry::SetAlarmL(CCalAlarm* aAlarm);


CCalAlarm* CCalEntry::AlarmL() const;

TBool CAgnEntry::CompareL(CAgnEntry* aEntry,TIncludeIdWhenComparing aCompareId = ECompareId);

TBool CompareL(const CCalEntry& aEntry) const;


void CCalEntry::CopyFrom(const CCalEntry& aOther);

CRichText* CAgnEntry::RichTextL();

void CCalEntry::SetSummaryL(const TDesC& aSummary);

CRichText* CAgnEntry::RichTextL();

const TDesC& CCalEntry::SummaryL() const;

void CAgnEntry::SetNotesTextL(HBufC *aNotes);

void CCalEntry::SetDescriptionL(const TDesC& aDescription);

const TDesC& CAgnEntry::NotesTextL() const;

const TDesC& CCalEntry::DescriptionL() const

void CAgnEntry::SetLocationL(const TDesC &aLocation);

void CCalEntry::SetLocationL(const TDesC& aLocation);

TPtrC CAgnEntry::Location();

const TDesC& CCalEntry::LocationL() const;


void CCalEntry::SetOrganizerL(CCalUser* aUser);


CCalUser* CCalEntry::OrganizerL() const;


void CCalEntry::SetPhoneOwnerL(const CCalUser* aOwner);


CCalUser* CCalEntry::PhoneOwnerL() const;


void CCalEntry::SetMethodL(TMethod aMethod);


TMethod CCalEntry::MethodL() const;


void CCalEntry::SetSequenceNumberL(TInt aSeq);


TInt CCalEntry::SequenceNumberL() const;


const TDesC8& CCalEntry::UidL() const;


TCalTime CCalEntry::RecurrenceIdL() const;


CalCommon::TRecurrenceRange CCalEntry::RecurrenceRangeL() const;


CTzRules* CCalEntry::TzRulesL() const;


void CCalEntry::SetTzRulesL(const CTzRules& aTzRule);


void CCalEntry::SetTzRulesL();

TType CAgnEntry::Type()

TType EntryTypeL() const;

void CAgnBasicEntry::SetStatus( CAgnBasicEntry::TAgnStatus aStatus);

void SetStatusL(TStatus aStatus);

CAgnBasicEntry::TAgnStatus CAgnBasicEntry::Status() const

TStatus StatusL() const;

void TAgnReplicationData::SetStatus( TAgnReplicationData::TStatus aStatus);

void SetReplicationStatusL(TReplicationStatus aReplicationStatus);

TAgnReplicationData::TStatus TAgnReplicationData::Status() const;

TReplicationStatus ReplicationStatusL() const;

void CAgnEntry::SetEventPriority(TUint aPriority);

void SetPriorityL(TUint aPriority);

TUint CAgnEntry::EventPriority() const;

TUint PriorityL() const;

void CAgnEntry::AddAttendeeL(CAgnAttendee* aAttendee);

void AddAttendeeL(CCalAttendee* aAttendee);

void CAgnEntry::DeleteAttendee(TInt aIndex);

void DeleteAttendeeL(TInt aIndex);

TInt CAgnEntry::AttendeeCount();


CAgnAttendee* CAgnEntry::FetchAttendee(TInt aIndex);

RPointerArray<CCalAttendee>&AttendeesL() const;

void CAgnEntry::AddCategoryL(CAgnCategory* aCategory);

void AddCategoryL(CCalCategory* aCategory);

void CAgnEntry::DeleteCategory(TInt aIndex);

void DeleteCategoryL(TInt aIndex);

TInt CAgnEntry::CategoryCount();


void CAgnEntry::FetchCategoryL(CAgnCategory* aCategory);

const RPointerArray<CCalCategory>&CategoryListL();

TAgnUniqueId::SetId(TUint aUId);


void CAgnEntry::SetUniqueId(TAgnUniqueId aUid);

void SetLocalUidL(TCalLocalUid aLocalId);

TAgnUniqueId CAgnEntry::UniqueId();


TUint TAgnUniqueId::Id();

TCalLocalUid LocalUidL() const;


void SetDTStampL(const TCalTime& aTime);


TCalTime DTStampL() const;

Start and end dates are also very similar, but it varies depending on type.

Agenda Model function CCalEntry function

TTime CAgnAppt::StartDateTime() const;

IMPORT_C TCalTime StartTimeL() const;

TTime CAgnAppt::EndDateTime() const;

IMPORT_C TCalTime EndTimeL() const;

void CAgnAppt::SetStartAndEndDateTime(const TTime& aStartTimeLocal, const TTime& aEndTimeLocal=Time::NullTTime());

IMPORT_C void SetStartAndEndTimeL(const TCalTime& aStartTime, const TCalTime& aEndTime);

TTime CAgnEvent::StartDate() const;

IMPORT_C TCalTime StartTimeL() const;

TTime CAgnEvent::EndDate() const;

IMPORT_C TCalTime EndTimeL() const;

void CAgnEvent::SetStartAndEndDate(const TTime& aStartDateLocal,const TTime& aEndDateLocal=Time::NullTTime());

IMPORT_C void SetStartAndEndTimeL(const TCalTime& aStartTime, const TCalTime& aEndTime);

Changes in Todo Entry

In comparison with the Agenda Model, the APIs of Todo entries have the following changes:

  1. A Todo entry is no longer attached to a specific Todo list.

  2. The end time of Todo entries (which is used as the due date) is used to retrieve entries (See Note 6 in the Class CCalInstanceView API List section)

  3. The APIs which are specifically for Todo entries are compared in the table below:

  4. All Todo alarms are to be set prior to the end time.

Agenda Model function CCalEntry function

void CAgnTodo::SetDueDate(const TTime& aDueDateLocal);

void CAgnTodo::SetDuration(TTimeIntervalDays aDuration);

IMPORT_C void SetStartAndEndTimeL(const TCalTime& aStartDateTime, const TCalTime& aEndDateTime)

Note that the end time is equivalent to the 'due date'.

Both start time and end time should be optional.

CAgnTodo::InstanceStartDate() const

IMPORT_C TCalTime StartTimeL() const

TTime CAgnTodo::DueDate() const;

IMPORT_C TCalTime EndTimeL() const;

void CAgnTodo::CrossOut(const TTime& aDateLocal);

void CAgnTodo::UnCrossOut();

CAgnBasicEntry::SetStatus((CAgnBasicEntry::TAgnStatus aStatus)

IMPORT_C void SetCompletedL(TBool aCompleted, const TCalTime& aTime);

Note that if the todo is set to completed the completion time is set otherwise the second parameter is ignored.

TTime CAgnTodo::CrossedOutDate() const;

IMPORT_C TCalTime CompletedTimeL() const;

void CAgnTodo::SetPriority(TUint aPriority);

IMPORT_C void SetPriorityL(TUint aPriority);



The attendee class CCalAttendee is used to encapsulate all the properties of a meeting attendee that could potentially be required by group scheduling. It improves upon the Agenda Model CAgnAttendee class by providing storage for additional attributes specified in iCalendar.

The attributes ROLE and STATUS may only hold values that comply with the iCalendar standard as detailed in the tables below.

Support has still been retained for exporting of Attendee properties using vCalendar version 1.0. Due to the difference in parameter values between attendees in vCalendar and iCalendar, a parameter mapping has been introduced and is covered in the sections that follow.

The iCalendar role and status values will be stored as X-ROLE and X-STATUS to preserve vCalendar information during import and export. However, since there is no direct correlation between the vCalendar and iCalendar role/status values there is no 1-1 mapping when changing/setting the role/status. Below is tabled the mapping which occurs when setting an attendees role/status using either the iCalendar or vCalendar role/status.

Attendee Roles

Setting the vCalendar Role:

vCalendar Role CalInterim API Role (iCalendar)




No change to Role





An ORGANIZER is no longer a value taken by an ATTENDEE property but is a separate property in itself. Thus an attendee with a role of an organizer in vCalendar will not add or set any values to the iCalendar role during import.

The organizer is a required property in a group scheduled entry and is represented by the CCalUser class.

Setting the iCalendar role:

CalInterim API Role (iCalendar) vCalendar Role









Attendee Status

The status values that are permitted in iCalendar are for the most part the same as those in vCalendar with the addition of an IN-PROCESS value and the removal of RECEIVED and SENT values.

Setting the vCalendar Status:

vCalendar Status CalInterim API Status (iCalendar)



















Setting the iCalendar Status:

CalInterim API Status (iCalendar) vCalender Status

















Additional parameters

Two new descriptor attributes have been added to the attendee class to store the common name (CN) and sent-by (SENT-BY) fields in the iCalendar specification. The sent-by attribute can only be set during the construction of the CCalAttendee object by calling:

IMPORT_C static CCalUser* NewL(const TDesC& aAddress, const TDesC& aSentBy);

whilst the common name can be set any time after construction by calling:

IMPORT_C void SetCommonNameL(const TDesC& aCommonName)

It is still necessary to include an address field when constructing an attendee.

IMPORT_C static CCalAttendee* NewL(const TDesC& aAddress);
IMPORT_C static CCalAttendee* NewL(const TDesC& aAddress, const TDesC& aSentBy);

Entry Properties

An entry can optionally have one phone owner and one organizer, which are both of class CCalUser. The organizer may or may not be an attendee of that entry, but the phone owner must be an attendee.


Repeating Rule

The new class TCalRRule is used to handle repeating rules. There are 4 basic types of repeating patterns, they are: daily, weekly, monthly and yearly.

The API is as follows:

IMPORT_C TCalRRule(TType aType);
IMPORT_C void SetType(TType aType);
IMPORT_C TType Type() const;
IMPORT_C void SetDtStart(const TCalTime& aTime);
IMPORT_C TCalTime DtStart() const;
IMPORT_C void SetUntil(const TCalTime& aTime); 
IMPORT_C TCalTime Until() const;
IMPORT_C void SetCount(TUint aCount); 
IMPORT_C TUint Count() const;
IMPORT_C void SetInterval(TInt aInterval);
IMPORT_C TInt Interval() const;
IMPORT_C void SetByDay(const RArray<TDay>& aDays);
IMPORT_C void GetByDayL(RArray<TDay>& aDays) const; 
IMPORT_C void SetByDay(const RArray<TDayOfMonth>& aDays);
IMPORT_C void GetByDayL(RArray<TDayOfMonth>& aDays) const;
IMPORT_C void SetByMonthDay(const RArray<TInt>& aMonthDays);
IMPORT_C void GetByMonthDayL(RArray<TInt>& aMonthDays) const;
IMPORT_C void SetByMonth(const RArray<TMonth> aMonths);
IMPORT_C void GetByMonthL(RArray<TMonth>& aMonths) const;
IMPORT_C void SetWkSt(TDay aDay);
IMPORT_C TDay WkSt() const;

This interface is intended to map closely to iCalendar, and there are set and get functions for a number of iCalendar properties.

Some of the functions still map directly onto functions in the Agenda Model repeat rule class, TAgnRpt:

TAgnRpt function TCalRRule function

IMPORT_C void SetStartDate(TAgnDate aLocalStartdate);

IMPORT_C void SetDtStart(const TCalTime& aTime);

IMPORT_C TTime StartDate() const;

IMPORT_C TCalTime DtStart() const;

IMPORT_C void SetEndDate(TAgnDate aLocalEndDate);

IMPORT_C void SetUntil(const TCalTime& aTime);

IMPORT_C TTime EndDate() const;

IMPORT_C TCalTime Until() const;

inline void SetInterval(TUint aInterval);

IMPORT_C void SetInterval(TInt aInterval);

inline TInt Interval() const;

IMPORT_C TInt Interval() const;

In the iCalendar specification, only one of the Until or Count properties may be set. This is reflected in TCalRRule, where only one of the two values is stored. If the Count is set, then the Until date is reset. If the Until is set, the Count is reset.

The exact end date will be calculated once the repeat rule is set on an entry. This also means that there is no longer a function to find the end date given a certain number of instances, as FindRptEndDate(TUint aInstanceCount) used to do. TCalRRule::SetCount() is the equivalent of calling FindRptEndDate() then passing the result into SetEndDate().

Note also that when a repeat rule is retrieved from a CCalEntry, it is possible to get both the Count and the Until properties.

The Agenda Model implemented different rule types by deriving classes from TAgnRpt, however there is only one class in TCalRRule, its type can be set using TCalRRule::SetType() or by passing in the TType in the constructor. The type may only be set once, after that it cannot be changed.

Here are examples of each of the repeat rule types, how they might be implemented in the old API and how to implement them using the new API. Note that setting the start date, end date and interval has been omitted because it is straightforward in both APIs (see the above table).

Daily repeat rule

Only the constructor is different.

TAgnDailyRpt daily;


TCalRRule daily(TCalRRule::EDaily);

Weekly repeat rule

For example, a rule repeating every week on Tuesday and Thursday.

TAgnWeeklyRpt weekly;

In the new API an array is used to store the weekdays:

TCalRRule weekly(TCalRRule::EWeekly);
RArray<TDay> dayArray;

Monthly by date repeat rule

For example, a rule repeating every month on the 3rd and the 20th. (These dates are represented as 2 and 19, as in a TDateTime).

TAgnMonthlyByDatesRpt monthlyByDate;

In the new API an array is used.

TCalRRule monthlyByDate(TCalRRule::EMonthly);
RArray<TInt>  dateArray; 

Monthly by day repeat rule

For example, a rule repeating every month on the 1st Wednesday and the last Friday.

TAgnMonthlyByDaysRpt monthlyByDay;
monthlyByDay.SetDay(EWednesday, TAgnRpt::EFirst); 
monthlyByDay.SetDay(EFriday, TAgnRpt::ELast);

In the new API an array is used.

TCalRRule monthlyByDay(TCalRRule::EMonthly);
RArray<TCalRRule::TDayOfMonth> dayArray; 
TCalRRule::TDayOfMonth dayOfMonth1(EWednesday, 1); // 1 represents the first week 
TCalRRule::TDayOfMonth dayOfMonth2(EFriday, -1); // -1 represents the last week

Yearly by date

In both the old API and the new API the repeat date is taken from the start date of the repeat rule.

Yearly by day

For example, every year on the last Saturday of July.

TAgnYearlyByDayRpt yearlyByDay;
yearlyByDay.SetStartDay(ESaturday, TAgnRpt::ELast, EJuly, yearNumber);

In the new API two arrays are used to set the day of the month and the month.

TCalRRule yearlyByDay(TCalRRule::EYearly);
RArray<TCalRRule::TDayOfMonth> dayArray;
TCalRRule::TDayOfMonth dayOfMonth1(ESaturday, -1); // -1 represents the last week 

RArray<TMonth> monthArray;

To store a repeat rule in an entry using the new API, use CCalEntry::SetRRuleL(const TCalRRule& aRule).



The iterator class CCalIter is used to iterate through all calendar entries and retrieve the UIDs of the entries. If a calendar event is composed of more than one entry (this is the case when entries are updated in group scheduling), the iterator returns the originating entry only and does not return its modifying entries. Should the modifying entries be required the CCalEntryView::FetchL() function can be used.

The CCalIter class is also created with a handle to CCalSession.

The Iterator may be used, for example, by a synchronisation application to iterate all entries in the file to find entries that have been added/deleted between two synchronisations. The APIs are defined as follows:

IMPORT_C static CCalIter* NewL(CCalSession& aSession);
IMPORT_C ~CCalIter();

IMPORT_C const TDesC8& FirstL();
IMPORT_C const TDesC8& NextL();

Note that:

  1. CCalIter::FirstL() sets the iterator to first entry in the calendar database and returns its UID. KNullDesC8 will be returned if the file is empty

  2. CCalIter::NextL() sets the iterator to the next entry in the calendar database and returns its UID. KNullDesC8 will be returned if there are no more entries found in the file. However, if the call to FirstL() returned KNullDesC8 then NextL() will leave if it is called.

  3. The UID retrieved can be used to fetch all associated modifying entries using CCalEntryView::FetchL()

  4. Attributes of the entry can be found through the CCalEntry functions

  5. The count function is not supported in this release due to complications with the current database implementation (based on the Agenda Model).


Category Support

The class CCalCategoryManager is used to carry out category operations. The class also needs a handle to CCalSession. The category type and functionality supported in the Interim API are very similar to functions in CAgnModel.

CAgenda Model function CCalCategoryManager function

IMPORT_C TInt CategoryCountL() const;

IMPORT_C TInt CategoryCountL() const;

IMPORT_C CAgnCategory* CategoryL(TInt aIndex) const;

IMPORT_C CCalCategory* CategoryL(TInt aIndex) const;

IMPORT_C void AddCategoryToListL(const TDesC& aName);

IMPORT_C void AddCategoryL(const CCalCategory& aCategory);

IMPORT_C void FilterCategoryL(const CAgnCategory& aCategory, CArrayFixSeg<TAgnEntryId>& aEntries, MAgnProgressCallBack* aCallBack, TCategoryStepSize aStepSize = ECategoryStepSizeMedium);

IMPORT_C void FilterCategoryL(const CCalCategory& aCategory, RPointerArray<CCalEntry>& aEntries, MCalProgressCallBack& aProgressCallBack);

IMPORT_C void DeleteCategoryL(const CAgnCategory& aCategory, MAgnProgressCallBack* aCallBack, TCategoryStepSize aStepSize = ECategoryStepSizeMedium);

IMPORT_C void DeleteCategoryL(const CCalCategory& aCategory, MCalProgressCallBack& aProgressCallBack);

The CCalCategoryManager::FilterCategoryL() and CCalCategoryManager::DeleteCategoryL() functions take a MCalProgressCallBack parameter. This allows a callback when the filtering/deleting operation is completed.


Importing and Exporting

The class CCalDataExchange is used to encapsulate the operations of importing/exporting. The functionality has been extended from the Agenda Model to include the import/export of the iCalendar data described in this document.

The new APIs are:

IMPORT_C static CCalDataExchange* NewL(CCalSession& aSession);
IMPORT_C ~CCalDataExchange();

IMPORT_C void ImportL(TUid aDataFormat, RReadStream& aReadStream, RPointerArray<CCalEntry>& aCalEntryArray);
IMPORT_C void ExportL(TUid aDataFormat, RWriteStream& aWriteStream, RPointerArray<CCalEntry>& aCalEntryArray);

The parameter “aDataFormat” refers to the data format of the Import or Export. Currently only the format KUidVCalendar (defined in CalDataFormat.h) is supported. This will export/import Entries using the vCalendar 1.0 standard.


CallBack Interface

There are two callback Interfaces:


Change Notification

The Agenda Model provided two mechanisms for an application to obtain notification of changes made by other applications. The first mechanism was to use the function RAgendaServ::StartNotifierL() which caused the Agenda server to be polled periodically to determine whether a change had occurred in the Agenda Model and a callback function supplied by the client was called whenever a change was detected. However, the implementation of this mechanism was imperfect and it was possible for notifications to be missed under some circumstances.

The second mechanism involved the client implementing an ECOM observer plug-in which was instantiated within the agenda server process. Observers implemented the virtual interface defined by CAgnObserver2. This mechanism was also problematic and was not in general use.

Change Notification in CalInterimAPI

The CalInterimAPI also provides two mechanisms for an application to obtain notification of changes made by other applications. The first mechanism is for clients that have a continuous open connection to the calendar file. The second is a publish and subscribe mechanism which is designed for use with clients that are not connected to the calendar file, but still need to be notified of changes to that file.

Connected Client notification

The connected client change notification mechanism is targeted at UI applications that need to update their display of the calendaring data when other applications make changes to the data store. The CalInterimAPI provides connected clients with a notification mechanism whereby clients implement an interface defined by the abstract class MCalChangeCallBack2 which has the following function member:

void CalChangeNotification(RArray<TCalChangeEntry>& aChangeItems)

This member function is called whenever there are changes to the Agenda Model that match the specified filter criteria.

The aChangeItems parameter is a list changes since the last notification. The change information is conveyed via a TCalChangeEntry class that contains the local uid of the changed entry, the type of entry it is (Todo or Event) and the type of change that it was (add, modify or delete).

A client requests notification of changes using the function

void CCalSession::StartChangeNotification(MCalChangeCallBack2& aCallBack, const CCalChangeNotificationFilter& aFilter);

This has the following parameters:

A client can disable change notification using CCalSession::StopChangeNotification().


Change notifications are buffered on the server and clients may receive notification of more than one change at a time.

Bulk operations

A client may wish to make a large number of successive changes to the Calendaring data store, in this situation, it would not be appropriate to notify other clients of these changes since it may generate many successive updates their display of the data. In this use case, API functions are provided to disable the notification of changes to other clients for the duration of the bulk operation. This is done with the following functions:

IMPORT_C void CCalSession::DisableChangeBroadcast();
IMPORT_C void CCalSession::EnableChangeBroadcast();

After a client re-enables change notification (using CCalSession::EnableChangeBroadcast()) then all other clients will receive a notification that an undefined change has occurred.

Unconnected Client Notification

Unconnected clients may also receive notifications of changes to a particular calendar file. This is done by registering with the ‘publish and subscribe’ notification category KCalPubSubCategory.

When a notification is received (i.e. the RunL() of the observer is called) the client will need to get the data which will be a TCalPubSubData.

This can then be used with the functions below.

Note that these functions are listed in ascending order of efficiency (i.e. the latter should be used in preference if possible).

The client can find the Local UIDs of the entries that have changed by calling:

void CCalEntryView::GetIdsModifiedSinceDateL(const TCalTime& aTime, RArray<TCalLocalUid>& aIds) const;

The client should pass in the time ‘aTime’ that they last had a valid view of the agenda file (i.e. the last time they received a notification). On return ‘aIds’ contains a list of all the local entry uids that have changed.

The TCalPubSubData from the notification also includes the time that the change happened so that the client can test if that changed happened before or after the time that they last had a valid view.

Migration Issues

Since neither of the existing change notification mechanisms available in the Agenda Model are in general use, there should be no migration issues.


Using the CCalEntryView API for storing iCalendar Entries

The Calendar Store can store CCalEntry objects that hold iCal properties (as defined in RFC2445). The store can associate entries that are supplied with the same UID such that the associated entries apply to the same event (VEVENT, VTODO, etc.).

An “originating” entry can define a set of recurrence rules for the entire event. Additional “modifying” entries can then be added which define modifications to the original recurrence pattern. Since the store can maintain a set of associated entries, all applying to the same event, it is the list of associated entries that combine to define the event’s total schedule in terms of occurrence dates and times.

It is envisioned that the user of the CalIntermAPI is an iCal-intelligent application that understands and implements logic defined in both the RFC2445 and the RFC2446 specification. In particular the client understands the relationships between the RecurrenceId, Sequence Number and UID.

The role of the CalInterimAPI is primarily to provide access to a store (the Agenda Model Store) and the ability to create, delete and modify CCalEntry objects. The API has no inherent knowledge of RFC2446, and as such it is up to the client to interpret iCal requests it receives from other sources, implement iCal logic, and then make appropriate updates to the store by creating/deleting/fetching/updating the relevant CCalEntry objects.

In particular, the API does not process the Sequence Number or Method properties. That is, these values are get and set, but their values are not checked or processed by the CAlInterimApi. The CalInterimApi does however have some inherent behaviour when storing entries with regards to RecurrenceId, UID, scheduling/recurrence properties such as repeat rules (RRule, RDate) and Exception dates which are very important to understand.

Inherent Behaviour of CCalEntryView::StoreL

Originating Entry

If no other entry exists in the store with the same UID, the entry is stored as an originating entry.

If an originating entry contains a RecurrenceID property then this function will leave.

If an entry does already exist in the store with the same UID, and the new entry does not contain a RecurrenceID it will replace the existing entry.

Modifying Entry

A Modifying entry has the same UID as an Originating entry. It modifies the original recurrence set in some way. It specifies a RecurrenceID and RecurrenceID Range and optionally an RRule.

If the entry contains a RecurrenceID (together with RecurrenceID Range) and an originating entry already exists in the store, the entry is stored as a modifying entry.

If there already exists a modifying entry with the same UID and RecurrenceID (together with RecurrenceID Range), then the existing modifying entry is deleted and the new entry replaces it.

If no such entry exists, the new entry is stored as a modifying entry.

When a modifying entry is stored, the originating entry may end up being modified in the following way:

Restrictions of CCalEntryView::StoreL

There can only be one repeating modifying entry per originating entry. If the user attempts to add a second modifying entry which is different to the existing modifying entry, then a Leave will occur. By ‘different’ we mean not having the exact same GUID, RecurrenceID and RecurrenceID Range values. (A replacing modifying entry can be legally made as described in the Modifying Entry section).

A process of trimming occurs on the originating entry’s repeat rule when a repeating modifying entry is stored. This results in a portion of the original recurrence set being lost. It also results in an Exception dates, RDates and non-repeating modifying entries that fell on the portion now lost being removed/deleted. In other words, these occurrences will be lost and will not be shifted by the same delta as the original occurrences appear to be shifted by.

The RecurrenceID Range property, although supplied when the CCalEntry::NewL() function is called and used during the CCalEntryView::StoreL() function, is not stored.

Modifying entries may contain an RRule but no RDates or Exception Dates. To add RDates or Exception dates use the functions provided on CCalEntry.

If a modifying entry which has a RecurrenceID Range of ThisAndFuture and a RecurrenceID which selects the first instance on the originating entry’s schedule is stored using StoreL(), a Leave will occur. If the client’s intention is to change the entire originating schedule, then this can be achieved by storing a new originating entry that contains no RecurrenceID; StoreL() will first delete the originating entry and then store the new originating entry in its place. (Note that when the existing entry becomes deleted, any existing modifying entries will also be deleted).

If a modifying entry which has a RecurrenceID Range of ThisAndPrior and a RecurrenceID which selects the last instance on the originating entry’s schedule is stored using StoreL(), a Leave will occur. If the client’s intention is to change the entire originating schedule, then this can be achieved by storing a new originating entry that contains no RecurrenceID; StoreL() will first delete the originating entry and then store the new originating entry in its place. (Note that when the existing entry becomes deleted, any existing modifying entries will also be deleted).

Using CCalEntryView::UpdateL()

As the above sections show, the CCalEntryView::StoreL() function performs several behind-the-scenes household tasks relating to an event’s recurrence set when originating and modifying entries are stored. In contrast, CCalEntryView::UpdateL() performs none of these tasks. It is provided as a convenient means to make quick changes to the non-recurrence type properties of an originating entry. It should only be used to change properties such as Location, Summary, Description, Attendee list, Organizer, Owner, etc. It should not be used on modifying entries (a Leave will occur if this is attempted).

It may be used to change properties such as SequenceNumber, RecurrenceId, Range, etc but doing so may affect the final recurrence set in an adverse way.

It should NOT be used to change the RRule, RDate, Exception date, TZRule properties.

Using CCalEntryView::DeleteL()

If the originating entry is deleted using any of the overloaded CCalEntryView::DeleteL() functions, all associated modifying entries will also be deleted.

If a non-repeating modifying entry is deleted, the original occurrence that became exceptioned when the modifying entry was stored will remain exceptioned.



The following technical terms and abbreviations are used within this document.

Term Definition


The Calender Interim API that replaces some of the Agenda Model API.

Exception Date

Corresponds to the EXDATE iCal property.


Group Scheduling


Global unique identifier. Corresponds to the UID property in iCalendar.


A single occurrence of a repeating event

iCalendar, iCal

The properties and semantics defined by RFC2445 “Internet Calendaring and Scheduling Core Object Specification”.

Modifying Entry

A CCalEntry object that is stored in the Agenda Model Store and possess the same UID as its Originating entry. A Modifying entry is used to modify the schedule of the originating entry in some way.

Originating Entry

A CCalEntry object that is stored in the Agenda Model Store when no other entry with the same UID exists. An Originating entry defines a schedule for a new event.

Repeating Rule, RRule

Corresponds to the RECURRENCE RULE iCal property.

Recurrence ID

Corresponds to the RECURRENCE-ID iCal property.


Corresponds to the RDATE iCal property.

Sequence Number

Corresponds to the SEQUENCE iCal property.