Link against: bluetooth.lib
class TBTServiceSecurity;
The security settings of a bluetooth service.
Contains information regarding the service UID and the access requirements.
Defined in TBTServiceSecurity
, AuthorisationRequired()
, Denied()
, EncryptionRequired()
, PasskeyMinLength()
, SetAuthentication()
, SetAuthorisation()
, SetDenied()
, SetEncryption()
, SetPasskeyMinLength()
, SetUid()
, TBTServiceSecurity()
, TBTServiceSecurity()
, Uid()
IMPORT_C TBTServiceSecurity(const TBTServiceSecurity &aService);
Copy constructor
IMPORT_C void SetUid(TUid aUid);
Set Uid of the service - used opaquely by Bluetooth system.
When a security procedure is initiated the Uid may be given to the notifier framework. The notifier can then use the Uid to produce a displayable string detailing the service to which the security procudure pertains.
IMPORT_C void SetAuthentication(TBool aPreference);
Sets whether or not any connections to this service need to be authenticated.
Authentication involves the comparison of a stored link key. If no link key has been generated and stored (e.g. the remote device has never been authenticated before) then the user will be asked to enter a pin code. If authentication fails, the connection will not be permitted.
IMPORT_C void SetAuthorisation(TBool aPreference);
Sets whether or not any connections to this service need to be authorised.
A dialog will be presented to the user alerting them of the connection. This will occur for every connection to this service unless the user has explicitly expressed their trust for the remote device during a previous connection. Note: it should not be assumed that the UI will support the setting up of trust for remote devices.
IMPORT_C void SetEncryption(TBool aPreference);
Sets whether or not any connections to this service need to be encrypted.
Authentication must precede encryption, therefore it is recommended that SetAuthentication(ETrue) is also called. If encryption fails, the connection will not be permitted.
IMPORT_C void SetDenied(TBool aPreference);
Sets whether or not connections to this service are being denied to all but specified devices.
IMPORT_C TInt SetPasskeyMinLength(TUint aPasskeyMinLength);
Sets the minimum of passkey length for connection.
IMPORT_C TBool AuthorisationRequired() const;
Getter - return whether authorisation is required for this service
IMPORT_C TBool EncryptionRequired() const;
Getter - return whether encryption is required for this service.
IMPORT_C TBool AuthenticationRequired() const;
Getter - return whether authentication is required for this service.
IMPORT_C TBool Denied() const;
Getter - return whether denied for this service.
IMPORT_C TUint PasskeyMinLength() const;
Getter - return minimal passkey length requirement