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DBMS rowsets overview


Allows data contained in a database to be retrieved, searched, and modified.



The API has three key concepts: rowset base, table rowset, and SQL view.

Rowset base

Rowsets provide the following:

A base class is defined for all rowset types by RDbRowSet. Concrete types of rowset derive from this.

Table rowset

This provides all the rows and columns of a table as a rowset. Indexes can be used to order the rowset, and to provide fast key-based row retrieval from the table. It is encapsulated in RDbTable.

SQL view

This provides a rowset based on an SQL query. It is provided by RDbView. An SQL query is encapsulated in TDbQuery.

For large rowsets, it can be useful to define the balance between memory usage (greatest if the view stores the complete rowset) and speed (slowest if the rowset is evaluated for each cursor navigation). This is called the pre-evaluation window, and is provided by TDbWindow.