Link against: bafl.lib
class RTextBuf;
A simple class that encapsulates a text string.
As with the descriptor classes, the class sets a maximum length for the encapsulated string, which cannot be exceeded. The
class might be preferred to a descriptor in some circumstances as its maximum length can be increased (unlike a TBuf
), and it can be created on the stack (unlike an HBufC) .
Defined in RTextBuf
, MaxLength()
, RTextBuf()
, SetMaxLengthL()
, SetText()
, Text()
, Text()
, ~RTextBuf()
inline TPtr &Text();
Gets the text as a descriptor.
inline const TPtr &Text() const;
Gets the text as a descriptor.
inline TInt MaxLength() const;
Gets the maximum length of the text.
inline void SetText(const TDesC &aDes);
Sets the text. You must have set the maximum length appropriately first with SetMaxLengthL()
IMPORT_C void SetMaxLengthL(TInt aMaxLength);
Sets the maximum length of the text that the object can store.
Attempts to store text beyond the maximum length cause a panic, as with descriptors.
IMPORT_C void Close();