Link against: tuner.lib
class CMMTunerScannerUtility : public CBase;
This class augments CMMTunerUtility
to provide station scanning functionality, whereby the frequency spectrum is searched, pausing for a specified amount of
time when a station is found.
- Base class for all classes to be instantiated on the heap
- This class augments
Defined in CMMTunerScannerUtility
, StationScan()
, StationScan()
, StopScan()
, ~CMMTunerScannerUtility()
Inherited from CBase
operator new()
static IMPORT_C CMMTunerScannerUtility *NewL(CMMTunerUtility &aTuner, MMMTunerObserver &aObserver);
Factory function to create a new CMMTunerScannerUtility.
IMPORT_C void StationScan(TFrequency aStartFrequency, CMMTunerUtility::TTunerBand aBand, CMMTunerUtility::TSearchDirection
aSearchDirection, TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds32 aPauseDuration, TBool aCircularScan=ETrue);
Continuously scan for a radio station, pausing for the time specified before continuing on to the next station. Call StopScan to select the currently tuned station. The search is limited to the specified band.
IMPORT_C void StationScan(TChannel aStartChannel, CMMTunerUtility::TTunerBand aBand, CMMTunerUtility::TSearchDirection aSearchDirection,
TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds32 aPauseDuration, TBool aCircularScan=ETrue);
Continuously scan for a radio station, pausing for the time specified before continuing on to the next station. Call StopScan to select the currently tuned station.
IMPORT_C TBool StopScan();
Stop scanning and use the currently tuned station