Symbian OS Library


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Connection preferences

A communications database can store multiple records of the same type, such as multiple IAPs. It can be useful to try a different connection after a first connection has failed: for example, to try a GSM connection if a GRPS connection is not available. To set the preferred order in which connections are attempted, the Connection preferences table is provided.

Opening the table

The table is accessed through a specialist class CCommsDbConnectionPrefTableView, rather than a general CCommsDbTableView. To obtain a CCommsDbConnectionPrefTableView object, use one of the following CCommsDatabase functions:


Using the table

The table has a number of fields:

These settings are encapsulated in a CCommsDbConnectionPrefTableView::TCommDbIapConnectionPref class.


In versions of CommDb before 6.1, instead of ranked preferences, there was a concept of a default connection setting, stored in the Global table.