Link against: cntmodel.lib
class TContactTextDefItem;
An item in a text definition.
A TContactTextDefItem has a field type and an optional separator string with a maximum length of 4 characters.
Defined in TContactTextDefItem
, TContactTextDefItem()
, TContactTextDefItem()
, iFieldType
, iSeperator
IMPORT_C TContactTextDefItem();
Default constructor; initialises the field type to KNullUid.
IMPORT_C TContactTextDefItem(TFieldType aFieldType);
Constructs the text definition item with a field type.
IMPORT_C TContactTextDefItem(TFieldType aFieldType, const TDesC &aSeperator);
C++ constructor with a field type and a separator string.
TBuf< KMaxContactTextSeperator > iSeperator;
The string used to separate the fields in the text definition.