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Interface To DBMS databases overview


Defines interfaces for opening databases, defining database schemas, and performing transactions.



The API has three key concepts: abstract database base, store database, and named database.

Abstract database base

This abstract database base class defines generic functionality of a database. In particular, it provides supports for defining the database schema (tables and indexes), and performing transactions.

Modifying data contained in the database is done through rowsets opened on the database, as defined in the DBMS Rowsets API.

The base class is RDbDatabase. A class derives from this to define a particular type of database.

Store database

The store database implements the abstract database base to provide a client-side (used by a single client thread) database. Databases are stored in permanent file stores.

The store database class is RDbStoreDatabase.

Named database

Named databases allow simultaneous read/write access by multiple clients through a DBMS server session (created using the DBMS Sharing Databases API). The default data storage method is as a store database.

The named database class is RDbNamedDatabase.


See also

DBMS rowsets overview

DBMS sharing databases overview

File stores overview