Link against: cntmodel.lib
class CContactNamedRemoteView : public CContactRemoteView;
A named remote contact view.
This class enables multiple clients to share a named server side view. It also provides a function to change the sort order. If the sort order is changed, a notification is sent to all users of the named view.
- No description.
- An instantiable remote contact view class
- A named remote contact view
Defined in CContactNamedRemoteView
, ChangeSortOrderL()
, NewL()
, NewL()
Inherited from CContactRemoteView
Capability: | ReadUserData |
static IMPORT_C CContactNamedRemoteView *NewL(MContactViewObserver &aObserver, const TDesC &aName, const CContactDatabase
&aDb, const RContactViewSortOrder &aSortOrder, TContactViewPreferences aContactTypes);
Allocates and constructs a named remote contact view object.
This function causes a new named local view object to be created in the contacts server, unless one already exists with the specified name. In that case, this client is given shared access to it.
The sort order and view preferences parameters are only used if a new view object is created in the server. They cannot be
used to change the sort order or view preferences of an existing view in the server. If you want to re-sort a shared view,
use ChangeSortOrderL()
Capability: | ReadUserData |
static IMPORT_C CContactNamedRemoteView *NewL(MContactViewObserver &aObserver, const TDesC &aName, const CContactDatabase
&aDb, const RContactViewSortOrder &aSortOrder, TContactViewPreferences aContactTypes, const TDesC8 &aSortPluginName);
Allocates and constructs a named remote contact view object.
This function causes a new named local view object to be created in the contacts server, unless one already exists with the specified name. In that case, this client is given shared access to it.
The sort order and view preferences parameters are only used if a new view object is created in the server. They cannot be
used to change the sort order or view preferences of an existing view in the server. If you want to re-sort a shared view,
use ChangeSortOrderL()
Capability: | ReadUserData |
IMPORT_C void ChangeSortOrderL(const RContactViewSortOrder &aSortOrder);
Re-sorts the server side view using the specified sort order.
The sort is done using a low priority idle time active object. When sorting is complete, all view observers are notified.
Capability: | ReadUserData |
virtual TAny *CContactViewBase_Reserved_1(TFunction aFunction, TAny *aParams);
This is a reserved virtual exported function that is used for BC proofing against present and future additions of new exported virtual functions.