Link against: apparc.lib
class TApaAppInfo;
Application information.
An object of this type contains four pieces of information:
the application specific UID
the full path name of the application DLL
the application's caption
a short caption; how this is used is up to the UI
Defined in TApaAppInfo
, InternalizeL()
, TApaAppInfo()
, TApaAppInfo()
, TApaAppInfo()
, iCaption
, iFullName
, iShortCaption
, iUid
IMPORT_C TApaAppInfo();
Constructs an empty application information object.
The full path name is empty, the captions are empty and the application specific UID is set to the null UID.
IMPORT_C TApaAppInfo(TUid aAppUid, const TFileName &aDllName, const TApaAppCaption &aCaption);
Constructs an application information object from the specified full DLL path name, UID and full length caption.
IMPORT_C TApaAppInfo(TUid aAppUid, const TFileName &aDllName, const TApaAppCaption &aCaption, const TApaAppCaption &aShortCaption);
Constructs an application information object from the specified full DLL path name, UID, caption and short caption.
IMPORT_C void ExternalizeL(RWriteStream &aStream) const;
Externalises the application information to a write stream.
IMPORT_C void InternalizeL(RReadStream &aStream);
Internalises the application information from a read stream.
TApaAppCaption iShortCaption;
The short caption for the application.