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SIP Client API Overview


SIP (Session Initiation Protocol) is the application layer signalling protocol for creating, modifying and terminating session(s) with participant(s). SIP extensions are used for messaging, subscribing to events, receiving event notifications and publishing presence information. SIP has been adopted by the 3GPP and is used in IMS Release 5. For more information, see:

SIP can run on top of several different transport protocols.

The SIP Client API provides access to the basic services of the SIP stack. The most essential services are the sending and receiving of SIP messages, creating registrations, forming and tearing down dialogs initiated by INVITE, REFER and SUBSCRIBE requests.

The SIP Client API is intended for use by applications that want to manage multimedia sessions, subscribe to events and send stand-alone SIP messages.


Architectural Relationships

Interaction with the SIP stack is mediated through a client-server mechanism. This means that more than one client can use the SIP stack concurrently.

Calls to the SIP Client API are synchronous. Clients need to implement a set of callback functions, through which the SIP Client API can pass events back to the application.

Capability information

The following list describes the capabilities you need, and the specific circumstances in which they are needed:


Reason needed


to send or to receive SIP messages


to create an instance of the CSIP class




to use the function CSIPConnection::SetOptL()

Extending the API

The API cannot be extended.


Description of the interface class structure

CSIP, MSIPObserver, CSIPConnection and MSIPConnectionObserver

An application needs to create a single instance of the CSIP class, and implement the callback functions defined by MSIPObserver. The MSIPObserver functions are used by CSIP.

The CSIP class allows you to query the supported security mechanisms, and to find out whether a CSIPConnection object exists for a given IAP.

Once the CSIP object has been created, it is possible to create an instance of CSIPConnection. This class allows you to send stand-alone SIP requests and ask for the state of the network connection. Responses are received through the MSIPConnectionObserver interface. This class defines a set of callback functions that an application must implement.

Note that an application can have multiple CSIPConnection objects, but each of them has to have a different IAP.

Registration services

The CSIPRegistrationBinding class provides the services for registering, updating the registration and deregistering. It is also possible to instruct the SIP stack to automatically refresh the registration, and to query and set the outbound proxy used by the registration. Creating an instance of CSIPRegistrationBinding requires an existing CSIPConnection.

SIP dialog associations

CSIPDialogAssocBase is the base class for SIP dialog associations, specifically for CSIPInviteDialogAssoc, CSIPSubscribeDialogAssoc, CSIPReferDialogAssoc and CSIPNotifyDialogAssoc.

CSIPDialogAssocBase provides the services for getting the associated SIP dialog, i.e. the associated CSIPDialog instance, and for sending a non-target Refresh request within the dialog.

Note that CSIPDialog is instantiated by the SIP Client API; it cannot be created by the application.

If any of the CSIPInviteDialogAssoc, CSIPSubscribeDialogAssoc, CSIPReferDialogAssoc and CSIPNotifyDialogAssoc objects are associated, they can be bound to an existing CSIPDialog object, or they can be used to create a new CSIPDialog object.


Requests sent to, and received from, the network

When an application invokes a function that causes a SIP request to be sent to the network, the SIP Client API implementation creates a new CSIPClientTransaction object and returns it to the application. A CSIPClientTransaction object represents the SIP transaction and consists of the SIP request and the SIP response. Once a response has been received, the application can get CSIPResponseElements from the CSIPClientTransaction object. Note that some client transactions can also be cancelled or refreshed.

When a SIP request is received from the network, it is passed to the application as a CSIPServerTransaction object. The application can get CSIPRequestElements from the CSIPServerTransaction object. A CSIPRequestElements object describes the kind of SIP request received. Once the application has decided what kind of response(s) it is going to send back, it uses the CSIPServerTransaction to do that.

CSIPTransactionBase is the base class for CSIPClientTransaction and CSIPServerTransaction; it provides functions that get the current state of the transaction and the transaction type. Some operations are only allowed when the transaction is in a certain state.

Note that CSIPClientTransaction and CSIPServerTransaction are instantiated by the SIP Client API; they cannot be created by the application.

SIP message related classes

When an application invokes a function that causes a SIP request to be sent to the network, the SIP Client API implementation creates a new CSIPClientTransaction object and returns it to the application. A CSIPClientTransaction object represents the SIP transaction and consists of the SIP request and the SIP response. Once a response has been received, the application can get CSIPResponseElements from the CSIPClientTransaction object. Note that some client transactions can also be cancelled or refreshed.

When a SIP request is received from the network, it is passed to the application as a CSIPServerTransaction object. The application can get CSIPRequestElements from the CSIPServerTransaction object. A CSIPRequestElements object describes the kind of SIP request received. Once the application has decided what kind of response(s) it is going to send back, it uses the CSIPServerTransaction to do that.

CSIPTransactionBase is the base class for CSIPClientTransaction and CSIPServerTransaction; it provides functions that get the current state of the transaction and the transaction type. Some operations are only allowed when the transaction is in a certain state.

Note that CSIPClientTransaction and CSIPServerTransaction are instantiated by the SIP Client API; they cannot be created by the application.

Automatically refreshing a SIP request

Use a CSIPRefresh object to refresh a SIP request automatically by the SIP stack. REGISTER, SUBSCRIBE and a request outside of a dialog can be refreshed. Once a refreshed request has been sent, the application can query the state of the refresh from CSIPRefresh. For requests outside of a dialog, CSIPRefresh provides functions for updating and terminating the refresh. Updating and terminating a refreshed REGISTER or SUBSCRIBE is done using the CSIPRegistrationBinding and CSIPSubscribeDialogAssoc classes instead of using CSIPRefresh.

Managing HTTP digest security settings

The CSIPHttpDigest class contains only static functions. It provides ways to manage HTTP digest security settings. You need an instance of the CSIP class before you can use CSIPHttpDigest.


Memory overhead

After the CSIP object and the required number of CSIPConnection objects have been created, most of the memory consumption is incurred by the CSIPMessageElements, CSIPRequestElements and CSIPResponseElements classes.

CSIPTransactionBase holds the most recent SIP response in a CSIPResponseElements object. When another response is received, the previous CSIPResponseElements object is deleted and a new one created.

CSIPClientTransaction contains a CSIPRequestElements object for the length of time it takes to transfer the SIP request to the server side of the SIP stack.

CSIPServerTransaction contains the SIP request as CSIPRequestElements.

As the application owns the CSIPClientTransaction and CSIPServerTransaction objects, it is recommended that the application delete them as soon as the transaction is no longer needed - this acts to conserve memory. A non-INVITE CSIPClientTransaction can be deleted when it has either received a final response or the ErrorOccured() callback has been called. A non-INVITE CSIPServerTransaction can be deleted after the application has sent a final response.

The INVITE related transactions behave differently because of the presence of an ACK. They should be deleted if the ErrorOccured() callback function is called. When the application sends a 2xx response to an INVITE related CSIPServerTransaction, it will enter the state CSIPTransactionBase::ETerminated and can be deleted at this point. The ACK will be received with a new CSIPServerTransaction object. However, when the application has sent an INVITE request and the returned CSIPClientTransaction has received a 2xx response, the transaction enters the state CSIPTransactionBase::ETerminated. The associated CSIPClientTransaction should not be deleted yet since it will be needed for sending the ACK and also to receive the MSIPConnectionObserver::InviteCompleted() callback. So, an INVITE related CSIPClientTransaction should be deleted only after a MSIPConnectionObserver::InviteCompleted or MSIPConnectionObserver ::ErrorOccured event has been received, or if the state of the associated CSIPConnection goes to CSIPConnection::EInactive or CSIPConnection::EUnavailable.