class TPtrHashMapIter : public THashTableIterBase;
A templated class which allows iteration over the elements of a RPtrHashMap<K,V> class.
The array being iterated over may not be modified while an iteration is in progress or the iteration operations may malfunction or panic.
- No description.
- A templated class which allows iteration over the elements of a RPtrHashMap
Defined in TPtrHashMapIter
, CurrentValue()
, NextKey()
, NextValue()
, RemoveCurrent()
, Reset()
, TPtrHashMapIter()
inline TPtrHashMapIter(const RPtrHashMap< K, V > &aMap);
Construct an iterator over the specified associative array. The iterator starts at conceptual position one before the beginning of the list being iterated.
inline const K *CurrentKey() const;
Return the key corresponding to the current position of the iterator.
inline const K *NextKey();
Steps the iterator to the next position and returns the corresponding key.
inline const V *CurrentValue() const;
Return the value corresponding to the current position of the iterator.
inline const V *NextValue();
Steps the iterator to the next position and returns the corresponding value.
inline void RemoveCurrent();
Removes the element at the current iterator position from the hash table. If the iterator does not currently point to a valid
element, no action is taken. Note that the iterator position is not altered so it no longer points to a valid element following
the Remove()
. It is illegal to call either CurrentKey()
or CurrentValue()
on the iterator after calling Remove()
- the only legal operations are Reset()
, NextKey()
or NextValue()