Link against: etext.lib
class TEtextComponentInfo;
Provides information about the number of components owned by an editable text object.
Components are fields and (rich text only), pictures and styles.
An instance of this class is returned by CPlainText::ComponentInfo()
and by CRichText::ComponentInfo()
Defined in TEtextComponentInfo
, TEtextComponentInfo()
, iFieldCount
, iPictureCount
, iStyleCount
IMPORT_C TEtextComponentInfo();
C++ constructor overloaded function.
The object can be constructed either:by default this initializes the field, picture and style counts to zerowith a field, picture and style count
IMPORT_C TEtextComponentInfo(TInt aFieldCount, TInt aPictureCount, TInt aStyleCount);
C++ constructor overloaded function. The object can be constructed either:
by default this initializes the field, picture and style counts to zero
with a field, picture and style count
TInt iStyleCount;
The number of styles owned or referenced by the text object (rich text only).