Symbian OS Library


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Location: f32file.h

Enum TFileMode



Access and share modes available when opening a file.

The access mode indicates whether the file is opened for reading only or writing. The share mode indicates whether other RFile objects can access the open file, and whether this access is read only. EFileShareReadersOrWriters is to be used where a client does not care if the file has been previously opened for ReadOnly or Read/Write access. If EFileShareReadersOrWriters is not used, a client needs to cooperate with other clients in order to open the file with the correct share mode, EFileShareReadersOnly or EFileShareAny, dependant on the share mode used when the file was first opened.

So, to open a file for reading and writing with read and write shared access, use:

_LIT(KFilename, "filename.ext");
RFile file;
file.Open(theFs, KFilename, EFileShareAny|EFileWrite);

If another instance of RFile tries to open this file in EFileShareExclusive or EFileShareReadersOnly mode, access is denied. However, it can be opened in EFileShareAny mode or EFileShareReadersOrWriters.

If a file is opened with EFileShareReadersOrWriters and the file is opened for sharing by another client then the file share mode is promoted to the new share mode. When the file handle is closed then the share mode is demoted back to EFileShareReadersOrWriters.

Table of FileShare promotion rules ---------------------------------- Client A Client B Resultant Share Mode -------- -------- -------------------- ReadersOnly ReadersOnly ReadersOnly ReadersOnly ReadersOrWriters|EFileRead ReadersOnly ReadersOnly ReadersOrWriters|EFileWrite INCOMPATIBLE ReadersOnly Any INCOMPATIBLE

ReadersOrWriters|EFileRead ReadersOnly ReadersOnly ReadersOrWriters|EFileRead ReadersOrWriters|EFileRead ReadersOrWriters ReadersOrWriters|EFileRead ReadersOrWriters|EFileWrite ReadersOrWriters ReadersOrWriters|EFileRead Any Any

ReadersOrWriters|EFileWrite ReadersOnly INCOMPATIBLE ReadersOrWriters|EFileWrite ReadersOrWriters|EFileRead ReadersOrWriters ReadersOrWriters|EFileWrite ReadersOrWriters|EFileWrite ReadersOrWriters ReadersOrWriters|EFileWrite Any Any

Any ReadersOnly INCOMPATIBLE Any ReadersOrWriters|EFileRead Any Any ReadersOrWriters|EFileWrite Any Any Any Any

Guidance for selecting FileShare mode with shared RFile objects --------------------------------------------------------------- EFileShareAny



Files may be opened in text or binary mode. Native Symbian OS application files are nearly all binary, (so they will usually be opened in binary mode). However, they can be opened in text mode (to support testing, and to make them compatible with text formats on remote systems). Symbian OS native text format uses CR-LF (ASCII 0x0d, 0x0a) to denote the end of a line. When reading, however, any combination of CR, LF, LF-CR or CR-LF is recognised as the end of a line. Where a remote file system uses a different format, it is the responsibility of the installable file system to present an interface for text files which conforms with this format.

The share mode may be OR’ed with either EFileStream or EFileStreamText.

Additionally, it may be OR’ed with either EFileRead or EFileWrite.


Exclusive access for the program opening the file.

No other program can access the file until it is closed. If another program is already accessing the file in any share mode, then an attempt to open it with an EFileShareExclusive will fail.


Read-only sharing.

This means that the file may only be accessed for reading. A file cannot be opened using a share mode of EFileShareReadersOnly with an EFileWrite flag.


Shared access for reading and writing.

This means that other programs may share access to the file for reading and writing with the program which opened the file.

When using this mode, the program is expecting another program to be able to write to the file, so is not compatible with EFileShareReadersOnly.


Shared access for reading and writing.

This means that other programs may share access to the file for reading and writing with the program which opened the file.

When using this mode, the program does not care if another program has the file open for read or write access.


For files to be opened in binary mode.


For files to be opened in text mode.


The file may be read from but not written to.


The file may be read from and written to

Cannot be combined with a share mode of EFileShareReadersOnly.


Specifies that an asynchronous read request should not be completed until all requested data becomes available.

Cannot be combined with the EFileShareExclusive or EFileShareReadersOnly share modes as this will prohibit a writer from updating the file.