Link against: lbsselflocate.lib
class TPositionUpdateOptionsBase : public TPositionClassTypeBase;
The base class for classes storing position update options. The options specify an update interval that specifies a client's required frequency of position updates, an update timeout that specifies the length of time that a client is prepared to wait for a position update, and a maximum update age that specifies the maximum age of a position that is acceptable to a client.
- The base class for classes used to store position information
- The base class for classes storing position update options
Defined in TPositionUpdateOptionsBase
, SetMaxUpdateAge()
, SetUpdateInterval()
, SetUpdateTimeOut()
, TPositionUpdateOptionsBase()
, TPositionUpdateOptionsBase()
, UpdateInterval()
, UpdateTimeOut()
, iMaxUpdateAge
, iUpdateInterval
, iUpdateTimeOut
Inherited from TPositionClassTypeBase
protected: IMPORT_C TPositionUpdateOptionsBase();
Default constructor for TPositionUpdateOptionsBase
protected: IMPORT_C TPositionUpdateOptionsBase(TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds aInterval, TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds aTimeOut=TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds(0),
TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds aMaxAge=TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds(0));
Constructor for TPositionUpdateOptionsBase. Parameters aTimeOut and aMaxAge have default values of 0.
IMPORT_C void SetUpdateInterval(TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds aInterval);
Sets update interval
IMPORT_C void SetUpdateTimeOut(TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds aTimeOut);
Sets the update timeout. Setting this to zero means that a timeout does not occur.
IMPORT_C void SetMaxUpdateAge(TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds aMaxAge);
sets the maximum update age
IMPORT_C TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds UpdateInterval() const;
Returns the update interval
IMPORT_C TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds UpdateTimeOut() const;
Returns the update timeout
IMPORT_C TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds MaxUpdateAge() const;
Returns the maximum update age
protected: TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds iMaxUpdateAge;
The maximum update age