Link against: bafl.lib
class TLibAssocBase;
This is an implementation base class for TLibAssoc
Defined in TLibAssocBase
, IsNull()
, Set()
, TLibAssocBase()
, TLibAssocBase()
, iPtr
protected: inline TLibAssocBase();
Default constructor.
It sets the member TLibAssocBase::iPtr
to NULL.
protected: IMPORT_C TLibAssocBase(const RLibrary &aLib, TAny *aPtr);
Constructs the object taking the specified DLL and a class instance.
protected: IMPORT_C void Set(const RLibrary &aLib, TAny *aPtr);
Implements TLibAssoc::Set()
protected: static IMPORT_C void DoUnload(TAny *aThis);
Calls Close() on the associated DLL.
inline TBool IsNull() const;
Tests whether the pointer to the class instance is NULL.
protected: TAny * iPtr;
A Pointer to the class instance.