Link against: bluetooth.lib
class TBTAccessRequirements;
The access requirements set up by a bluetooth service.
An incoming connection must satisfy these criteria before the connection may proceed. Not spectacularly useful for applications; mainly used by other Bluetooth libraries
Defined in TBTAccessRequirements
, AuthorisationRequired()
, Denied()
, EncryptionRequired()
, PasskeyMinLength()
, SetAuthentication()
, SetAuthorisation()
, SetDenied()
, SetEncryption()
, SetPasskeyMinLength()
, TBTAccessRequirements()
, operator==()
IMPORT_C void SetAuthentication(TBool aPreference);
Sets the authentification requirement of this class.
IMPORT_C void SetAuthorisation(TBool aPreference);
Sets the authorisation requirement of this class.
IMPORT_C void SetEncryption(TBool aPreference);
Sets the encryption requirement of this class.
IMPORT_C void SetDenied(TBool aPreference);
Sets the denied requirement of this class. If this is set no connects will be accepted unless specified in the device overrides.
IMPORT_C TInt SetPasskeyMinLength(TUint aPasskeyMinLength);
Sets the minimal length requrement for passkey If it is between 1..16 SecurityManager will check the length of passkey
IMPORT_C TBool AuthenticationRequired() const;
Getter for the authentification attribute.
IMPORT_C TBool AuthorisationRequired() const;
Getter for the authorisation attribute.
IMPORT_C TBool EncryptionRequired() const;
Getter for the encryption attribute.
IMPORT_C TBool Denied() const;
Getter for the denied attribute.
IMPORT_C TUint PasskeyMinLength() const;
Getter for the minimal passkey length
IMPORT_C TBool operator==(const TBTAccessRequirements &aRequirements) const;
Equals operator.