Link against: insock.lib
class TE64Addr;
The raw 64 bits of Modified EUI-64 address stored in network byte order.
Defined in TE64Addr
, AddrPtr()
, AddrPtrC()
, IsGroup()
, IsUniversal()
, IsZero()
, Match()
, Output()
, SetAddr()
, SetAddr()
, SetAddr()
, SetAddrFromEUI48()
, SetAddrRandom()
, SetAddrRandomNZ()
, SetAddrRandomNZButNot()
, SetAddrZero()
, SetGroupBit()
, SetUniversalBit()
, TE64Addr()
, TE64Addr()
, TE64Addr()
, TE64Addr()
IMPORT_C TE64Addr(const TE64Addr &aAddr);
Constructs an address with given value.
IMPORT_C TE64Addr(const TInt64 &aAddr);
Constructs an address with given value.
IMPORT_C TE64Addr(const TUint8 *aPtr, TUint aLength);
Constructs an address with given value.
IMPORT_C void SetAddr(const TE64Addr &aAddr);
Sets the address value.
IMPORT_C void SetAddr(const TInt64 &aAddr);
Sets the address value.
IMPORT_C void SetAddr(const TUint8 *aPtr, TUint aLength);
Sets the address value.
IMPORT_C void SetAddrRandom();
Creates a random address. The Group bit is set to 0. The Universal bit is set to 0.
IMPORT_C void SetAddrRandomNZ();
Creates a random non-zero address. The Group bit is set to 0. The Universal bit is set to 0.
IMPORT_C void SetAddrRandomNZButNot(const TE64Addr &aAddr);
Creates a random non-zero address that does not match the parameter address. The Group bit is set to 0. The Universal bit is set to 0.
IMPORT_C void SetAddrFromEUI48(const TUint8 *aPtr);
Reads and converts a value from EUI-48 (6 bytes).
IMPORT_C void SetGroupBit(TBool aBit=1);
Sets the Group bit to 1 by default.
IMPORT_C void SetUniversalBit(TBool aBit=1);
Sets the Universal bit to 1 by default.
IMPORT_C TBool Match(const TE64Addr &aAddr) const;
TRUE if the address matches given address.
IMPORT_C TBool IsZero() const;
TRUE if the address is a zero address.
IMPORT_C TBool IsGroup() const;
TRUE if the Group bit is set in the address.
IMPORT_C TBool IsUniversal() const;
TRUE if the Universal bit is set in the address.
IMPORT_C void Output(TDes &aBuf) const;
Writes the address into a string.
static IMPORT_C TUint AddrLen();
Returns the size of raw KAfEui64 content format.
IMPORT_C TUint8 *AddrPtr();
Returns a pointer to raw KAfEui64 content format.
IMPORT_C const TUint8 *AddrPtrC() const;
Returns a const pointer to raw KAfEui64 content format.