Symbian OS Library


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How are data recognizers used?


This document explains how the data recognition framework is used internally in Symbian OS and by client applications to identify non-native file types.

Note that data recognizers do not handle data, they just try to identify its type. Once its type has been identified, the data can be passed to the application that best handles it. Applications specify the mime types they support, and the priority (high, medium, low, last resort) at which they support them using the datatype_list section in their registration file.

The plug-in recognizer architecture allows additional data recognizers to be created and added. The process of writing a new recognizer is described in a separate document, How to write a recognizer.


How are recognizers scanned for and loaded?

Before v9.1, data recognizers were plug-in DLLs with a .mdl extension and a UID2 of 0x10003A19. They were located in the \System\Recogs\ folder on any drive.

In v9.1 and onwards, recognizers are ECOM plugins, located under \sys\bin\. Each ECOM data recognizer is loaded by the application architecture (apparc) during the OS startup sequence. The ECOM recognizer scanning code searches for all ECOM plug-ins that specify the ECOM interface UID for data recognizers (0x101F7D87) and loads them, calling the implementation creation function.


The data recognition framework

CApaDataRecognizer is an internal class that represents the recognizer framework. This section summarizes how it works. Although CApaDataRecognizer is internal, clients can access most of its properties through the RApaLsSession API, described in the next section.

The recognizer list

The recognizer framework maintains an up to date list of all data recognizers that exist in the system. The list is ordered by recognizer priority, which is explained later. When a file in the file system needs to be associated with an application, the framework opens the file, and reads some data from the start of it into a buffer. It then calls the DoRecognizeL() function of each recognizer in the list in turn, passing it the filename of the unrecognized file and the buffer.

The implementation of DoRecognizeL() should use the information it is passed to try to decide what the data type is and to specify how confident it is of this decision. All data recognizers are derived from the abstract base class, CApaDataRecognizerType. The CApaDataRecognizerType::iDataType and CApaDataRecognizerType::iConfidence members are used for this purpose. The confidence rating can be any value between CApaDataRecognizerType::ECertain and CApaDataRecognizerType::ENotRecognized.

The accepted confidence level

The framework uses an accepted confidence level. If in the course of data recognition, any recognizer sets its iConfidence member to the accepted confidence or greater, then its iDataType value is immediately selected, without testing any other recognizers.

The framework's default accepted confidence value is CApaDataRecognizerType::ECertain, but this can be changed by calling RApaLsSession::SetAcceptedConfidence().

If the accepted confidence level is not reached by any recognizer, after all the recognizers have been tried, the recognizer that returned the highest confidence level is selected.

Note: if recognition was unsuccessful, (in other words, no recognizer set its iConfidence level to higher than CApaDataRecognizerType::ENotRecognized), and any of the recognizers reported an error by leaving, then the framework function CApaDataRecognizer::RecognizeL() will leave with the error code reported by the first recognizer that reported an error.

Handling the data

After a recognizer has been selected, apparc attempts to find the application that can best handle the selected data type. Note that it is not guaranteed that an application will be available to handle a data type, even if it was successfully recognized.

Other properties of the framework

The framework also owns:


The client API to the framework (RApaLsSession)

This section summarizes the APIs provided by RApaLsSession to allow clients to use the data recognition framework. More detailed information is provided by the reference documentation for the class.

RApaLsSession::RecognizeData() and RApaLsSession::RecognizeSpecificData() allow clients to do data recognition themselves, using the recognizer framework. With the RApaLsSession::RecognizeSpecificData() overloads, the data type is known in advance to the caller, so the framework only passes the data to recognizers whose implementation of SupportedDataTypeL() indicates support for that data type. The RecognizeData() overloads, on the other hand, pass the data to all recognizers.

Note that if we unsuccessfully attempt to get the modification details of a file that has not been previously cached (i.e. if some error is returned in the call "get modification details"), then this file is omitted from the resultant recognition cache.

RApaLsSession::GetAcceptedConfidence() and SetAcceptedConfidence() get/set the framework's accepted confidence level. The framework's default value is CApaDataRecognizerType::ECertain.

The preferred buffer size (which determines the amount of data passed to each recognizer's DoRecognizeL() function) is set by the framework, but cannot be greater than the value set by calling RApaLsSession::SetMaxDataBufSize(). If the maximum buffer size is not set by the client, the default value is 256 bytes. It can be retrieved using RApaLsSession::GetMaxDataBufSize(), and the preferred buffer size using RApaLsSession::GetPreferredBufSize().

RApaLsSession::GetSupportedDataTypesL() retrieves the total list of data types supported by all recognizers in the framework's list.

The various RApaLsSession::RecognizeFilesL() overloads are used to recognize all files contained in a specified directory. There are synchronous and asynchronous overloads, which can be used with or without a mime type filter. The asynchronous versions can be cancelled using RApaLsSession::CancelRecognizeFiles().