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Tuner overview


The Multimedia Tuner component (Radio Data System capable tuner) provides the features to control the tuner hardware present on a device. For example, it can be used to scan for a specific radio station and play and record received audio signals.


Architectural Relationship

The Multimedia Tuner component uses the following components:

Shown below is a representation of how the Tuner component interacts with the MMF Controller Framework and other components:

Tuner component and related components

Tuner component and related components



A tuner device converts antenna signals into analog audio and video signals and allows the user to select a specific broadcast channel, for example a radio station.

The Tuner API allows an application to access and control the tuner hardware present on the device. It allows you to:

Key Classes

CMMTunerUtility is the key class which provides the tuner utility functionality. There are a number of additional tuner utility classes which provide enhanced tuner functionality that are accessed through CMMTunerUtility, such as:

To create an instance of these classes call the relevant factory function. For example, call CMMTunerUtility::GetTunerScannerUtilityL() to obtain an instance of CMMTunerScannerUtility.

CMMTunerScannerUtility *scannerUtility = 

where pTunerUtility is an object of type CMMTunerUtility and iObserver is a reference to the MMMTunerObserver object specified when CMMTunerUtility was created.

The following diagram shows the Tuner classes and their relationships.

Class diagram for Tuner classes.

Class diagram for Tuner classes.


See also