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Location Acquisition API reference


This document provides a list of the main classes and types that are part of the Location Acquisition API. Each section gives a brief description of the purpose of the classes. The links can be followed to:


Classes and types

This section describes the most important classes of the Location Acquisition API.

Client/server interaction classes

RPositionServer is the class used to make a connection to the location server.

RPositioner is the class used to create a sub-session with the location server for the purpose of obtaining the current position.

See also

Location Acquisition API overview

How to get location information

Position data classes

TCoordinate is the class that holds the basic coordinates of a location (latitude, longitude and altitude).

TLocality is the class that adds an error estimate for the horizontal and vertical accuracy of a TCoordinate.

TPosition is the standard data structure for retrieving location data. It adds a timestamp to the inherited TLocality information.

See also

Position data and info classes

Position data

Data retrieval classes

TPositionInfo is the standard class for getting a TPosition location fix from the location server.

See also

Position data and info classes

How to get location information

Extended data retrieval classes

TCourse is the class used to hold information about the current speed and direction of the device.

TPositionCourseInfo is the class for getting TCourse data from the location server.

TSatelliteData is the class that holds satellite data.

TPositionSatelliteInfo is the class for getting TSatelliteData from the location server.

See also

Position data and info classes

Module selection criteria

TPositionCriteria is the position criteria class used to select a positioning module.

TPositionSelectionOrder is the class used as part of the TPositionCriteria class to chose a positioning module that will provide the desired quality of position.

See also

Positioning technology module selection criteria

How to use module selection criteria

Module information

TPositionModuleInfo is the class that holds information on position modules. This information includes the capabilities of the module, such as whether it can supply altitude or satellite data and the quality of position described by a TPositionQuality object.

TPositionQuality is the class that describes the quality of position that a positioning module can deliver.

See also

Positioning technology modules

How to use module information

Module updates, status and events

TPositionModuleStatus is the class that describes a positioning module's status, such as whether it is ready or disabled.

TPositionModuleStatusEvent is the class used to indicate that a module status change has occurred.

TPositionUpdateOptions is the class used by a client to set position update options such as a request timeout and whether partial updates are accepted.

See also

Positioning technology module status

How to get module status changes


Header files and libraries

To use the Location Acquisition API, client applications:

Error and panic codes defined by the Location Acquisition API are found in lbserrors.h.