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Location: AVC.h

This item is not part of the S60 3rd Edition SDK for Symbian OS, Feature Pack 2.

Class TAvcVideoCapability

class TAvcVideoCapability;


This class is used to signal decoder or encoder capabilities or bitstream properties.


Defined in TAvcVideoCapability:
iProfileLevel, iSupplementalInformationCap

Member data


TInt iProfileLevel;


When used as part of a codec capability indication, iProfileLevel[ProfileIdc] indicates the maximum processing level that a decoder or an encoder supports for a particular profile set indicated by ProfileIdc (the indication is described below). A negative value indicates that the profile set is not supported. When used as part of a stream property indication, iProfileLevel[ProfileIdc] indicates the maximum processing level that is present in the stream for a particular profile set indicated by ProfileIdc. A negative value indicates that the stream does not contain data coded according to the indicated profile set.

ProfileIdc equal to 0 indicates that all of constraint_set0_flag, constraint_set1_flag and constraint_set2_flag are equal to 1, and profile_idc may indicate any of the profiles (baseline, main or extended). ProfileIdc equal to 1 indicates that constraint_set0_flag and constraint_set2_flag are equal to 1 while constraint_set1_flag is equal to 0, and profile_idc may indicate either the baseline or extended profile. ProfileIdc equal to 2 indicates that constraint_set1_flag and constraint_set2_flag are equal to 1 while constraint_set0_flag is equal to 0, and profile_idc may indicate either the main or extended profile. ProfileIdc equal to 3 indicates that constraint_set1_flag is equal to 1 while the other two flags are equal to 0, and profile_idc indicates the main profile. ProfileIdc equal to 4 indicates that constraint_set2_flag is equal to 1 while the other two flags are equal to 0, and profile_idc indicates the extended profile.


TUint32 iSupplementalInformationCap;


iSupplementalInformationCap indicates the supported supplemental enhancement functions. The value is a binary OR of values from TAvcSupplementalInformation.