A list of CFileMan
error codes.
See also:
ENoExtraInformation |
No additional error information is available, either because the latest CFileMan operation did not return an error, or if it did, the error was not one for which additional information is available.
EInitializationFailed |
A leave occurred while setting up the initial scan.
This indicates that the operation did not begin.
EScanNextDirectoryFailed |
A leave occurred while scanning the next directory in the course of a file management function.
This indicates that the operation did begin.
ESrcOpenFailed |
Error occurred when attempting to open the source file for a file copy or move.
ETrgOpenFailed |
Error occurred while attempting to create, or, if overwriting is in effect, replace the target file for a file copy or move.
ENoFilesProcessed |
The operation completed without processing any files because no matching files were found.