Link against: euser.lib
class RBusLogicalChannel : public RHandleBase;
The user-side handle to a logical channel.
The class provides functions that are used to open a channel to a device driver, and to make requests. A device driver provides a derived class to give the user-side a tailored interface to the driver.
- A handle to an object
- The user-side handle to a logical channel
Defined in RBusLogicalChannel
, DoControl()
, DoControl()
, DoControl()
, DoCreate()
, DoRequest()
, DoRequest()
, DoRequest()
, DoSvControl()
, DoSvControl()
, DoSvControl()
, Open()
, Open()
Inherited from RHandleBase
IMPORT_C TInt Open(RMessagePtr2 aMessage, TInt aParam, TOwnerType aType=EOwnerProcess);
Opens a handle to a logical channel using a handle number sent by a client to a server.
This function is called by the server.
IMPORT_C TInt Open(TInt aArgumentIndex, TOwnerType aType=EOwnerProcess);
Opens a logical channel handle using a handle number passed as an environment data item to the child process during the creation of that child process.
Note that this function can only be called successfully once.
protected: inline TInt DoCreate(const TDesC &aDevice, const TVersion &aVer, TInt aUnit, const TDesC *aDriver, const TDesC8
*anInfo, TOwnerType aType=EOwnerProcess, TBool aProtected=EFalse);
Creates the logical channel.
protected: IMPORT_C void DoCancel(TUint aReqMask);
Cancels one or more outstanding asynchronous requests.
All outstanding requests complete with KErrCancel.
protected: IMPORT_C void DoRequest(TInt aReqNo, TRequestStatus &aStatus);
Queues an asynchronous request for the device driver, taking no parameters.
The request is handled on the kernel-side by the logical channel's DLogicalChannelBase::Request()
Outstanding requests can be cancelled by calling DoCancel()
protected: IMPORT_C void DoRequest(TInt aReqNo, TRequestStatus &aStatus, TAny *a1);
Queues an asynchronous request for the device driver, taking one parameter.
The request is handled on the kernel-side by the logical channel's DLogicalChannelBase::Request()
Outstanding requests can be cancelled by calling DoCancel()
protected: IMPORT_C void DoRequest(TInt aReqNo, TRequestStatus &aStatus, TAny *a1, TAny *a2);
Queues an asynchronous request for the device driver, taking two parameters.
The request is handled on the kernel-side by the logical channel's DLogicalChannelBase::Request()
Outstanding requests can be cancelled by calling DoCancel()
protected: IMPORT_C TInt DoControl(TInt aFunction);
Makes a synchronous request to the device driver, taking no parameters.
This function does not return until the request has completed, successfully or otherwise.
protected: IMPORT_C TInt DoControl(TInt aFunction, TAny *a1);
Makes a synchronous request to the device driver, taking one parameter.
This function does not return until the request has completed, successfully or otherwise.
protected: IMPORT_C TInt DoControl(TInt aFunction, TAny *a1, TAny *a2);
Makes a synchronous request to the device driver, taking two parameters.
This function does not return until the request has completed, successfully or otherwise.
protected: inline TInt DoSvControl(TInt aFunction);