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Location: H263.h

This item is not part of the S60 3rd Edition SDK for Symbian OS, Feature Pack 2.

Class TH263VideoMode

class TH263VideoMode;


This class is used to set the encoder operation mode.


Defined in TH263VideoMode:
iAllowedPictureTypes, iForceRoundingTypeToZero, iGOBHeaderInterval, iPictureHeaderRepetition

Member data


TUint32 iAllowedPictureTypes;


Specifies the picture types allowed in the bitstream. The value is a binary OR of values from TH263PictureType. Signaled picture types that are not included in the prevailing coding profile are ignored.


TBool iForceRoundingTypeToZero;


iForceRoundingTypeToZero equal to EFalse specifies that the value of the RTYPE bit (bit 6 of MPPTYPE) is not constrained. It is recommended to change the value of the RTYPE bit for each reference picture in error-free communication (subclause of ITU-T H.263 Recommendation). iForceRoundingTypeToZero equal to ETrue specifies that the value of the RTYPE bit shall be equal to 0 or that the RTYPE field shall not be present in the picture layer. It is recommended to set iForceRoundingTypeToZero equal to ETrue (and consequently RTYPE equal to 0) in error-prone communication as recommended in section 4.2.6 of H.263 Appendix III [R6] and [R7].


TUint iPictureHeaderRepetition;


Specifies the frequency of picture header repetition as specified in this paragraph. If iPictureHeaderRepetition is equal to 0, picture headers are not repeated. Otherwise, a picture header is repeated, if the value of the GFID syntax element is not equal to the value of the GFID syntax element of the previous picture in bitstream order. If EDuRtpPayload data unit encapsulation is in use, a picture header is repeated the number of times indicated by the value of iPictureHeaderRepetition in those RTP payloads of the picture where the P bit according to RFC 2429 [R8] is set equal to 1 and which do not contain the original picture header. If EDuElementaryStream data unit encapsulation is in use, the picture header is repeated once in the supplemental enhancement information of the next picture as specified in subclause W.6.3.8 of ITU-T Recommendation H.263 and section 4.2.6 of H.263 Appendix III [R6].


TUint iGOBHeaderInterval;


Specifies the interval of non-empty GOB headers in units of GOBs. The value of iGOBHeaderInterval is valid if no slice structured coding mode (Annex K or Annex V) is in use. If iGOBHeaderInterval is equal to 0 and an unlimited segment size is specified with the SetSegmentTargetSize method, the encoder should not generate GOB headers. If iGOBHeaderInterval is greater than 0 and an unlimited segment size is specified with the SetSegmentTargetSize method, the encoder should generate a non-empty GOB header for every iGOBHeaderInterval-th GOB. If SetSegmentTargetSize is used to set a limited segment size, the encoder should generate segments (i.e., insert non-empty GOB headers) so that the length of the segment is no larger than the target size in bytes and no larger than the GOB header frequency specified with the value of iGOBHeaderInterval.